It's funny sometimes hearing people's complaints about EX Ministries and my delivery. So many people have things to say and yet the bottom line is NEVER addressed. The bottom line being, "Is there a problem here that EX Ministries is addressing?" Are we making things up just to have something to talk about or are the pictures, articles, music, etc. full of antichrist messages? I've had people accuse me of slamming artists in the gospel music industry because I'm disgruntled that I couldn't get in it! Yeah that's right! We have done this prophetic body of work for all these years because I decided to talk against the industry that wouldn't give me a shot? That's funny! I am not homosexual by any means, so I have no desire to have homosexual relations to sell a CD. And what would the music industry give me that God hasn't already given me? Come on nay sayers, you gotta be smarter than that!

It's funny how a well known Bishop can have multiple allegations of manipulating young boys into having sex with him, yet he gets the "innocent until proven guilty" tag by the church. The church says "leave him alone" and "touch not God's anointed!". But when it comes to EX Ministries and the message I preach, I get no margin of error. If I make 1 mistake in 16 videos, it's time to throw out all of what I'm saying and everything I'm teaching is false! We have over 5 millions hits on our site, have sold tons of DVD's, and have seen hundreds of thousands saved, delivered, and set free and the things we stated down through the years have come true. Doesn't that count for anything folks? Good grief, can EX Ministries catch a break? LOL

Come on folks, this is getting ridiculous. I have received thousands of emails from folks that want to throw EX Ministries totally away because of 1 or 2 mistakes I may have made that weren't even real mistakes, but perhaps things spoken from the perspective of a NON Hip Hop preacher, preaching about Hip Hop. Folks tell me all the reasons why I am a false prophet and they give me no margin of error even though the information I share is real and true. Let's look at some of these things and see if we can reason together on them so you can understand why it was said and why it has nothing to do with the bottom line.

4. In Part 6, Detained for Entry. I didn't make a mistake, but rather, I purposely pulled a song apart. I stated that Drake has a song called "I invented sex" and I displayed the part of the song that Drake did. Well, I know the song is on Tre Song's CD and Drake just appeared on it. But do you know folks got up and left the building when I did this message in Arlington TX because they accused me of lying on Drake because I stated it that way? They emailed me and everything to say they are no longer following me because I lied and accused Drake of doing the song. How dumb! I'm glad they are no longer following me. I don't want to be followed by numb skulls. Drake is on the nasty song, but because it's not on his CD, does that make Drake ok? Come on folks. People act "ignant" when you come against their music!
5. Years ago, we stated that Afrika Bambataa was the founder of Hip Hop and there are 4 elements. Well, the Zulu Nation, Holy Hip Hop, and others have bombarded us by email to let us know that we were wrong. But we weren't wrong! The problem is that because the founders are still alive, they keep changing what Hip Hop is and was! Now, there are 5 founders, (curtis blow recently added) and some 12 elements because they keep making it up as they go. There is no way to keep up with that foolishness so we just state what is current at the time. Please folks, leave us alone about that!

Usually when we finish a DVD, we take it through a serious system of checks and balances. We check it out to make sure that it is the way God wants it. And usually, every error is found before it reaches the public because God will show us some way. Well, I asked God, why didn't he give me the information about PT Barnum being on MJ's CD cover 6 months after the DVD was released? God could have easily led me to that before we ever recorded the video. God spoke to me and said "you are human and you are flawed and I am the only one that is perfect!" I totally get it now. We can never appear like we know it all and we have all the answers all of the time. No matter how much research we do and how much we study, we are human so we will error. But praise God for Jesus who looks beyond our faults and errors, and sees the big picture! He can forgive our sins and forget our mishaps to salvage what's good for his use! I wrote a blog months ago stating that I am not perfect but the Gospel I preach is and that ministered to me. I had to realize that I can never live up to some folks idea of how I should be. All I can do is preach the Gospel and not compromise it in any way, and utilize God's grace in times of need. Without him we are nothing and with him, we can accomplish his goals for us.
So, thank you to those that have supported us down through the years. You have defended us knowing that God is using us. And for those looking for a reason to discount our message, keep looking! Hopefully one day you see that you are just like me, and if it takes perfection to preach the Gospel, then we all would have to be silent!
1Pet. 2:20 Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are beaten for doing wrong. But if you suffer for doing right and are patient beneath the blows, God is pleased with you.
With passion for the lost,
G. Craige Lewis
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»I don't know if I totally agree with your take on Christmas but you are definitely a man of God and I wish you were located in New Orleans because I would gladly follow you as you follow Christ. The years have proven you to have a prophetic voice and your call is without question. To quote the world,"forget the haters." And keep on giving us,the church, exactly what we need. Thanks! We appreciate your ministry!
Min. Lewis, keep on doing/being you (In the Lord). God has brought you this far..why would He leave you now. When i first heard your message of truth several yrs. ago. I instantly was a changed woman. Hallelujah! I now share this message of truth (your message) w/ all my friends & family. Don't let the enemy discourage you over some technicalities, but keep pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ. We love you and we're praying for you brother.
Well pastor G. Craige Lewis, I believe you and your ministry have done an outstanding job for the body of Christ. You are only human and you will make mistakes, but who doesn't. What's important is that your ministry is speaking the truths that everyone is afraid to say or think possible. There will always be those against you when you stand for Christ, whether your in the lime light or not. I say forget about them!! The favor of God is on your life and your ministry and I will continue to pray for you, your family & your ministry. Stay strong because there may be some people against you but I truly believe that there are many more people for you. God bless you!
How AMAZING is it that someone will get up and leave a church sermon...over a SECULAR ARTIST!!! So, they leave the sanctuary of the Most High God because a worldly, secular, sex-rapping artist (they feel) was misrepresented?
What will they say to GOD at judgement when he asks them why they left? What will be their answer?.... "I left because the minister wasn't accurate about my favorite Drake song"? .... Only so GOD can say to them... "So DRAKE was more important than I was"?
NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS would I be more concerned about the goings-on of man and his degenerate culture, over the Will of the Father!!! WHO - CARES - ABOUT - DRAKE??? WHO CARES!!!
EX Ministries.... please keep preaching the Word of God, and bringing lost souls out of the darkness. There ARE PEOPLE WHO LISTEN.... and who don't CARE whether it's a Drake's song or a Trey Songz Song... because we DON'T LISTEN TO ANY OF THAT GARBAGE!!! We are not these people's "fans" and we want to be informed, educated and delivered from this nonsense!
Luke 16:13
"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.
..... (and Drake).
~ jenaee
Keep up the good work Brother. Your Message has changed my life. God Bless!!!!!!
It's amazing how when we want to feel comfortable doing our own thing we will use ANY flaw that we find in an individual or an organization as an excuse to throw out truth that exposes our mess. I was not a believer in or a supporter of your ministry when i first heard about it because you were talking about artists and preachers that I enjoyed (such as Tonex and Bishop Jakes). I said some of the same things that you quoted folk as saying about how you were just mad that you didn't make it, so you were trying to become famous by attacking them. I had never seen even 1 of your dvds and I already had come to that conclusion. But after I actually sat and watched "Truth Behind Hip Hop" and "Exodus Into Egypt" in their entirety, I could not deny the truth of your message. What really got me was when the demon manifested in the young lady at the end of Exodus into Egypt. I said, "if what he's preaching is powerful enough for the devil himself to get upset and stirred up, there HAS to be truth behind it!" I have watched your ministry since then and basically EVERYTHING that you spoke prophetically concerning Tonex and everything else has come to pass. Keep on preaching the word sir. Those who are really hungry for Jesus, their eyes will be opened because he is with you.
If people will stop following and supporting you over a SECULAR musician, surely they have gone the way of Lot's wife! We who have eyes to see and ears to hear can clearly see what is going on in this generation and these lukewarm Christians continue to long for the things in this world. They will continue to "look back" and find themselves judged with this world that they don't want to let go of. Be encouraged Man of God and continue to declare the truth that the Lord gives you! Truth will ALWAYS have enemies and yes, some of them are those who claim to uphold it and live it! Be Blessed...
Remain in truth; walking in love as you do and the word will prevail. In these perilous times there are scoffers, and stiff-necked ones. Stay courageous and be shielded by the Blood of the Lamb.
I Appreciate your ministry! It Is of God! Bottom line! Even a fool can see that. (They just don't want to) It has proven itself to be a true ministry lead by God! I am behind you 100%! =)
hi , i must say that years ago around 1991 i went to this church and i had my baby daughter with me so she was acting up and i took her outside.That night a well known pastor was to preach so he brought his music, his entire music system and they started playing and singing this music which sounded like everyday music but the lyrics was change..so am out side the church and thinking this can not be right it is not of God....in the month of Dec 2010..my daughter came home and told me about... The truth about hip hop....i try to read all the material that Ex MINISTRIES PUT OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT WITH GOD...God will continue to bless and keep you guys..PLEASE CONTINUE WHAT GOD CALL YOU TO DO...SO G. Craige Lewis you may not be perfect but the GOSPEL YOU PREACH IS...
I am located in New Orleans like another person who posted a comment. It has become had for me to find a church home that will teach me about gods way rather than what the next person is wearing or what they are driving. I have been following you for almost a year now and I want to say I appreciate your words because my eyes have been opened to things around me as well as the music and televison influence on all of us at any age. Thanks and keep up the good work!
People that are looking for flaws will find them. The errors mentioned were so extremely irrelevant that it showed me how accurate your ministry truely is. If that's all they could find, you Must be doing something right. Your ministry is done in the spirit of excellence, I know God is proud to have an obedient servant who is fearlessly doing his work. You have MANY true christian supporters who are blessed by and supportive of this ministry. Thank you for all you do!
Brethre, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the "high calling" of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as many as be "perfect", be thus mined: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Phillipians 3:13-15. Continue to "RUN YOUR RACE". May the God of Heaven and Earth continue to BLESS this Ministry!!!! Amen and Amen
Hey don't take it personal GCraig, do you realize how many peoples lives you are touching? Part of my church and I just view detained for entry and we are thankful for your contributions and dedication. I personally have many of your sermons on my mp3 player and have became a stronger Christian. Stay up and I will continue to pray for you Jazzmine White Fresno CA
What leaders in the bible have not errored? With man there has to be a margin of error. Our Bishop (not the notorious mega bishop) always comes back and apologizes when he has said or done something wrong. To me it builds credibility- he can humble himself and admit that he made a mistake. You sure can submit better to a man that can tell you look, I am a mere man and I make mistakes. If those people in Arlington left - the never really were following. You said it yourself at the DVD Release the devil is mad because of part 6 - so he is turning up the heat. He knows he is being exposed and his time is limited. Don't be discouraged- none of those technical mistakes debunk any of the videos at all. We appreciate you listing the corrections, but we will still have our viewing parties in our home to help get some folk freed! We will just make sure to give them the updated corrections. If you had not released any DVD's...man our lives would be so much different, and we were living right when we got the CD's. Please continue on with your word of truth- God knows we need it. Let the folks walk out- why they defending the devil and calling the man of God a liar anyway? We commend and support you.
Pastor Lewis I'm glad you did this clarification, but I hate that you had to. you are HUMAN...and I remember showing the TTBHH at my house and so many ppl stopped me and said "Jay-Z didn't do that remix it was the mouse guy"...Which at the time i didn't know..all i said was...who cares Jay-Z has a song about LUCIFER...and he curses ,and talks dirty, and is lewd...so if this isn't his song..the only reason i can't make a distinction is because it looks like the work of his daddy!!! the DEVIL... i did know that that was Pt Barnum on the MJ and not Crowley...HOWEVER, you clearly made a case for the allegiance that he had with Crowley with the 777 arm band..and PT barnum was just a demon by trade..i mean that man was messed up...so if he wasn't a satanist..I'd be surprised. All these things are MINOR!!!!! and NOThing is false about the BIBLICAL teaching you give....so keep up the good fight of faith..and please don't forget the Devil in all this..I know that sounds strange to some..But the ENEMY is waiting for a foothole to try and turn your ministry upside down....we know this is the enemy..and that he si a liar and defeated foe! God bless!
First of all, I praise GOD for your ministry, the research, and THE TRUTH. I know that you are a REAL MAN of the MOST HIGH GOD and that what you preach and the DVDs you and your staff produce are REAL. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES, but as long as you are on JESUS side you have nothing to worry about. It doesn't matter rather it is P.T. Barnum on the cover or anyone else, if he and MJ were affiliated with the same Satanic worshipper (Alester Crowley) then it's still wrong...no matter what. The point people fail to miss is Association. If you associate yourself with the world then you are apart of the world and you are not a BELIEVER in CHRIST JESUS. "You can't serve two masters......" You can't listen, or hang out without any and everyone if you are TRULY attempting to live a saved life.I appreciate you bringing out the truth in all matters. Your ministry is what we need today. My belief is, "If you can't preach the gospel of JESUS CHRIST and people are not convicted, then you need to QUIT." Don't let what people say or e-mail you discourage from preaching the TRUTH. There are TRUE SAINTS of JESUS that are willing to hold your hands up so that the war will be WON. Breath, thank JESUS, and keep marching. The WAR is on. II Chronicles 20: 15,17
Right on brother!
Keep on , preaching brother , all these accusations are not just directed at you , but at all those who stand for the truth of God. Only carnal people would ,think that those few minor mistakes would be a cause for concern and worry more about their favourite artist, than the the actual truth message being preached. keep keeping the faith brother.
Your intentions are honorable G. Craige as well as sincere. I don't look for you to be perfect or else you would then be false. As we who are Christ's KNOW only He is perfect. God bless you and your family. Thank you for being a willing vessel.
Keep up the Great Work that ur doing.....thks for opening our eyes to the darkness that's stealing the minds of our youths.....forget the haters.....we got ur back down here in Trinidad and Tobago.
Min Lewis, We all make mistakes, just shake the dust off brotha. People get upset when you touch their idols. As you know they will not endure sound doctrine if you for got to put the dot on the I. Pure foolishness. Keep preaching exactly what you are preaching you are in my eyes and God's eyes a true prophet according to the word of God. The things that God give you come to pass. Oops is that good grammar?? If not please disregard this comment :)Zerry
Pastor Lewis, be encouraged brother. It is only when one is doing Kingdom work that great opposition arises. Even from those you were hoping to help (the saints). We make mistakes and what you said about how God replied to you was very true. It even spoke to me. It is in this truth that we remain humbled, cognizant of his mercy and totally dependent upon HIM.
I have noticed in life when bold statement full of truth are made, sometimes only an affirmation (a nod, amen), nothing more is in order. When others are uncomfortable the statement of truth however, they are very careful to nitpick out of a need to just say something. Yes, glaring inaccuracies should be addressed but, brother Craige, I don't believe that is the issue. The Lord's message still comes through you. I believe that these things are distraction because the ministry of ex ministries is so effective, Glory to God.
1 john 4:6 says "We are of God: he that knoweth God hearth us; he that is not of God hearth not us. Hearby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error." My prayers are with you now more than ever. The word coming forth from ex ministries as of recent is really ruffling folks feathers. I pray for your protection, grace, peace and the mercy of God to rest with you. In Jesus name.
Pastor, KEEP PREACHING THE TRUTH. Rather in season or out of season. In spite of these very minor errors, the message still gets across. Amazing how people are bold enough to do their mess but, when it is addressed openly, it is a problem.We are living in that day where the word of God is being fulfilled and people are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of GOD. Your message is being received and God will get the glory rather people recieve it or not. Holiness is still right and at the end, that will be the only thing to stand. Im praying for you Pastor, that your faith fail not and, that you continue to fight the good fight of faith. Be blessed in the Lord
Elder G Craige Lewis, first and foremost may God continue to give you the boldness and the courage to preach such unpopular message. I pray that you will continue to be obedient to God and let him use you for His glory. I have all your tapes and we are showing them to our congregation so their eyes may be opened. Remember that there were many who walked with Jesus, but left Him because they thought His teaching was too hard for them. People better wake up and see what is going on because the Lord is around the corner and if we do not bow down willingly we will bow forcefully. Let he that hath ears to hear let him hear. The devil is a liar and the truth is not in him, he'll always try to distort the truth and deceive those who he can deceive. But we know the truth and as result it will set us free. Keep up the good fight of faith and let the Lord fight your battle.
Oh I see... You approve the blogs first and post the ones you want the public to see... I got it. Just so you know, I'm not against you or your ministry. I am actually proud you have remained faithful all these years. I was blessed years ago when I first saw TBHH1 and some of the DVD's that followed. I have been away from the site for awhile and am just confused about all this. However, I will continue to pray for you, your family, and your ministry.
Katie Williams, Indy
"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Luke 6:26) If the devil and his children wasn't coming against EX Ministries I would think something was wrong. I remember the people wanted to push Jesus off a cliff but He turn to them and walked right between them...God truly hs all power in His hand! Our God is an awesome God!
Thank you Pastor Lewis for doing what God called you to do. I have followed your ministry for a long time and I have watched over the years how things you have prophesied about have come to pass. I am praying for you, your family and your ministry.
Pastor Lewis Jesus himself said that the world will hate you. As long as God is pleased with you, what the world says doesn't matter. Your job is to spread the Gospel. If people choose not to listen, then shake the dust from your feet and move on. I know that you are a true man of God because your fruit bears witness. My and my husband's walk with Christ have grown and our lives have been changed by what God has done through your ministry. We will continue to support EX Ministries. God bless you sir and all those who work along side you.
Those errors are just plain non-senses. The point of the whole message is to point out the problems in todays music and how the enemy is operating. We Christians have known this for years. What G. Craige is pointing out is a new breed of the same thing that has been there from the jump. Satan! I knew when he preached those particular messages that he made a mistake on a couple of things. but those mistake were more like typos not mistakes. The situation is still the same with or without the errors. G. Craige keep on preaching because I'm listening.
I think you are doing an exceptional job. Continue doing what God leads you to do. If HE allows a "mistake" to be printed or taped don't worry it will work itself out... everything you've said has been true and verified thus far... but remember the old saying "the truth hurts". It hurst people where you hit them with the truth... christians or not and instead of accepting the truth and changing they'd rather run from it. Keep lifting up the standard.
I can't understand how people who calle themselves Christians listen to secular music? There has to be a change when you say that you want to serve only the Lord. I know so many people who have secular songs as tingtones on their cell phones and I am like, why??? if you want to be totally n the world go that route, but you can't serve God and man at the same time. These people walking out because of an artist? Why were there anyway of they wanted to hear the truth. Do they think that it would be some watered down message and a concert afterwards? Stay at home if you don;t want to endure the sound doctrine. Pastor Lewis, keep preaching the WORD. There people have their heaven on earth, but your eternal works for GOD will endure you and His peple forever!!!
Your Preaching Truth Pastor, people who want truth receive it - people who don't want it find any reason to reject it or discredit it!
It's amazing what people will use as an excuse to be sinful! We all make mistakes, not that the ones mentioned in the blog are anything to EVEN get up in arms over.
I know that Pastor Lewis and his ministry has been a blessing in my life and that of my family.
Pastor Lewis, you've shined a light on things that MANY churches are NOT discussing...
We all know that when you're doing God's work the devil and his followers will try to discredit you...
Just keep following the Lord...HE always leads us the right way...and in the end only his opinion of the work you've done will matter or stand...
Thank you Pastor Lewis for that word. It is very encouraging and such an eye opener. Your ministry has been a blessing to myself, my family, and my church. Keep following Christ! God bless you!
It makes my heart glad to see there is someone other than myself willing to put his life on the line for the sake of the gospel. This is one sign of a real preacher. A real Christian knows death is his friend and he will live, again. A phony just talks the talk with no walk. Another sign of a real preacher, he will be criticized by the world and so-called carnal Christians. Even with the little criticism you have you are blessed. Here are some reasons: 1. Over 5 million hits with this type of preaching (a rarity in this time and day)usually, only phonies get that many. 2. Your materials are being sold. Means the ministry is being supported and not out of your own pocket. 3. You are hated, which means you are doing something right. 4. I love your ministry. I despise false prophets. I have never like Jakes, Long, Olsteen, Copeland and others, THE HOLY GHOST protected me.
Thanks be to Father God for YOU Minister Lewis! I have just finished viewing volume 3 last night. I plan to continue including your ministry in my status on Facebook. Thank You Father God that unGodly people are walking out on your message! If the world loves you, then something is truly wrong. I know that it is a lonely road that you are traveling! There is NO ONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET who is preaching the message that God is giving you! Father God entrusted this message to you for a reason! Know that I have been praying for you, and many, many others are doing the same. I feel lonely at times also, because it seems as if no one else sees what the Holy Spirit is showing me. Just remember that you have UNCONDITIONAL love from Father God, your wife, and your children. STAY STRONG BROTHER LEWIS! W.E. N.E.E.D. Y.O.U.
Thank you pastor for all the hard work that you do and being a vessel for God to use and preach his word. I wish you would come back to virginia soon. This area really needs a revival and preachers who really want to preach the bible. I've had to leave 4 churches in the last few months. It seems without fail within the first visit or the 2nd visit they were promoting hip hop and secular artist. Im trying to find a church home but Im not having any luck, even the most popular churches in my area are promoting hip hop. In Hampton roads even one of the most popular pastors who is on twitter proudly comparing his son to Jayz and promoting beyonce in the church. Saying why would god want to hear his horrible voice when he can hear beyonce sing. Then another church did a jayz beat with gospel lyrics and I tried to tell them how it was wrong. They just told I didnt understand that it was that song that saved them, and I asked them isnt that suppose to be Jesus job and not jayz song that saved you? they told me that I was confused and there was nothing wrong with jayz. They even knew about you and they said you were a fake preacher and they protest you when you come to hampton roads. So sad I just cant find a good church in my area who is on fire and really wants to live and share the word of God. I really need it too so I guess for now its just my family and I reading the bible together. If you know of any good ministers you can recommend in southern virginia please let me know.
Hi My Brother;
You be encouraged! If the devil could He would decieve the very Elect. The Body of Christ is suffering, We've removed the line between Worldliness & Godliness. I wished I had the Strong support that you have; I would do it the same way. If I ever get to meet you on this side of the of the Kingdom. I'll embrace you as a
"General who knows how to use his Sword".
A soldier down
Bishop L. Kerns III
They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us, because if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But they went out from us to demonstrate that all of them do not belong to us. -1 John 2:19
Sorry you had to wast time typing this blog.
This is all simple folks.
We are forgetting that there is a spiritual war going on. We must pray that the truth continue to be told, for it will free the slaves of those who serve it. The truth and love of Christ set captives free. Thank You G Craig. I recommend you that you contrast more with the word of God and righteousness VS exposing the artists. If they do not feel that they need to change, they won't change. Pls pray for me also that I find my way out of the pull of darkness. I am backsliding. Pls help me.
It's amazing, how people have let the devil twist their minds. They believe a lie before the truth. Why? because it's easier. Minister Lewis I Thank God for you and your ministry. God has given you an AWESOME MINISTRY! Keep doing what God gave you to do, and that is EXPOSE the devil. If these people that are defending the devil would stop and use the brain God gave them, and just think: How you gonna be in heaven...then get kicked out!
Now he wants his place back! What sense does that make?! So Minister Lewis, to all the non-believers, A STUPID IS, IS A STUPID DOES!
Sir, you are a true man of God and we are thankful that you continue to be willing and obedient to the Word of God as you carry his Word forth. If you didn't make mistakes, then you could claim perfection and we know that none of us are that. The information that you share has been so enlightening to those of us in the body of Christ and we continue to lift you in prayer.
Dear G. Craige Lewis: I came across your message on YOU TUBE. I think that it is riveting. Obviously, you have done very thorough research for all of these matters. I did not know a lot of this information that was contained in music. But, I hope to order some DVDs soon. Well, maybe you just misspoke a few words, so what? It is still a most informative message. I do think, however, you should be careful and not let your website be a gossip fence!
Well Pastor Lewis, I have been supportive of your ministry for a couple of years now and I just want to encourage you to keep doing what you do. I myself have even come under some persecution for not only standing for Christ but for standing behind you and your ministry, I remember not too long before you guys did the live recording for the TTBHH Part 6 my aunt told my mother that we should stop listening to you, and I just thought that was the enemy because we were praying for you all constantly, and I thought that what she said was interesting because she doesn't even know you or follow your ministry...But my mother and I will continue to support you no matter what people may say or how they may try to come against your ministry!!
G. Craig...Sometimes The Lord Allows Small Errors In Content So When The Other Critics Come, The Exposer To The Overall Truth Will Win their Hearts...See All That Truth In One Place Is Touching Some Critics Heart Who Will Never Admit It...The Holy Spirit Is Allowed To Move When Truth Is Revealed...He Power Is Perfected In Our Weakness...CHRISTWINDS.ORG
I haven't seen part 6 but I can't wait to see it. You are human as well as everyone else. Keep doing what you're doing I will continue to follow you as you follow Christ. Praying for the haters of EX Ministry... God bless :)
Keep exposing satan's work brother! The people who are bothered by your ministry are people who do not want to let go of the world! There is a thirst and hunger for your ministry. Everyone I show your videos to ask me where is your church so they can join. Be encouraged brother! You are in my prayers.
Pastor Lewis, I bless God for you. Finally a man of God who is not afraid to preach the truth. Don't let nothing and no one stop you from doing what God has appointed you in this season to do!
Most of my children and myself, have completely come out of all music for now (until God leads us otherwise) and have also come out of the "mega church" until the Lord leads us to a church where his Word is spoken as truth without lies and extra additions. We have the complete Truth Behind Hip Hop series, and we plan to get every other dvd that is out that we don't currently own. We listen to the broadcast preaching every Sunday and we would just like to encourage you to continue on this ministry no matter what is thrown your way--stay faithful for He is faithful. We are praying that you also do a Truth Behind Secular Music altogether, but understand that this is the chosen ministry under which the Lord has called you and is using you. Please be encouraged to continue on because the days just grow more and more evil and most people are oblivious, or act oblivious to the truth.
Many Blessings in Jesus' Name!!!
Stay in the race, don't give up. I appreciate your willingness to STAND against ALL odds.
G-Craige keep coming with the Truth your TTBHH part 1 saved my life. Your obedience to God is making a huge difference.
Thank you for the clarification. Surely you are not the first to make a mistake behind the pulpit but at least you have integrity t make the corrections. The meat of the message is still the same. When people are stubborn about their belief, doesn't matter how much evidence you put out there...even if it's scripture.
i enjoy what you minister. i would however like to hear a breakdown of gospel music that is good. there is so much negativity in the world and it is good to be aware of what you are allowing in your spirit, but what about good things? there is a shock value to what you minister and even if you are right on many levels, how will you win those same hip hop artists to Christ? it is not by putting them down, it's through love and truth. many Pastors have made mistakes in pulpits and came back to repent...it's human nature. but when you mis-judge someone it comes across as self-righteous and some ppl walk away.lastly, i don't think you should compare how society views others in comparison to you. everyone has their own cross...just know that as you work as unto God your rewards are stored up in heaven. your battle is the Lord's, he will repay those who put their mouths on you! be blessed! all i here is global! the way music has spread all over the world to other countries/languages so will your message. ppl need this truth.
Brother Lewis, you have nothing to prove. The gospel has already been proven. Continue to follow what God has anointed you to do. Everyone is'nt going to heaven and everyone will not be delivered, "We perish for lack of knowledge". We perish because we don't know God for ourselves. "LET HIM THAT HAVE AN EAR HEAR" When I heard your message several years ago, that same night I took heed. And because I did strongholds and soul ties were broken off of myself and my children. Generational curses were broken in my family. So woe unto them that don't take heed to the message God has given you. Stay blessed!!!
.............I'm glad you messed up. And I'm glad you were not so PRIDEFUL to keep acting like you didn't. It makes for a better minister. I just had a small altercation with family members, and I couldn't figure out what went wrong. I was trying not to be prideful and even admitted I made a mistake and repented, but now my cousin is still not speaking to me and I don't really want to speak to my sister. In all, after reading your post, I understand it. Every single step of my life since I have heard about you and your ministry, your words from God have led me. I actually think its freaky how when I need an answer your daily word, dvd, or blog gives not only an answer, but addresses my specific situation and every detail about it. All I can say is, Only GOD!!......be Encouraged
Praise God for you Elder Craige for your diligence in standing up for the truth. Through your ministry, my eyes have been opened a lot about the spiritual realm. My heart get overjoyed when I see people as yourself standing up for Christ no matter what. You continue to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord...knowing that your labor in Christ is not in vain.
Elder Lewis,
I have been a supporter of your ministry, maybe not financially but, I have been keeping track of you for about 5 or 6 years now. I have even shot you an e-mail sending you some material to look into for one of your Hiphop messages. The work that God has you doing is amazing. I too have had a great falling away in the audience that I have been ministering too. I have my own blog site and I have lost many friends for preaching the Gospel. I find it amazing how when there is somebody who is well versed in the scripture, not just the letter but the living as well, people want to call them a false prophet/preacher/evangelist/pastor because the message doesn't line up with what their life says. They never make the leap to the fact that the Gospel doesn't cater to you, you are supposed to cater to the Gospel. I have definitely experienced the small "margin of error." All we can do is keep pressing toward that mark forgetting about those things that are behind. God bless you and if you get a chance please visit my site at http://www.come-to-jesus.weebly.com.
God bless you man of God!
You are a blessing to the body of Christ!!!
I will continue to pray with you
Sauls Crusades Ministries
someone once told me that all press is good press!
I'm glad folk taling about you, only because I know the power of word of mouth.Truth be told I hard about ex ministries from somebody that want saved but thought that it was worth checking out and look where we are today. In conclusion continue to put out the hits. See ya soon.
I just got to look at this series on the truth about hip hop and I wish that I known it sooner. Good teaching on this subject. It has me talking to friends bout this. My prayers ate with you.
Elder Craige, think it not strange. Of course, they are going to try to find something, that's what satan does. All these people having a problem with this, are people who enjoy sinning, and when you call them out, they get "mad". I know, sometimes, in your human flesh you want to just say, "why are they just lying and hate the truth". But, the Lord said, they would hate you, because they hated Him first. You are doing God's will, and we all must do it, even when it means people will talk about you, imprison you and even kill you, because you speak truth. We are living in a time when people put more compassion on saving an animal than human life. Your reward is great, we are to encourage eachother, keep speaking boldly, that's where I am now. No more time to play little silly games, of people pleasing. God bless you, brother
Glad you posted a blog like this brother Lewis. It's really foolish of people to walk out, and yet stay around when "Drake" and these guys talk about nastiness, SMH, nonsense. I really enjoyed the part about God ministering to you as well. Me and my family will keep you and EX Ministries in prayer. We're loving Detained For Entry.
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction and understanding. (Proverbs 23:23) Brother Lewis, you have and will continue to pay a price for the truth that you embrace! The wisdom that you share; the instructions that you give to Christians to study the Word of God for ourselves while paying attention to what is going on around us and the understanding that you impart by way of the Holy Spirit that we might not be deceived is just what the Body of Christ needs. Be encouraged and don't get side tracked or lose your focus because of a few more lies that have been told on you or a few more false accusers that come against you. They persecuted Christ and the prophets that came before you so count it all joy when they treat you likewise. It is CHRIST that is being persecuted, so let that flesh die some more so that CHRIST can continue to live through You. Blessings upon you!
Evangelist Lewis, the name Ishmael means war and is about doing things in the flesh; while the name Isaac means laughter, doing things God's way. Do not be intimdated by the Ishmaels of this world, you keep on laughing and allow God to have full control in your life. You are a blessing to me and often use your tachings to bless others. Keep the faith, brother!. God is on your side.
I am still a supporter of your ministry we are all humans we will make mistakes only God is perfect.
Be blessed. Stay humble. Today people have itching ears, they don't want to hear the truth. They love the mess they are in and want things sugar-coated. I am glad you do not comply. I am glad you are not willing to say things to be popular and honored by men.
Please continue on the path God has set for you. We all make mistakes and some would rather die then let that be known.
Thank you for your honesty and humility to admit when you make mistakes. When you are not received, continue speaking as the Spirit gives you utterance, and as for the rest, shake the dust off your feet and keep it moving.
The enemy knows he only has a set time and is trying to deceive as many as will entertain him.
Be bless. pajc
I agree with the sister that stated who would leave during a sermon over a secular artist. WOW that shows EXACTLY were they are.
The word of God which is the truth is sharper than a two edge sword, so I believe it was doing just what it was suppose to and some couldn't handle that. But I pray that they will come to their senses and turn toward the truth.
NO ONE LOVED secular music like I USE TO. But the moment I ran across G.Craig it changed my life forever. Brother Lewis keep stead fast in the Lord and in the power of His Might. Its going to take His might because it is clear YOU have been chosen to take the road less traveled. But a road that you have to go so souls can be saved and changed!!
You may some day preach and all but one is left standing YOU! but the diffrence is from you and those that walked out is they tucked tail and ran out on God.
You chose to stand even if you are the only one left. All of His Words are coming to pass. Some are just looking for a word that's going to leave them alone but Gods Word won't do that, He loves us too much to leave us alone. I'm so glad He didn't leave me alone even when in my ignorance wanted Him to. Bless you brother..
Keep Preaching brother,even Jesus were been called Baal when he was preaching.so,continue what God has put in heart.
My problem is I don't have time to translate your message for my relatives from my country,I think to buy all your dvds when go back tomy country,I need my cousins and nephews,uncles,anties,brothers and sisters get saved.I know they need this message.
Praise Jesus Saints of the Most High God!,
After reading your blog Minister Craige G. Lewis, you are justified by faith, so keep preaching the Word of God. "Be instant in season and out of season." These accusations are false because they who made them are serving a false god. So they will see falsely. The enemy wants to discourage you, but be of good cheer your Father, Jesus, overcame the world, and so are you. As my Mother-in-Law says, "THIS IS NOT THE WORK OF MAN, BUT THE WORK OF GOD! Brother Lewis, you, are exposing SIN in these people who don't know Jesus and some never knew him. The Lord is using you to expose the hidden things of dishonesty, so that the scales can fall from the eyes of others. Thus, they can be free from the bondage of Hip-Hop. Hip-Hop music is demonized. And the point is, if you want to be demonized then listen to Hip-Hop. But if you want the mercies of God to deliver you and set you free, then REPENT and DENOUNCE the hidden things of dishonesty, and Jesus will abundantly pardon you. O, yea! for the record, from the first time you recognized the mistake and began to clarify it, you were forgiven. Minister Graige G. Lewis continue to "fight the good fight of faith..." because the love of Jesus is all in and over you.
You, your family, and the saints that are standing with you are Blessed!
The Truth HURTS. That's the bottom line. God forgives mistakes, but He won't forgive those who turn their backs on Him all in the name of MUSIC/RECORDING ARTISTS, how absurd is that! You cannot reason with those who do not think logically. What do you get financially out of exposing the truth? Nothing. Your reward is in Heaven. God is pleased, and nothing or no one else matters. And when mistakes happen, which they will, address them and move on! Preach on my brother in Christ!
Be of good CHEER, Brother Craig for well doing, if God is pleased with your action, nothing else matter.
This is exactly what Jesus meant by "take up your cross and follow Me." It means to keep standing up for his name no matter how many people reject you. I will keep you and your ministry in my prayers.
Umm, my pastor made a mistake one day and said Peter in stead of Paul. his words got mixed up, but we didn't make a big deal about it. He corrected it and we moved on. why are these saints of God or whoever they are getting mad about these secualar things in the 1st place? Why even attend or watch these messages if they dont agree? thats just backwards. Minister Lewis, your ministry helped me come out of a sorority full of lesbians and I AM SOO THANKUL FOR THE TRUTH!!! i am stronger today than i have ever been and i depend on God before i make decisions. and by God's standards, you are alright with me!
Praise Jesus first I have to say I know your a man of Jesus. People get upset when you talk about their God. Also yes as a human being you may make a mistake but mistakes and sin is two totally different things. Sin is being completely disobedient to the laws of Jesus. Mistake is you go get red Orange paint for your wife when she wants red. No more excuses!!!People just want to live anyway and call it god. It's sad that you even have to address this. These artist ,false preachers,and etc... Are bogus if they are preaching anti-Christ messages or singing them. We always quote scripture I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. But when it comes to being obedient to his word all the time even the time when no one else is around. Then things change. Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. Keep that mind and all will continue to go well because this life isnt about who we are but who we serve either Jesus or Satan. Choose Ye this day whom Ye will serve.My brother in Christ your doing great work.
Your brother in Christ
Minister Lewis, Its hard for people to face the truth, so they choose to live a live. I am a strong believer that the truth shall set you free. Keep doing what your doing and your work is not in vain. Find no need to explain yourself because without the holy ghost their eyes will remain blind.
"Without faith it is impossible to please God"(Hebrew 11:6). My brother I am sure those who walked out was just trying to find an excuse to go back to the way they were living. It's all part of ministry. I remember times that we had many kids in our youth group and times, like now, very few if any show up. It was so bad that the when the youth pastor was told that the reason they don't send their kids is because they don't see me every Sunday. People are looking to not only get out of following Christ but for opportunity, when confronted with truth, to blame others for their irresponsible actions. I read and saw all comments about you merchandizing the church and false prophet and have come to this conclusion. I am looking for people crazy about Jesus! Ex is crazy and you point to Jesus! We will continue to pray for those who are making these accusations and keep moving. If we are all on the same team, than we must find common ground through Jesus. God is not a respecter of persons. How can a kingdom fight against itself? Only God holds the keys and the answer is in His word, and Holy Spirit. Hope to see you back in Chicago soon. Looking forward to part 7.
Your Brother in Christ!
GOD is using you to tell the truth and preach his uncompromised WORD-so continue pleasing GOD and forget about man! They cursed Jesus, they called him a liar and all funny names under the sun-so if you are truly in HIM they will do the same they did to HIM! but keep up the faith and carry out the GOD given mandate! Blessings in Abundance-Sindi, South Africa
AMJ said ... I love your ministry, keep telling the world the truth,because before it's over if they didn't believe they will. It's Heaven or Hell and I want to go to Heaven. I have let young and old view your dvd's the word is spreading. The Lord is truly smiling on you.
Keep your head up and do what the Lord has allowed you to do. Everyone makes mistakes. Like you said, you are human. People are just mad at the truth.
I Praise God for you and a heart to set us free. Keep doing what you do.
Praise God for you and keep doing what you do. Set us Free!!
you argin of error gone be slim cause you constantly vcallin someone gay or drag queens... what do you expect when you always blastin someone, do you have any pending court cases or things people trying to place on you???? and you ant people to let up on you get over it, it come with what you do!!!!!!!!!!!! if God told you to do it all this lashing out and being bitter needs to go, if God is with you walk in it stop all the trippin, if he not then be worried!!!!!!!!1
The only thing that comes to my mind is Luke 6, Matthew 5, and John 14. When we do these works for God, the world will attack us. They did it to Jesus. Jesus tells us that we are blessed when these things happen and to rejoice. The world is just doing what it is supposed to do. The world loves its own, but it is our job to pray for them. We don't want to see anyone lost. Like God told Isaiah in cahpter 58 "CRY ALOUD, SPARE NOT, LIFT UP THY VOICE LIKE A TRUMPET, AND SHEW MY PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSION, AND THE HOUSE OF JACOB THEIR SINS." You have sounded the trumpet so the blood is not on your hand. Keep following Jesus. Keep building up your treasures in Heaven. I'm praying for you, Brother.
I thank GOD the FATHER that HE is using you to spread the word; opened eyes, and minister to your brothers, and sisters in CHRIST, and some that are not quite there yet. It is great that you have the strength of our GOD to be able to look past the comments of the blind, and continue the work our FATHER has trusted you with. Stay strong my brother in the name of JESUS!
Those people that are looking for something wrong with the message are not ready or willing to accept the truth. People will do anything to try to be comfortable with their sin. The message that God has given you has truly been a blessing in not only my life but my entire family's life. Thank you for never backing down and continuing to spread the truth!
All I can say and only need to say is
Thank God 4 U!!
Paster Lewis, Thank you for following Jesus Christ! Over the years as I raised my children I have always felt disturbed by some music and would not permit it in the home. My local church also taught us to use God's word to monitor everything that we take into our gates. Your details and study just comfirmed how dangereous and comforting music can be. The truth is the only way even when not popular. Be encourage my brother and keep up the good work!!!!
God bless you and your family.continue speaking the TRUTH.when are you coming to my country.Trinidad.
Don't be worrying about what people are saying. If God said it, then it is done. You got to be like Jeremiah. Don't be dismayed at their faces and what they are saying. Do what God said do and keep it movin'
You know from the 1st video that I watched (I did not see them in order) it was like a revelation that opened my eyes to what I did not, could not or maybe I was just to mislead to see. I know many times during your videos you say "look it up" or "Google it". So why not look it up and if the info is wrong then inform of the right info. Also you have to be receptive to what the message was. If you are not listening then you won't hear it.
I for one thank you for enlightening me. I want you to keep enlightening me and others. The Devil is a liar, you keep telling the TRUTH!
again, thank you for continuing to preach the truth, for all the ppl who are against you, there are just as many who are for you and ex ministries, because you wont back down, and you continue to preach the truth in spite of persecution. everybody doesnt wanna hear flowery messages all the time, and get all you can from God, rah, rah, rah, there are still ppl in the world who want to hear the truth because we dont want to be in bondage, so again, thank you for being obedient to God, and i fully support you.
A little Food for thought:
EZEKIEL 33:1-5,6 NIV
The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men,(Pastor G.Craige Lewis) and make him their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, 4 then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.
P.S. "Let the church say: "AMEN!
Elder G. Craige Lewis! I have been following you as you followed Christ since i first heard you at the NIYC in Baltimore, Maryland in December 2002. When you study something for twelve years that the Lord gave you and you present it to the people, you are going to have naysayers. Keep doing what the Lord has told you. You opened my eyes on a lot of things and I thank you for letting the Lord use you. I enjoy the fact that you stick to your word. If you make mistsakes on certain things, you are human like we all are. It is a differnce in a mistake and flat out sinning which a lot of these promote and claim to love Jesus also. When certain gospel rappers wanted to debate what the Lord told you you said no, the Lord gave it to you what is there to debate. Enjoy you and enjoy the EX Daily word. Blessings to you and your family and staff.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Philippians: 4:13, 19
Anita J. Portage, IN
Minister Lewis....I have follow your ministry going on eight years now...and once I read the information..I do research myself...Plus God shows me alot about most of the same people, when the holy spirit show me it makes me sick...and I continue to ask God to sharpen my decerner, and he does! You have been on key, on target and IF THE PEOPLE WOULD READ,STUDY AND PRAY ABOUT THINGS GOD WILL REVEAL! HIS WORD IS TRUE AND IT WILL NOT CHANGE. NO MATTER HOW BAD THEY WANT IT TOO. SOME PEOPLE LIKE LIVING IN SIN. STAY BEFORE GOD ....THIS IS TRULY YOUR CALLING!!!! STAY ON YOUR POST.I got your back! Min Flagg
Brother Lewis, my husband and I both are extremely grateful for your message and your ministry. It has changed our lives completely. Your message is exactly what those who call themselves "Christians" need in these last days. I think that it is absolutely ridiculous that there are people out there who will spend time dwelling on an irrelevant mistake, and miss God's message completely. It sounds to me like the seeds fell on the footpath... However, many of the seeds are indeed falling on fertile ground; and we are growing bolder in our walk with Christ and bolder in sharing the truths of God's Word. We will continue to pray for you and your family as God continues to use EX Ministries to spread His PERFECT Word.
S&G Tudor
Pastor G. Craig Lewis, Praise God for the persecution! We serve a MIGHTY GOD and those who fail to see that it is God working through you are blinded by the enemy. Be encouraged Brother, you are doing the work of the Lord, may the Lord give your strength when you are weak and feel like giving up. Know that it is by God's Grace that we can do all He asks of us. I praise God for your ministry and the boldness he has given you. It is no doubt that it is God that has given you understanding, wisdom and revelation concerning these things.
12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba Father.
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Rom. 8:12-16 God Bless You!
Continue fighting the good fight for Christ. If they persecuted Jesus for telling the TRUTH but never sinning then what shall you expect them to do to you? One thing we must understand is that if we call ourselves Christians and are loved by the world then we must be ppl pleasers and ppl pleasers do not live for God. Please do not spare the world the TRUTH because despite ignorance it continues to set ppl FREE.
Bro Lewis just keep doing what you are doing, expose Satan's disciples or those he influences. I enjoy and learn so much from you. I am a seminary student and
Exministries gives me what I call extra credit for free. I am guilty of getting so much from you and not supporting you enough financially. Today I start an
automatic monthy donation to support Exministries. Keep fighting and we will not stop praying for you and your ministry. This is spiritual warfare and God's truth already has the victory. Praise God for Exministries. Like Apostle Paul
says in 1 Cor 11:1 "Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.". You keep doing the Word and speak truth to the world and we will support you. May God
bless and protect you, your family and Exministries
I think you have a amazing ministry and with having such a different/(HOLY) ministry, the devil is contiually trying to find fault with anything and everything that you do. I am going to start being more intentional when it comes to praying for ministries such as yours. With all of the deception in our world,we need men and women who wil be like Jeremiah and preach day in and day out the TRUTH, regardless of the backlash. We know that God's word is powerful and it's setting people free everyday! SO KEEP IT UP because anytime a true prophet comes to town there always always always controversy because he does not tell the people what they want to hear but what God said or else the blood is on his hand.
Rejoice in all things, praise God in the good and bad and when the enemy happens upon you, Praise Him even more for the test of Faith, with that said, when people dont want to believe, the spirit of ignorance and of the world finds any reason it can to discredit the Truth, but the truth does not change, one day they will have to own up to it and say "I dont believe because I dont want to believe, i'm comfortable in the world" this is the year of separation, I truly believe that. Thank you for doing God's work Pastor G. Craige Lewis
mr. G.cRAIGE, keep hitting them where it hurtS and when you done I AM gonna stomp on their pinkie TOE. Anyway! keep standing strong SOLDIER!
God bless you and your family and your Church and your Ministry and may he Provide and Protect you!
Minister Lewis, please continue to do the work that God has set out for you to do. People are always looking for error in others instead of looking at themselves. Your sermons are very powerful and life-changing. Please keep up the great work and stay blessed.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rise in judgement against you shall be condemed.
Minister Lewis,
this message is very timely. My husband and I, have had others try and tell us not to listen to you, even up until recent because of things they had perceived that was said wrong about some of these secular artists. All the while trying to negate the fact of all of the other true things said about the arist which still makes them Anti/Against Christ! Add to the fact they have never seen the videos in there entirety. Just YouTube clips. We feel that what really mattes, is if what you preach/teach, lines up with the word of God.
Thanks and God Bless.
We appreciate you taking the time to correct the errors, but the message itself wasn't wrong. Those who walk away will always find a reason outside of themselves to avoid condemnation. Sound doctrine will do that. You don't have to defend yourself or your ministry, just besr it with patience. The nay sayers are supposed to come against you.That's how you know you are being effective. When they get silent, then you have a problem. People will find any excuse to walk away from the truth and try to justify themselves in the process, but it won't work. When Christ told the followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood, were they justified because that defied their dietary laws. No, it just meant that they were not spiritual enough to understand or handle the truth. We have to be like Peter and say, "I don't understand what you just said, but there is life in it. We are we going to go if we walk away from life? Keep fighting the fight. There are more with you than there are against you.
Anybody who would come to your engagement and walk out because of ONE mistake you made on an artist didn't really want the truth anyway. They needed to leave and take that foul spirit along wit em... You know the Lord said a prophet can't get respect in his own home town... Pastor G. Craige, you don't need to justify any of your shortcomings--- because those that point these out do so because they are seeking your fall. We follow you because we believe in what you stand for... Righteousness!!! Continue to use your wisdom my brother... And I am not saying this as a "fan" but as a true servant and follower of Christ. And that is truly what you are my brother. Stay strong. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper. God Bless.
I appreciate the truth and I know you do, so I really hope this message will be posted like all the others. I am over 45 years of age, could care less about rap and can't tell you what the latest song is. I am aware of what is going on in pop culture today and know you are sharing the truth.
I was following you two years ago and then stopped. Started following you again this year, but just unfollowed you on facebook and let me tell you why.
My issues is the spirit behind much of what is shared. Where is sharing the truth in love? When I read the blogs there are so many hateful, cruel, distasteful comments about so many. I find myself wondering "does this Man of God and these people think anyone is right?
I know you share truth. I don't dispute that, but it's the way it's shared that I take issue with. I am not even going to watch the follow-up messages because I don't want to hear any hateful mess.
Not sure this will get posted but if you read it Pastor Lewis that will be fine. God bless You!
You know what Pastor Lewis you know you are doing right by God otherwise the unbelievers wouldn't feel threatend by EX Ministries. Just because we are in the world doesn't mean we have to conform to the things of this world. Just look at how Jesus's own people rejected him and the word. Be prepared, because this is just the beginning.
Mark Chapter13
9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.
11 But when they shall lead [you], and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.
In Prayer always for EX Ministries along with you and your family from the A.
I have been following your work for a long time and I will say this that you expose Satans gimmicks for what they are! Christians need to wake up and do their homework and start figuring where things are coming from! People have been brainwashed so much that when you speak the truth they despise it! Its sad that the Christian Community is so ignorant to this stuff! Everything you talked about I looked up and researched and you are right. I love the fact that you as a man of god will say things that most pastors won't! Somebody's got to do it because its the kids that really suffer from Satans tricks! You have proven time and time again that the world has had a pagan, religious, and antichrist agenda. Its always been there in plain sight but we never really open our eyes to see it for it is! Keep doing your thing because Lord knows how many people will bring the message that God is revealing to you. God Bless!
I thank the Lord for you Pastor G. Craig, for every message the Lord gives you, the devil can persuade some one to come against it, there is nothing new under the sun, as it was done in the day of Noah, so shall it be in these days, keep your head up, its funny how people don't wanna be delivered, but they say they want the God of (JESUS), IT'S SOMETHING HOW PEOPLE WANNA BE CHRISTIAN, BUT THEY DON'T WANNA BE SAVED, your in our prayers
Aisha James
Preach it!
Good day Sir I always say if GOD has called you to bring the word just do it .Your DVD’s has been a big eye opener for most of us in South Africa JHB. We all make mistakes yes .So we as believers need to work together
And not bring each other down
The devil rejoice in these things .Bring the word you have been chosen to do so by God .
We need to start praying for our spiritual leader coz we all fall short of the Glory of God . We need to forgive daily and we need to be in right standing with GOD .
May GOD bless you
KEEP KEEPING ON . We will pray that GOD may lift you and your family up
Bless u sir
Be encouraged knowing God is using you to help millions.
The power of life and death is in the tongue, I live in South Africa and TTBHH changed my life in the most amazing way, we as christians compromise so much because we feel left out, or because we don't fit in. This message has taught me to stand up in what I believe, even when people think you're crazy. I thank GOD for TTBHH message, it showed me so much that I didn't know. G. Craig Lewis, mistakes happen, I make mistakes as a christian too. And I wish I was perfect, but Jesus came to make us pure and flawless in GOD's sight. Keep doing what you doing because GOD said so! GOD bless you!
Ok so i'm still floored on the fact that people would get up and walk out over a demonic rapper. That's like saying "my little brother didn't rob a gas station, he robbed a bank!" Who cares! And why do they even know that song that well anyway? They were probably listening to it on the way to the church..smh.
I am at a place in my life where I honestly believe I would not be if it were not for you and your ministry. I have my days where I get discouraged and slack but a look at one of the TTBHH videos or true church perspective and i'm knocked right back in order. And when I feel like laughung cause you are hilarious lol. Anyway, none of us are perfect and you're entitled to that right as well. Exministries is a gift from God to those who truly love Him and I thank Him for yall in my prayers. You have encouraged me to pray and study my bible more and opened my eyes to what is really going on.
I just seen part 6 for the first time last week and I tell you it was such a blessing. You touched on something that I had been dealing with and now i'm freed from it and I know! There is nothing false about you..please keep it coming! BE ENCOURAGED, I THANK GOD FOR YOU!!!
Dear Brother Craig , please be encourage and keep on keeping on. The people don't want the truth because you are messing with their IDOLS! Keep preaching what God tells you to preach , cause you were called for a time like this...
Like the other comment i don't think i might have your take on Christmas, but G.Craig you are certainly a blessing to many around the world, your message turned me around in the year 2009 when i watched your part 1 video...Man of God you are not perfect but your endeavor to preach the WORD in its perfect form and entirety is an inspiration to many.
They have to try and find all they can in all of your videos but remember this typifies the pharisee mentality, Pharisees did this to our Lord Jesus when he stood and spoke the Truth, so dont even be moved continue standing up for the Truth at all cost,its not going to be easy but certainly worth it.
Will continue praying for you even as we approach the second coming of our Lord Jesus
Lorraine and Helper
come on man remember what god said he said when you are charge and brought up before the judges and councils think not what to say for god will deliver your speech at the exact moment.i am a seventh day adventist and i never once was interested in any thing that any baptist preacher had to say until i found your dvd.the truth is it saved a lot of my hip hop listening friends and i know it will continue to .only thing though what do you think of the sabbath will you be doing any series on that soon GOD bless you my brother just remember who GOD bless no man can curse
The problem is, we don't like straight-forwardness, we don't like the truth. What we really want is Church leaders and Pastors to minister and preach what we want to hear. It's for that reason why imperfect, God-led people like Craig are being dissed. At the end of it All, it's still going to be between you and God.
May God contiue blessing you G Craig Lewis, God is awesome!
Pastor Lewis, to me there is a difference when people make errors because they are only human, and when they make errors because they are trying to mislead others. You continue to proclaim the word of God and know that people are drawn away by their own lusts. If it wasn't the few minute errors, it would have been something else. (the way that you bring / speak about the revelations that God has given you) I know that the way you present your message is because you are so passionate about the word of GOD!! And yes, we need to do it in love, while at the same time, swinging our sword. LOL Continue Preaching GOD's Word!!
Mr Lewis, keep doing the good work that God puts in your heart. I appreciate highly every bit of your messages. It is true and we all know that the truth will make people's eyes red, but will not blow it. Let the complainers complain till the Lord opens their eyes. I play your messages almost every day in my shop. My customers enjoy it and their life is being changed. I mean, people stop going to night clubs, quit drinking,quit smoking, quit cursing, start going to church, repent of their sins, want to have their tattoos removed, cut their dread lock off, stop wearing clothes made by satan worshipers........ serious people just change their lifestyle when they listen to your CDs. Even some people who used not to like me playing your messages came to me later to let me know how their life has changed when they started listening to some clean Christian music and messages. People's life is being changed for the better for the Lord. You are preaching the Gospel don't let the enemy stop you. and Please keep telling us the truth just the way it is. The world needs more men of God like you. May Jesus bless you.
There is only one thing that matters in regards to what people think of you...
Whether they agree or disagree, it doesn't matter as long as they have this testimony...
"It is getter to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man"
Psalm 118:8
Keep pleasing God. The prophets of the old testament were not known for delivering popular messages as you already know. Don't ever feel the need to explain yourself. If God is pleased...enough said!
I admire you for what you do! People hated Jesus! So rejoice because you are NOT of this word! Keep doing what God leads you to do! There are alot of us in Houston Tx that would love for you to come minister.We love and support you!
I will continue to support this ministry because it has opened my eyes to a lot. People conform to what they're flesh wants to do so they look for flaws to justify their wrong.I thank God for your message and you all will continually be in my prayers
God Bless
Min. Lewis your work is and will continue to glorify God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is amazing how "church folk" can scrutinize the errors made about a mere human being and not see the truth of the Word of God being poured out to them so they won't incur God's wrath along with their so-called artists that they have bowed down to and made into gods (I mean demons, because behind every false god is a demon). These people know everything about their artists, but know nothing about God and yet these artists don't even know them or care that they exists. The question one must ask is will Jesus know me when I stand before Him or will he say "I never knew you, depart from me." You may have made 1 or 2mistakes about some of the people you speak about, but the truths about their wicked and devil worshipping lives still stands and can't be refuted. And most of all God's Word still stands forever and that's what you preach. THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS IN THE END AND ON JUDGMENT DAY. Continue doing what you are doing for Jesus because His thoughts about you are the only ones that matter.
Many have fallen away from the faith and have made up in their mind who they will serve. Like it has been said throughout these commits, people will make excuses for what they truly want. But all the TRUE BELIEVERS of God want is "THE TRUTH", and that what you (G. Craige) and EX MINISTRIES bring to the body of Christ.
Praise the Lord for you all,
Stay encouraged!!
2 Timothy 3:4- “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.”
The people, who complained about the minor errors, had and will continue to have ears itching to hear you make a mistake. They then will be able to “follow their own desires,” by continuing to support the music you expose.
No human is perfect, as many commenters’ have already stated. You should continue to do a through job preaching/teaching the word of God and exposing the things of this world. I find all I learn revelatory and yes, I do double check what you say; this is because I have to know and understand what you are saying for myself. It’s important for Christians study and research the word for themselves…
Wow people are soooooo shallow! I am astonished of how dumb folks can really be? As public as these artists are with who they serve, folks need more proof on top of that?????????? No wonder the church is so messed up.
No worries. Some just cant handle the truth. I was there at the part 6 in arlington texas and I was really blessed by the message that was delivered. Thank You pastor g. craige Lewis and ex ministries for what your doing.keep letting the LORD use you.
Wow I been tryin to reach u pastor !! Lol ma brothers and sisters in christ have been keepin up with exministries ,we truly thank God for you and for what he's doin
with exministries..my brother is takin hid family and movin to texas to follow you man I wish I could go.Anyways we are praying you God bless
You know pastor you would think the church as in the body of christ would be excited to hear the truth because the bible says that the truth would make u free,but instead sum folks comin against exministries for doin what the bible says I mean come on saints we are in the last days ,we need another get yours its your season message, we need to hear the truth so that we can be set free from those things that are not Christ like .Well im excited about the truth..Smh you can tell who aint been readin the bible cause sum folks get all mad and start lashin out and talkin against exmintries when the disciples was doin the same thing speakin against those things that are not Christ like
LOL, Elder Craig...only two things can happen when the truth is exposed. either the people will love you or hate. The more you expose the truth, is the more people get delivered. Like i told myself the other day...I'd rather be righteous than right! Keep on Keeping on Brother and fight the good fight.
You known, no matter what you do as a Christian you are accused of doing something wrong! The facts are the truth is the truth and even if you (Elder G. Craig)never allowed GOD to use you to help us to see the truth behind the music, they have revealed themselves in their music. Granted, most of us would have never "seen the light" and continued in our mess. I can remember watching parts 1-3 and a few years later, picked up some old musical habits. I didn't even ralize that I was right back where I began until I saw part 5! The reality is, when we watch GOD's messages we have to know that they are GOD's messages and praise GOD for sharing them with us in order that we don't parish! Someone somewhere will always be a Pharisee; and there will even be groups of pharisees, those who follow people of GOD around and look to prove them wrong.
Elder G. Craig, your messages are powerful. We have purchased all 17 of your DVDs and enjoy watching them and sharing the information with others. Thank GOD for you and we are continuing to pray for EXMINISTRIES and the work that GOD has called you to do.
Thank you for your obedience to GOD and may GOD continue to bless you and your family and keep you in HIS perfect peace and in perfect health. We love you and appreciate ExMinistries.
Wow!!!!! they actually got up and left?? it sickens me how you will let someone that don't know you,cares nothing about your soul send you to hell!!! my God people value,praise,and follow man over
God.. When you stand before
God what are you going to tell him?? Pastor Lewis plzzzzz for the sake of those who want truth over deception, keep preaching!! NO apologies needed. if God be for you!! yeah you know the rest!! Stay encouraged..
Mr. Lewis keep up the work and to all the so called christian out there get in the word and not just in the church because all of us will give accout of our deeds, in 1peter 2:13-16 we are told to respect those in authority over us but in the same paragraph it instucts us to live as free men "yet not using your liberty as a cloke for vice.... In other words to do anything you choose , for God says be yea Holy for I am a Holy God. So Christuan that are really born again and the ex ministry family be blessed and stand for righteousness sake and a warning to others Proverbs 28:4 those who forsake the law praises the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them. remember God didnt come to destroy the law but to fulfill the prophets. Thanks
Elder Lewis, I only have a few words to say, and I pray that these words would encourage you. I pray that the anointing from these scriptures would permeate your being, and saturate your mind.
#1. St John 15:9 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
#2. John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Elder much deception has crept into the house of God, there is such a spirit of sleep and slumber over many houses. What people once believed many no longer believe. I believe our bible calls it apostasy. Don't you fret, don't you take down, and you really don't have to defend, because this battle is not yours anyway. Yes, correct your mistakes but never feel like you have to live in the fantasy of others. There is no perfect, error free anybody but God. Expect the attack to be greater, but God will sustain you because He called you. Continue to uncover and expose all that the Lord tells you to, and those whom God has given ears to hear will hear. They walked away from Jesus and yes Elder they will walk out on you too. The servant is not greater than his Lord! TAKE COURAGE!
It has been said that in the last days, people that follow God will be persecuted for His name sake. I have always believed that these exposed messages are true and could be proven because some of these truths were exposed by the website Vigilant Citizen who is said to be a non-Christian. So, if it was said by a non believer, would people believe and understand? It is very hard to see a blinded world that would stand up for the world than for God. Yes, everyone make mistakes, but if there is proof that what an artist does it against God and his teachings or even against humanity, why would you still follow or defend their ways? And on another note... even though we need to expose these people that do not want to change, we must still pray for them because they have souls as well. We shouldn't just leave them there for the enemy to continue his work through them. Pray for them.
Hay my name is bonnie an i think you are doing a great job on what you are doing in the music an up pull the soungs apart an tell us what thay really mean an im thankful for that hows it going i got your first 2 moves you made an cant wate entell i can get the others i dont care what anybody says u r a blessing to this world an a BIG LIGHT to those like me who need to see one of your moves to open my eyes an if you ever come to atlanta,ga call me an lets talk i have questions an i know u got the answer to them thank u for all u done an i love you as my own thanks alot be safe an god bless you an ur team that is going for an doing gods work again thanks u change my life an my childens an my granchilden i love you thanks you now i have a great life with god an im on my way to the top to be with my father thanks to u makeing the moves. your truly bonnie johnson from atlanta ga
Dear Pastor G. Craige,
Man of God, I want you to stay encouraged. I know it's easier said than done. Being persecuted for the cause of Christ is always difficult because you know you are doing the right thing but on one else seems to know that. You are a true man of God. You and your staff (EX Ministries) are a very rare bread. There aren’t too many men and women of God that are willing to stand for truth in this day and time. Standing for truth isn't popular. I am very proud of you and your ministry. I have been following your ministry since the first DVD you published. I will continue to stand with you Pastor. I believe in the message you preach…more importantly God believes in it. It's changed my life! You are not afraid to open your mouth and say what God gives you to say. Please don't let what the media or anyone else say about you sway you. Set your face like a flint Pastor! Stay on track. Stay on track. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, God has a great reward stored in Heaven for you brother. So what you made some minor errors here and there?!?! It's okay! These minor errors don't discredit the word you preach in any way. You keep standing boldly for God. Set your face like a flint preacher! The word says, ‘if God be for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. Listen, you take care of God's business, and He will take care of yours! :) You have my and my family’s support (110%). I am very proud of you. God bless you, your ministry, and your family. I love you with the love of God. God bless you my brother in Christ!
Pastor Craige, you are a blessing. The message of truth, that GOD gave you is changing countless lives all around the world, and Namibia is no exception. God is using you tremendously and the enemy is threatened big deal. Keep on shining the brighter light of the Gospel. And we too shall shine for Christ as you do too.
this is just crazy these folks really need to get it right with God, these teachings are proven, Bible material what do we need more? But as always when a move of God a move of deliverance has to be brought the devil rises always to disrupt. as long as your message continues to follow Christ's vision i am standing may God support you he has supported you this far and he is faithful, let's remember that the clouds of Darkness are growing day by day and the truth is less and less approved so these things are just manifestations of spiritual principalities trying to hinder the move of God but none can stop Jesus, stand strong Minister, Christ is on your side keep preaching
remember pastor lewis its not the people its the demons that want to kill you, so keep pressing on my brother Jesus got your back. and i thank yot for your faithfulness to christ!
For we know in part & we prophesy in part, like Jeremiah, God has made u a fortified city & an iron pillar, bronze walls against d whole land. Though they fight against u, they SHALL NOT prevail against u. For I am with u says the Lord to deliver you Jer 1:18-19Man of God u r called 4 such a time like this, d Lord said in the last days if it was possible even His elect would b deceived. Thank u for availing yourself to the service of God, by no means an easy task but if God b 4 u who can b against u. May d Lord arise & let your enemies b scattered. Stay strong in d Lord & d power of His might! God bless, protect & strengthen , u, your family & team.
God bless you G lewis, Those who want the Truth will stay, those who dont want will leave...God's work is being accomplished and its evident, yes there is 1 or 2 things that were not Accurate but even ***PAUL*** in Acts had a prophecy that Was not 100% accurate and an angel of God had to correct him therefore People cannot Call u false Prophet bcoz a little inaccuracy otherwise Paul would be considered One aswell....God bless you and keep up with HIS good work..Here In LUTON, UK we support you and Love you and PRay for You!!!!
To The Watchmen, G. Craige Lewis... "Prophets",(the real ones)were not popular in the OT, and there is "nothing new" under the sun... God caused them to do all sorts of things, that people did not understand or agree with... "Nevertheless", they still obeyed God.. Keep believing and obeying God, and He will soon put all your enemies under your feet!! My prayers are with you and Exministries...Blessings!!
Pastor Lewis, I appreciate it that u decided to address & list the mistakes u made...they were minor & didn't take away from the messages that u have put out over the years...sometimes we need to be reminded of our own human fralities & by your admission it only let's me know that u truly are trying to live right & stay accountable to The Word of the Lord.
I took 4 of my 5 kids to see u about 5 yrs ago in Detroit...it changed our lives...one son was wearing locks & de iced to cut them off after that night...he also gave up wearing earrings.
I do my part by emailing & posting your messages on my Facebook page, along with other truth ministries...keep on doing what u do because the enemy is mad...u are having such an impact on the body of Christ...I will continue to support & pray for Ex Ministries...by the way my sister just purchased your Detained For Entry DVD... She is going to show it to her husband who is a Bishop & then introduce it to the Youth Dept...my cousin has your videos & is introducing it to his family & friends!
God Bless You!
I am more concerned about the revelation of Spiritual truth than I am about the margin of human error. Keep obeying God,I am sure you know by now many are standing with you.
I saw G.Craig Lewis at a small church in Fort Worth back in 2001 when he had the CD cases open on the tables, my brother, my mother and I were so SHOCKED and pleased that we completly changed (my brother and I researched what he said then all of the Rap music was gone and my mother began incorporating some of the message into her Sunday School lessons) from then on we went to Full Gospel to watch the Live recordings and I even saw myself on the "extra 2nd day" segment in part 3, then we started going to Cornerstone because that was where Part 5 was being taped. I had a problem with the way Full Gospel did their offering so I could understand why he would move to another church but Cornerstone is just too small. When we saw part 5 we were on the back row. I was really disappointed that part 6 was taped in Canada because we always notice that more information is giving at the live tapings. Anywho, When watching part 6 we had to sit in the choir stand where all we heard was the bass so it was hard to hear what you said, the projector was too far back for the words to be so small and you read them so fast I couldn't read them (with my glasses on!) lol Anywho, I support you whole heartedly, my mom has brought about 10 of your dvd sets to give as gifts to other people and we always get good feedback. I have no problem with your word, I haven't listened to the hip hop rnb genre since 01 but I love hearing about the new enemy we are fighting against. My mom stopped going so it's just my brother, my sister and I now, but we always want to buy the DVD before it gets too crowded and we can't leave without traffic, because we live almost an hour away from Arlington. I just ask that you be a little considerate as far as a church with more room, allow us to buy the DVD and come back into the sanctuary. My sister went down for prayer and my brother still couldn't get the DVD, so it's not like we were trying to leave early. We support you and we will continue to support you! The Gospel that you Preach is perfect because everything we hear and see we need to research and know for ourselves, if there was a different person on that cover, we need to research that person because God may be leading us into learning somthing totally new about the enemy. I don't think this blog was necessary because I don't think nay sayers should be addressed, I would rather read a blog about those who continue to follow you flaws and all and research things on our own.
One thing you stated that we must always remeber is that we are not perfect...and out of 16 messages; 2or 3 mistakes and ppl are ready to give up on you only says they were never with you, they were looking for something and a way out... dont worry about ppl like that because God said my sheep will know my voice.. you have my support because I know you are a true man of God, you keep preaching the truth, and know that your Father in heaven is proud and thats all that matter....
I pray for you and EX Ministries regularly and I am so thankful for you and the ministry Min. Lewis. Stay encouraged man of God and keep preaching and teaching the word of God. Cannot wait to hear you again in April!
One thing I know is that I have been so informed by your messages via the DVD's, My family and I have stopped watching n listening to secular music due to your exposure of the hidden messages. My pre-teen son has been transformed by your messages. I thank God for you and pray that others will be changed by your truely inspiring sermon. God Bless U in a mighty way.
I am tremendously glad that G. Craig Lewis is bold enough to let the Lord use you to expose the truth and shed light on darkness for the church. As Christ Jesus exposed the truth in His day and walked as a true example for us to be thus like minded, I am encouraged to repent from what I know is wrong and turn back to the Lord and share the gospel regenerate message (the Bible)
As someone in the previous posts have commented that this exposure of the truth behind Satanic music and our unwillingness to forsake our way of doing things and follow the Lord, has been around for a long time, but we just did not want to hear or see it because our flesh doesn't like to give up what we like even when it's detrimental to our lives and our family.
Sir Lewis, be encouraged to keep us, the body of Christ (church) in the know so those of us willing will adhere to II Chronicles 7:14:
"if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land"
I want and need my family saved, healed, and delivered from evil, and exposed to the truth of the Lord so they have a chance to submit to the Lord's way if they so choose. I do so choose.
Keep the Lord's message of truth coming for our benefit and only the Lord knows who will forsake their way and follow Him.
I was sitting in the Beauty shop when my hair dresser play the Truth Behind Hip Hop DVD and all I could say was "Lord Help" and Thank You, because the message was in my face again from many years ago, only packaged a different way from a man of color. Wow! It took me a few months after I was convicted because the Lord knows I like a good beat tuned to Christian words when I can understand them. I just had to repent, and tell the truth, because the movies and I were becoming close friends.
After my husband and I watched the Trojan Horse and Truth Behind Hip Hop V on using borrowed DVD's from our Father in the ministry, I loaned a set to my pastor and I finally invested in my own set of 6 DVD's with the truth behind Hip Hop 6.
I am so thankful the Lord is is answering our prayers and not leaving us in the dark.
We are interceding for you and your family.
Thank you greatly,
Freeport / Angleton, TX
G. Craige,
You're cool cause your father is the coolest. Love you and the people that work alongside you.
*All i want to do is live for Christ to prove he is true
..P.S how did you find out your purpose in this world ..?
I recently looked at TTBHH when I heard about it and everything that I heard I instantly knew that the time is coming and that Jesus is coming very soon all has been set up and revealed through scriptures in the last days. Yes, we are all human and can make mistakes we are not perfect no, not one Jesus Himself was, so you must be doing something right and entering the enemies and destroying it and the Holy Spirit is able to work but also pray for those who persecute you. The world hates us because who is in us and the truth itself I'll keep you in my prayers.
Pastor Craige, I understood why you wrote this blog(Precious Holy Spirit), but remember many of those people who are looking at them small human errors will not be reached and do not want to be reached (They just want to distract!!!). There is so much evidence and new evidence about these folk that is not surprizing you got a bit muddled because it is totally in their characters to do what you said they did do and they have not done YET!!
Thank God for you, Will, Tetaun, Bobby and your family and team at EX Ministries. God Bless You
z, London
G Craig pay no mind to the ignorant, they are trying to hinder what God is doing through you. Don't waste any of your valuable time addressing any of these issues. People are still star struck, and they would not believe the truth about these actors and rappers if they saw them committing these satanic acts. God has blessed you, he is protecting you. Be like Nehemiah and tell your distractors that you don't have time to come down off the wall.
I love the teaching that ur doing...Ur helping ppl that really want to follow God the right way, U help us see things that our mind has not been opened too. Thanks and no matter what u have to keep ur head up even threw the times that ppl come against u. U know they will, and someone is always going to talk about u....cause ur doing God's work. they came against Jesus and now man is coming against God.....so they will come against u. I love what ur doing and our church supports u. Keep up the Good work and know that when ur doing God's work, the devil will make sure u have trouble on the way...he hates what ur doing....so he will do his best to get u to give up. Know that there are ppl out hear that are praying for u. Ppl u have never even meet. Thanks for changing our lives....and our kids lives. Ur ministries is doing its work. and forget what ppl have said when they come against u...their not important.......ur work is.
Cindy Green, Macon Ga
Min. Lewis,
PLease continue to preach the truth. This world has been so deceived by satan's work, its time to put it to a STOP! It shows that people are getting even more defensive for their favorite artists than their own God! How ridiculous is that?! Preach the truth my brother in Christ do not let anyone tell you what's wrong or whats right. You know in youre heart that what you're doing is all for the Glory of God and thats all it matters in the end!!
Love your sis in Christ,
Who cares what these idiots think, they are carnal and you have tapped into their hidden agendas and exsposed them. Praise God for you preacher, don't waiste your time trying to defend what THEY are saying about EX Ministries. Keep praying and fasting and hearing from God. Keep sending us the information so we can spread it to those who don't know. I showed the 1st video to a young lady who wanted to be a hip hopper for God 2weeks ago 2011, By the end of the video her hands were raised she was crying and weeping because she really loves God. When she heard truth her spirit bared witness to truth. She no longer desires to be a hip hopper for God. How long has it been since you did video #1?, Bless you man of God and your entire Family. Pastor Vince Elam
I have a lot of respect for you Minister Lewis for taking the time to explain why you said certain things & clearing things up even though people still don't believe you. You still have God on your side, & the only thing that matters is that God is pleased with you. I respect that you realize you are only human & you do make mistakes instead of puffing yourself up in your own mind to be holier than thou. Yes you have made a few mistakes, but the truth is the truth! I support you & I am praying for you & all of the EXMinistries team. God Bless.
Pastor Lewis. Be not weary in well doing! The information you provide to the REAL body of Christ is appreciated and needed. You have opened my eyes even more and although I dont know a lot of the artist, I can use the information to educate my family, friends and coworkers. Your videos have been played for our ministry and has helped and enhanced our ministry in so many ways. We are praying for you, your family and your ministry. We want and need the TRUTH you always provide!
G.Craig Lewis May God bless you because through these DVD Jesus is revealed to me and by the power of the Holy Spirit he broke my chains and made me free and I bless the Lord for men like you who recognize their weakness and through which she allows God to act.
I live in Paris so far and God allows your message is the echo.
because it is limited with men doing things that God Unlimited.
G you are my boi! You're realness cracks me up because I am the same way keep ding what you do becauase it's for the Lord and it's setting the captives free!!! Blessings and INcrease to you and the EX Ministry!
A real Christian will know who you are working for. Jesus said by their fruits you will know them. If you are working for satan then you are not doing a good job because your message has opened our eyes in South Africa, Durban and we have been set free as young people. Continue to blow the trumpet man of God, even in SA the sound of that trumpet is heard and it is rattling some cages!!!
Yeah, sure you make a few mistakes here and there that have been revealed unto me by God. Does that make u lesser of a man of God? No, it does not. Brother Craige,keep on submitting yourself to Jesus Christ - our only means to perfection and salvation.
Min Lewis,
Be encouraged Brother. Your message is doing exactly what it is meant to do. Christians must wake up and follow God's word and the minister's who are real and stop following the "entertainers" who will lead them to destruction. You are always in my prayers. Be Blessed, Be Strong and keep the message going.
Elder Craig, believe u me, human error or no human error i understand wat u are saying because before i heard ur preaching on the truth of hip hop and before i even rededicated my life to Christ I started to realize that something was wrong with Micheal Jackson and the lyrics of some of the people I worshipped in hip hop and i say worship becaus when u keep singing a song and it influences your dressing, speech and life you honor it by worshipping it and acting out it's messages and when my youth group played your cd on the truth behind hip hop I was amazed and I was confirmed that the spirit of God was which is THE HOLY SPIRIT sent into the world to lead us into all truth! Keep doing what you are doing because the BIBLE SYS: in the last days people will believe the lie instead of the truth! When ever the massaes are against it I know God is in it! Man of God you be blessed and encouraged and Know that Im in the BAHAMAS where we are catching AMERICA'S COLD praying for your! HIP HOP has also RAPED MY PEOPLE and I have a HOLY hatred not a fear against!
The Church is going to have to answer to God! Ye generation of Vipers you shut up the Kingdom of heaven from men because you dont want it and you dont want them to inherit it! BUT I BELEIVE IN THE BLOOD SAVING POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS CCHRIST! TEH KINGDOM of HEAVEN SUFFERETH VIOLENCE!
I enjoyed receiving the word from your ministry.Because of your ministry I have become more aware of the symbols,the demonic messages in secular music and the movie industry.I have given up listening to a lot of gospel artists because whats the point of ministering to people by song and those people deny the power of God by living a homosexual lifestyle?Finally,if the devil worshipers are going full throttle then you go full throttle in telling the truth!Grace and peace to you brother.
Pastor, I read your blog about the complaints and I believe it's the one about Michael Jackson's album cover. You said that you prayed about why God didn't let you see that before you put it out there. I prayed about that to last night and this is what came to my heart: 2 Samuel 7
In this passage, David goes to Nathan because he wants to build the temple for God and Nathan told him to do it and that God was with him. We know that Nathan was a true prophet of God but he made a mistake in telling the king this. God visited him and he had to correct his error. Just because he made this mistake, in no ways discounts how mightily God used him and all the things he did for God's kingdom. In other words, your ministry is blessing many and deliverance is going forth so keep truckin!
Pastor Smith
Rock of Ages Compassion Ministries.
SISTER IN CHRIST says...Keep up the good work. Your ministry has opened my eyes and I thank you. Don't get discouraged, the devil always attacks when his kingdom is threaten. Like my aunt says, tear down the dog house and scatter all the puppies.
Ministry just look at it like this, Jesus was right in the mist of many religious people and they still didn' t believe. And the individual who choice to defend the sinner/entertainers that's blutly displaying double standard, isn't trying to change themselves; therefore, they defend other like them to justify their actions. The bible states in Roman 1:28-32...28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful: who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they that practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them. Keep on tell the truth because it time for people to stop living double standards.
Greetings from Saipan, Pastor Lewis!
we have done reaching out to the teens on our tiny island in the Marianas with your New DVD "DETAINED FOR ENTRY" on the 2nd day of april 2011...
we had 12 visitors that came to watch with our church and 6 of them got JESUS into their hearts all teens and young adults...this has touched not only the visitors but also the congregation in our church...it was an eye opener because, our younger children have been attacked at night just like you explained, one have seen the shadow of succubus or incubus? the time she was attacked and struggled to open her mouth to call her mother,her mother was a strong faithful christian, heard her trying to say something and walk into her daughters room and shouted GET OUT IN JESUS NAME!!!
only her daughter saw that demons shadow, it not only have wings but also a tail like a sting rays tail.
Her mother felt that demonic presence, thats how she knows its a demon in there....i thank God for the Precious blood of Jesus that can set us free and bind the enemy!!!...JESUS his name is so powerful i encourage those who dont know how to bind the devil just call on his name because just his name the devil trembles...God bless you Pastor Lewis, you are a man of GOD, the enemy can never lay his hands on you because you are in Gods will, I pray everyday for our youths to get out of their bondages and have their eyes open to the gospel because its a soul food from the living God...
for the believers: Keep on serving God, especially when you are going through tough times...keep spreading the gospel,listen when the holy spirit talks to you and never stop contending to God with his will in your life and salvation upon your love ones and others too who are not save...AND REMEMBER JESUS IS COMING SOON JUST AS THE BIBLE SAYS!!....GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE
I love reading your blogs and stories on your site. I agree with everything you say as I am a holy ghost filled woman and I know that you are speaking Gods TRUTH!I aplaud you for that and the will to stand up and go "against the grain". Just wanted to remind you though to "love your enemies" and pray for those that say these things about you. Try not to get so upset although I know it is hard to battle the feelings of the flesh when you KNOW you are right and people are just out to get you. keep your head up and God bless
God is just. People can use a detail as an excuse to renounce their gods, but it wont work. Our God's eye is broad and he knows our hearts. Your hands are clean. Thank you for correcting the mistakes in your blog. But the content overall is not ERROR! there's a big difference. Stay encouraged brother! The followers of Christ are praying your strength.
When we trust God and truly know His Word only then can we see the truth! Keep doing the Lord's business.
To God be the Glory! for good things he has done. Keep using your talent to serve the Kingdom and reaching the lost all over the world...
it,s amazing to me how the church world has lowered their standards in christ to the point where we will defend anything from the secular world over the things of christ.makes me questions your christianity.2nd corinthians chp 5 verse 17 states therefore if any man be in christ,he is a new creature:old things are passed away;behold,all things are become new.key word all things,the way we drees,act and that also includes the music we listen to.matthew chp 6 verse 24.no man can serve 2 masters:for either he will hate the one,and love the other;or else he will hold to the one,and despise the other.ye cannot serve god and mammon.those who continue to deny the word of god are those who are looking for a message spoke to them so that they can feel god in their sins.and i pray you take heed to the truth before it,s to late.minister lewis i will continue to follow your teachings as you follow christ because you speak truths from god and i know you do because i use to beleive in the hip culture.but now i beleive in the full gospel of christ.god bless you.wake up church!!!
Keep fighting the good fight Pastor G. Craig!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus did say the world would hate you so, so be it.
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Ptr Lewis, God is just looking for those who can stand on the truth. this prophecy is being fulfilled everywhere in the world, please who are on the right way so don't be taken away by what folks are saying but stand on it. God said to Jeremiah if he can't preach His word, He (God) will make him shake before his enemies. Be assured that God will be with you as long as you keep on preaching the truth.
OBIDABET from Chad Republic.
Man of God, dont worry about your little errors you do. Your right your not perfect, no one is.
Im very pleased that we still got strong Christian believers standing for truth. May God bless and plz continue to let God use you. X
Bro. Lewis. Sometimes you have to expose the foolishnes of your detractors. Their motives in these cases are to break tyour ministry. They are NOT interested in truth. So just keep speaking the truth because we all need it. God bless.
Thank you Pastor Lewis. I'm a Kenyan & I first knew about you while watching the"truth Behind Hip-Hop" series at y local church in late 2006. It's really shocking to watch Steve Harvey host shows on TBN (the devil wants to desensitize the world regarding such secular so called "Christians". Keep up the good work; I've been spreading your dvds, messages & receiving acclamations, and I pray that God gives you the strength to expose all and teach the world.
Minister Lewis your errors were minor Bambaata is (a) founding father of hip hop along with Grandmaster Flash and Kool Herc as stated in "Yes Yes Yall"(Tommy Ahern). No Redman is not a member of the wutang clan hes been paired up with method man for a number of years and i beleive they are/were lable mates. And the issue with the J-z song was not due to production but what was said. It is a real challenge to do what you do and not make a mistake here or there especially when you dont want to be absorbed in it. Just keep doin your thing. You are a blessing to the Body of Christ.
Minister Lewis your errors were minor Bambaata is (a) founding father of hip hop along with Grandmaster Flash and Kool Herc as stated in "Yes Yes Yall"(Tommy Ahern). No Redman is not a member of the wutang clan hes been paired up with method man for a number of years and i beleive they are/were lable mates. And the issue with the J-z song was not due to production but what was said. It is a real challenge to do what you do and not make a mistake here or there especially when you dont want to be absorbed in it. Just keep doin your thing. You are a blessing to the Body of Christ.
hi pastor,hop u're geting stronger in the Lord.Am a congoleze living in south africa and am also a pastor,am telling u that only God that am not talking out of feelings but i can assure you that u're a blessing to me and to the body of Christ.keep up the good work,we are praying for you.The world must hates us so let not this surprise u.God bless you and may He give you more revalations.I would like to contact u personaly.This is my email address:bigkalasa2@yahoo.fr
Keep your focus. You get extreme criticism over little details because you are speaking the TRUTH. The world doesn't have a problem with preachers having sex with boys or other nonsense, because well, that's what they want to happen. The world wants those people in the church acting like fools so they can point to them and say, "See, those church folks are no different from ME." Then they don't have to change!
I praise God for your ministry G. Craig Lewis. I pray that God continues to strengthen you and your family. Keep your eyes on Jesus :)
Let them haters start their own the truth behind The Truth Behind Hip Hop. G Craig, you dont have to justify anything. Just let it be and Jehovah will defend his work just like he did with the prophets of baal
Hi Mr. Lewis. I have to tell you that I liked this post. Why? Because you admitted to being human. So what does that mean? It means you make mistakes.
The reason everyone is slamming you is because early on (and possibly still) your website stated that everything you say comes from God. This was further fueled by not allowing anyone to respond to your blog entries, ask you questions, or have you do a panel discussion with those who do not believe the same as you.
You set yourself up to claim infalable, therefore once there was a mistake it was taken to the extreme.
Seeing this post lets people know that they can hear your words, but they also have a right to study the scirptures for themselves and come to a conclusion. This is possibly your best post to date because it frees others up to think for themselves.
Thank you.
G. Craige your dvds and blogs have changed my life! When you know better you do better! Thank the Lord for leading me to your messages!
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