Eddie Long is not being taken down by God! He is not being persecuted or attacked. Eddie Long is getting what he deserves, but not for the reasons most people think. He is not being punished by God for his private sins. He is being embarrassed and taken down because of his public debauchery that he calls ministry! The homosexuals are fighting back because of the double standard that he has been participating in. I spoke that this would happen at the first of this year and here it is. Eddie Long has been preaching heresy for a long time now and most church folks have not even recognized it from him or his celebrity preacher friends.
Let me explain. God will judge all sin when we die or when the end comes. The great white throne of judgement is where God is going to judge this matter with the young men and Eddie. Rev. 20:11 God does not have to punish us for sins while we are on the earth because sin punishes itself. That's right! The bible tells us that sin pays wages and those wages are death. Rom. 6:23 It tells us that our sins will lead us into calamity, so, God is not taking Eddie Long down because of his sin. God is not taking Eddie Long down period! God did not put Eddie up so why should we believe God is taking him down? The devil put Eddie up and the devil set him up to allow for CNN to expose him to forward the homosexual agenda of the LGBT. Just like he offered Christ the kingdoms of the world, he offered them to Eddie. But Jesus refused and Eddie didn't. Yes, set him up to preach against homosexuality while secretly condoning it. And now that the homosexual agenda is mainstream, there is no more tolerance for it.

1. It's understandable that a man has desires for other men because when God made man, woman was inside of him. - Man Power 2006
2. God did not take a rib from Adam, but rather, he removed a uterus from Adam and made woman. This justifies man desiring man - God getting back to himself -On Demand TV 2004
3. We are all demigods. This means we deserve to make our rules and follow them. - Everywhere he preaches!
4. Hip hop is a tool sent by God to minister to this generation. - Potters House BET
5. His son, Young Dirty, plays secular and gospel on the same radio program.
6. His spiritual son, Eddie Valez is the founder of Holy Hip Hop
7. Another spiritual son, Coco Brother, plays secular and gospel on his Hip Hop show.
8. TD jakes is his spiritual father.
9. He preaches that God's word is his sperm and he desires to impregnate men to become ministers. - nasty

11. He uses spiritual son, father, etc. to justify being served and waited on hand and foot by young, attractive teen boys. This is catholic.

12. T.I. preached at his church, Farrakhan preached at his church, and secular artists performed secular music at his church! God has allowed sin to pay itself.
13. Sending sexy pictures of himself to young men in his congregation!
14. CNN keeps running the clip of him challenging the young men on the altar that struggle with homosexuality to "drop their pants" so he can show them what they are?" Come on people. Straight men don't talk that way.
15. Preaches in sexy, tight shirts and uses sexual analogies to make biblical points.

So, why are so many people deceived by Eddie? They aren't! The bible tells us that people will heap upon themselves the teachers that will allow for this sinfulness and worldliness.

I hate it when people try to throw scriptures at this situation and find a way to soften God's stance against this behavior. They try to use scripture to make this situation seem like God, and to keep Eddie the victim, but because this man is not of God and he has been preaching against the truth of God for years, you cannot apply certain scriptures to this situation. You see, when these men seek the media and fame to lift themselves up, they become untouchable by regular, non-demigods. So, to try to use scriptures that were written for men of the faith that are touchable by men is absurd. You can't use Gal. 6:1 "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." to this situation because this man cannot be restored unless he first be sat down. That's what "restore" means. He must first be sat down and then restored back to his position of shepherd, but who can sit him down? TD Jakes??

We have a problem here people. We have men that cannot be taken down by anyone! These men are lifted up by people that want carnality. The members of their churches need their sinful lifestyles validated by their leadership, so they continue to support men like this because this is the way they want it. And because his spiritual leader is carnal, there is no one to judge this situation. This is why the media and the earthly courts are judging it. 1Cor. 6:7 "Why, the very fact of your having lawsuits with one another at all is a defect (a defeat, an evidence of positive moral loss for you). Why not rather let yourselves suffer wrong and be deprived of what is your due? Why not rather be cheated (defrauded and robbed)?" This man got up and basically said that he is guilty of not being perfect, but he never denied the accusation to his congregation. And the folks clapped like he was God. Even the secular media was disturbed by the blindness of the church people. This is sad.
We at EX Ministries have been exposing his heretical statements and teachings for years. We have dealt with his public sins of mixing the word with his agenda and also his plight to condone sinful, secular actors and musicians. This is not about the young men's accusations, but it's about his heresy. But I would like to say that it is a shame that he is using an altar boy ceremony to christen his spiritual sons! That is a sensual, demonic ceremony! And because he is a Kappa and has already taken demonic oaths to false gods in his fraternal order, he is totally desensitized to the spirit realm and what it all really means.

This whole mess proves that he is not qualified for the office, but there is no need to be qualified when you are apart of a system that puts you up and not God. God obeys His word because He is his word, so, this again proves my earlier point that Eddie Long was not put up by God, but by the people. And because of this, he is not being judged by God, but his own desire for fame and fortune has led him down this path. And because he has been lifted up so high in the eyes of men, his fall seems great, but it's not great, it's just a fall. God's true church is not ran this way. This is not how God handles his true church business. God's men are not blasted and accused in the media for homosexual pedophile acts!

Those of you that were deceived by this man, wake up and move on! Get out of that burning building and get on the side of Christ right now! God's warning to his people in this situation can be found in the book of Jude. If you want to know what to do, then read what the word says. There are those that we can pull out of this fire and there are souls that will wake up because of this. But don't waste your time worrying about a man that wants to beat the charges only to deceive more people with his heretical gospel message!
Jude 17 But you must remember, beloved, the predictions which were made by the apostles (the special messengers) of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Jude 18 They told you beforehand, In the last days (in the end time) there will be scoffers [who seek to gratify their own unholy desires], following after their own ungodly passions.
Jude 19 It is these who are [agitators] setting up distinctions and causing divisions—merely sensual [creatures, carnal, worldly-minded people], devoid of the [Holy] Spirit and destitute of any higher spiritual life.
Jude 20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;
Jude 21 Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)—[which will bring you] unto life eternal.
Jude 22 And refute [so as to] convict some who dispute with you, and on some have mercy who waver and doubt.
Jude 23 [Strive to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire; on others take pity [but] with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their sensuality.†
In Jesus Name and By His Authority
G. Craige Lewis
Wow, this makes a lot of sense to me. The situation is so sad, and I'm so sick and tired of this happening, because it only makes it easier for people to disbelieve the Gospel. They look at these stories and, since they assume this was a man of God, they want nothing to do with religion, which they perceive to be a relationship with God. All of this is so twisted up in so many ways, it seems beyond repair. I am thankful though, for these arguments here. It helps to have a clear way to explain my view on the subject if conversation offers an opportunity. Thanks for your willingness to speak what you know to be true, even in the face of all kinds of opposition. I, and many friends of mine, appreciate it very much! Blessings to you as you continue in the way of Christ!
Yeah I can see the truth in this. I thought you were going to flat out bash him or something! SOOOO glad you didn't!! You're view isn't popular but it's all good because it can't be disputed. Please continue to share as God leads you!! You are so on point
Well said Craig, God has blessed you with a powerful spirit of discernment..
Awesome commentary. I completely agree. This was a set up from the get up. The evil one set this man up to deliberately take him down later and say..."See, all Christianity is this way... all of the ministers are fakes and phonies." They are painting all of Christianity with this broad brush, and this is being done deliberately. Watch and see if Bishop Eddie "Long been a free mason," doesn't get some new revelation like Carlton Pearson that Gay is really o.k. and it is time to come out of the closet.
Wonderful message. Truth of the Word.
Awesome word and reminder for us (Christians)to wake up...for the end times are NEAR! Continue to do what you do Pastor Lewis!!! Bring the WORD OF THE LORD forth.
Well said !!!!
Amen brethren. Thank you for being one of the few men of God that will BOLDLY state the truth and preach the WHOLE Word of God.
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
-2 Tim 4:3,4
Amen!!!, Glory to God for using you to get his word out to teach His people.
Thank you Bro. Craig!!!! You are so anointed... Everything you've said has come to pass. Thank God for anointing you to educate us in these last and evil days. Don't grow weary in well doing; you have much support and I'm sure many more people will see that you're a tru prophet and take the blinders off. Glory to God!!!
Its such ashame how satan has stolen killed and destroyed the minds of the people. Eddie Long aught to be embarrsed. First of all no saved santified filled with the holy ghost and fire baptised man is even gonna wanna stand behind Gods pullpit in that type of attire. Second of all even if he is not guilty he shows no type of humility or humbleness, he seems to be more arrogant than before. A true christian would first repent and then ask God to show them were they have fallen short or are in error for these type of accusations to have come about. We must continue to pray for the body of Christ and continue to ask God to separate the wheat from the tarres, and the sheep from the goat!
Was hoping for a new post.
I have seen this movement before.
There are people who preach this message of money and fine things
and when a person comes to god and don't have these things they
make you feel bad because you don't have the money to give them.
I'am not in the mode to give someone who have cars and I'm walking any money at all. I don't believe in anniversaries and all that.
They want money and fame. I just sit back and laugh to myself. I will never give you any money.
All these jets they have they can sell them and help people who don't have. But this is to mush for them to do because the church was not started for that reason.
When was the last time you here a call to come to Jesus. All they want to do is sell books so they can live a life of plenty while their members staved!!
AMEN!! I was waiting to hear what you had to say about this. I told my husband 9 years ago that I suspected Eddie was gay or had a gay past. People get easily seduced by power and money. I am a former member of New Birth. We attended 10 years ago. Years ago Eddie had a "prophet" (a false one) come to the church in January. The man came every January to give the house a word for the year. He prophesied that we had to pay for Eddie's new mansion (he moved out of his old mansion) or we would be cursed if we didn't pay it off by July. Those who paid for it would be blessed and receive the blessings of those who were disobedient. My husband and I turned to one another and said, "Call us disobedient! 'Cuz we chain't payin' fo' nobody's mansion!! Folks are strugglin' to eat! Eddie didn't come back and correct it either. That was the last New Birth saw of us. Unreal!! He's getting what's due. He is surrounded by homos at his church. He loves it.
I want to be the first to thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. I pray a blessing of protection and strength over you, your family and ministry. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord God Almighty! The Lord has asked you to enlighten the Body of Christ, and you are doing just that! Thank you man of God.
Serving in the love of Christ,
Sister Angel
Thanks Bro. Craig. Keep doing what you are called to do. I appreciate your ministry. I have one question. Please explain to me when we sin, and we get before the Great White throne. If i am saved will i still be judged and what will happen. Yes, I have sinned, but God has saved me and now i am living for him, but what happens after i die???just confused about all that... THx
I agree with everything you stated! Continue speaking the truth sir. I will also add that this is the opening for many - & we will see them fall one by one in this hour
Bro.Craig, you always do a good job. thanks for your ministry. I have one question. What is the great white throne and what will take place there. I have sinned(duh), but now i am saved and living for him. Will I still be judged and what happens after that...I am a bit confused on this topic. Also, what are the various consequences...could it be guilt etc...is it always a physical consequence? Thx
I really enjoyed this article!!!
Eddie Long is guilty, guilty, guilty. So Minister G. Craige you don't need anyone to confirm what you said, God already did. You always speak the truth and have never drawn people unto yourself. So for those of you who think that God's children shouldn't judge you better take time to read what Paul wrote in I Cor. 5 I Would tell you, but that's the problem now, some of you depend on others to tell you what God said, instead of finding out what God has said himself. God is pulling the covers off all these false prophets. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. If Eddie members are decieved, it's because they chose to be. Cry out people! This is the hour! 4 words for Eddie Long...REPENT AND SIT DOWN!
Eddie Long is guilty, guilty, guilty. Folks quit being so ignorant. God said many will come in his name, and many will be deceived. Stop using scripture to promote these misleading, white-washed, viper of a pastor, hypocrite leading ministers. STOP. God is tired of it and you should be too. Cry out for discernment, because obviously some of you are reading without understanding. This is why we have the Holy Spirit to lead us into all TRUTH.
Amen Elder Lewis. Thank you for bringing clarity to this situation using scriptures and the Word of God. Christians continue to watch and pray.
G. Craige has been speaking the truth from day one, and God is using him mightily. Why some of yall look at ministers today who expose the truth and call them false, but God used prophets back then to expose the same truth. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever more. He didn't overlook the sins of the past, but destroyed a whole world. Read about Noah days. Quit comparing David to Eddie Long, David committed adultery with a woman, and he did it ONE time folks, repent and got hisself together. David didn't habitually sin. I hate to go here, some of yall need to quit being so ignorant. I still love you, but its time to wake up.
I really appreciate what u are doing Craig, U see many of us would have been deceived were it not for your expositions, may the Good lord uphold and keep you. Some of those ministers are just deceiving people but the truth will definitely show up
Great post, Minister Lewis! I have always known of Long's heresy, but I have been slow to react on the allegations because I don't trust everything that I hear on the media. However, I am aware of what Jude says, and preached from it yesterday, so it wouldn't surprise me if the allegations are true. Your perspective, with the backing of the word, confirmed the things that I have been thinking in this situation. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
I praise GOD for the Truth that you are Speaking Brother Craig. You are the 1st person, that I heard, "GOD", is not judging him, but sin is. GOD does not "Blast his people like this. Stay alert Brother Craig, the Body of Christ needs you to stay strong right now like never before. The devil wants the True Prophets like you to fall, so that we can all look phone. Peace and Love bruh
All I can say is WOW! Let the truth reign and all else be destroyed!
I stand with the Word of God...
God Bless You...
All I can say is AMEN!
Thank you brother Craig for this blog. It helps out a lot and has steered me in the right direction. Eddie Long should be ashamed of himself. Its sad that we don't fear God like we use to. For him to live this lifestyle and preach all over the world without feeling any conviction is really upsetting.
May God Bless you and keep you safe.
You've made the case, Pastor. The message is blatantly clear. Thank you for bringing the truth home to me.Thank you.
I see no others with the courage to speak on these things ,You help my faith by what you teach, the word of GOD, thankyou brother God bless you and i agree,AMEN
Jeremiah 9:5
And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity
Thank God for the Truth. May we know You, Lord, and be known by You. Help us to yield to Your Spirit and be led by You, O God! May Your Word be heard throughout the land, and the hearts of men repent and be changed. Let not Your true servants voice be silenced. But let Truth prevail. Amen.
Thank you, G. Craige, for this message. May the Spirit of God be always in your mouth, and His words only shall you speak. May the eyes of the hearts of men be opened and awake from their slumber. Awakened from many deceptions that have led this country and it's leaders astray.
This is the truth Amen
Dear Brother Lewis,
You are right on in this article about Eddie Long. Revelation 3:17-22 describes this type of "self exaltation" its results and how to be restored.
I see you have also included a picture of Paul Crouch in the article. Why is that?
I have never had a total stranger reveal so much truth to me and open my eyes to people that portray themselves as true saints of God! You are a prophet, true in every since of the Word. I praise the Lord God for you. Please tell me how I can support your ministry beside prayer! Bless the Lord Jesus, oh Most High for you. Thank you! Evangelist Queen Dixon
Wow! Very well said Pastor Lewis. I have heard about his young men sexual exploits 5 years ago and heard much heresy coming from his lips.
Being a gospel artist, i have also been to places where i would talk to people and they would say how Eddie Long was one of their favorite preachers, i would ask why? They would actually say because he preaches the word. What? the word? I've rarely if ever seen or heard him do that. I would challenge them and they would get mad at me and end the conversation. Blind to the truth, iching ears. Thank you for this blog Pastor Lewis. God bless you and your family.
i really enjoyed your message
Dear Pastor G. Graige, Thank you for bringing light into a very dark situation, My thoughts and or opinion which I have stated was God does restore if acts were indeed true. The light/ clarity what struck home was that God did NOT put Eddie Long up there and God is not bringing him down, but his own ungodly acts are making him pay for his own sins. No doubt God allowed warning after warning before destruction, I thank God for men like you who are far, few and in between who are still out there sounding the alarm yelling TO THE PEOPLE WAKE UPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! CONTINUE IN FAITH to bring down satan's mess its not a kingdom theres only one true KINGDOM OF GOD AND ONLY ONE TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST!
Wow!! Talk about calling a spade a spade! Thank you, thank you, Brother Lewis for not being afraid to speak the truth in love. I was AMAZED at the responses some congregants were giving after he spoke to his church. They REFUSE to believe these young victims and stand by this so-called man of God! God help us and deliver us from blindness. The entire situation is frightening and deeply disturbing.
Bless, the Lord for your continual stance against evil. Keep standing for rightousness.
Please keep standing for christ!
Judgement must begin at the house of God!
I applaud you Elder for standing up to all of the critics that want to turn their head to sin. Shame on them. There is so much of this type of sin going on and no one wants to speak up/out about it. I pray for you and your family because I know the devil truly wants to silence you but the Truth shall prevail. Cry Loud and Spare Not.
G. Craige,
Please keep wise counsel around you so you can continue on this narrow path of righteousness with integrity. If a man after God's heart like you fell, then how much hope is there for anyone? I know we are to keep our eyes on Jesus, but it's encouraging to know that pastors can lead in the way of Christ. We are praying for you. Please don't join the ranks of the mega church pastors. It's sickening, man. Sickening. It's about lies and tithes.
Hey G. Craig, I appreciate you taking so much time to write this. I totally agree with your summation and explaining of "what has actually happened."
Praise God for your labors of love. May this article be a help and encouragement to many who lack the discernment to see through the charisma of so many of the TV preachers that are popular today.
Pastor Lewis, God called you for such a time as this! You have opened my eyes to so many things around me. I thank the Lord for you and will continue to pray for you. I realize now that I have to pray for you now even more than before. I am leaving this note to encourage you to continue this fight of faith. Don't watch the faces of these so-called preachers and haters least the Lord confound you before them. I am reminded of this fact from the word of God.
John 12:39-40 (NJKV)
39 Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again:
40 “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts,
Lest they should see with their eyes,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.”
Amen. In this season of exposure the curtains are truly coming down and we are seeing people for who they really are clearly. Judgment must first begin at the house of God. God's people better be ready. Gog Bless you and your ministry Pastor Lewis.
Amen.Enough said!
Amen!! What took you so long to post....I have been waiting on your take.
You said it, hopefully they will believe now. Kingdom citizens, love God and God only. Forsake all,everyone and everthing.
You are absolutely correct. I was wrong for looking at this from Gal 6, I now understand why this does not apply to him. Thank you for helping me see it from God's perspective.
Well said prophet.
Than you for your word. May it reach millions.
Every time I think you're being harsh, you back it up with facts and quotes of the subject matter and then refer to the scripture. When you are a believer, you cannot argue with the truth. I guess we all need a HARSH reality check. Keep it going...
There is one thing that I have noticed about carnal mega churches. You do not need a blble and the atmosphere is geared toward your emotions.
To God be the glory the truth shall make u free.
Wow! is all I can say. That was the true living word of God! Thank you for this post and the others I have been reading. Just to say I use to watch all those mega preachers on TBN about 5 years ago but something just did not sit right with my spirit and I stopped watching them. I am glad I am being fed the truth and know the truth. 2nd Tim 2:15.
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! YOU speak the truth, thank GOD for YOU Mr. Lewis.
This is good Pastor Lewis. I wonder if a Ex Cast is brewing on the stove?
I have heard rumors and accusations against Bishop Eddie Long for years.Even,TD Jakes made an announcement about this situation.It is a disgrace!The crowd was in awe of the Bishop on CNN.What is wrong with the Body Of Christ?It is reported that more young men are calling the lawyers office.His flock claim that the young men want to be paid.His members need to wake up!!!A similar situation happened in Compton,CA at the Doublerock Baptist church.Pastor Simms was having homosexual relations and embezzled monies from the church.But,he went to prison.
Amen! KEEP SPEAKING THE TRUTH (the WORD of GOD)Elder Craige. GOD Bless you & your family.
Man of God, I have learned that God is right about everything and that we all must get in line with His Word before the final alter call. I read your EX daily Words as much as possible and they encourage me greatly.I thank God that their are preachers like you still around that will tell it like is according to His Word even if it hurts. God is continuing to transform me to be as He is and it has been a painful process.Keep that Blood Stained Banner raised until the end.
This is a shameful and sad! Im sorry to say that no one should be shocked by this news. The way he dress says a lot about him.I tryed to look pass that and lisen to him.... nothing ! The message is all about ME! Not Jesus! Humanism! Whats done in the dark will come to the light! I pray that all that are deceivers will be exposed!In Jesus name!
All I can say is wow..
I greet you man of Christ. I agree with your blog wholeheartedly. I believe in righteousness. If you are in the right place at all times, these type of accusations will not happen. He has a demonic force that has made him incontinent to homosexual lust.
Mr. Lewis. I for one have heard your warning. I heard you say that many of these great celebrity preachers will very soon have a mighty fall. And now I have seen it. I am so glad I know of you and your truth behind hip hop series. That knowledge has allowed me to view this as well as other coming calamities in the right light. I just thank God for grace and I pray that he gives me the strength to avoid the limelight and to strive to get out of a sinful state. The thought that sin punishes itself is very scary to me. I pray that i endure to the end. Mr Lewis you are a blessing to my life.Thank God for you! :-)
I am not surprised at all by the media circus this incident has created. Unfortunately, I do believe Eddie Long violated these young men, took advantage of a situation while these young men were young and defenseless. I believe by his involvement with these young men, he has succeeded in expanding a culture that has become a devastation in the black community, and nobody really seems to care about the outcomes associated with AIDS or unprotected sex. And, I believe he did it because he felt empowered and in controll of their futures. He was selfish and still denies his thirst for this behavior. He has preached in the past about his personal antagonism against homosexuality, but today his secret is out. I just hope the young men can get help, because it is fairly certain their belief in GOD has been fractured, as so many of our families.
Thank God for Brother Craige Lewis. Keep speaking the truth and continue to open the eyes of the people. I pray for God's hedge to be around you always as you expose the tactics of Satan.
May God bless you for the truth which you hold and proclaim, we need it in this day... never had so many false words breathed out from the pulpit as we do now.. It's as though we (the church) are sleeping in the day time!
However, the gates of Hell will not prevail against the real Church of Christ!
God bless you
W0w, This is sad problem here he is of the world.. I seen on Atlanta Richest House wives Reality Show....
Let us pray for God to move in this situation. I believe that God will use Eddie Long as an example. Either one like SAUL from the old testament, who died in shame, or like DAVID, his successor, who did shameful things yet repented. I'm reminded of a post by G. Craige Lewis "JUDGING 101"
Luke 6:37 - 'Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. Stop criticizing others, or it will all come back on you. If you forgive others, you will be forgiven.' NLT
Let us be careful before we fall in a similar trap of the enemy
Pastor Lewis, on one of your Truth Behind Hip Hop videos you spoke about E.L. brushing you off when you tried to tell him about his (and his son's) involvement in hip hop. You were so on point, even back then. When this story broke, I went to your website to see if the "voice in the wilderness" had anything to say.
Thank you for walking in the prophetic years prior to this and opening your mouth about issues that are now shaking the foundation of the church.
I read that E.L.'s spiritual mentor (Paulk) was a pervert as well and even slept with his own granddaughter. How pitiful.
PLEASE keep speaking the mind of God to His True children.
Raquel Wilson, Nebraska
The first time I heard about what is happening to Eddie Long, my first thought was that you were right. then, it hit me that all these reports about homosexual preachers and divorced prophetesses are all connected to T.D Jakes or TBN...our God is definately amazing and I praise Him because the wicked shall never prevail, even if they disguise themselves as wolves in sheep's clothing. I tell you, Jesus is coming for His bride, but until she gets her hair and nails did, He isn't going to stand for anything less. Righteousness and Holiness are what He is looking for. God bless you and reward Craige for always telling it like it is, and as I grow in my own ministry, I pray that God grants me the wisdom, strength and courage you possess.
The people and the financial trustees of the chruch do not seem to have a clue of how they established themselves as being in collusion with Eddie Long and the allegations of molestation of young men. New Birth Ministries have been named defendants in the law suits because it is alleged that they either knew or should have known and did nothing stop it. Buy allowing him to have that non-denial ceremony with the people cheering him on and pledging continued support, the church trustees have given the plaintiffs material evidence for the court to prove their claims of complicity. The entire show was put on as a show of power. Power and position is what he used to seduce the young men. On Sunday he used a show of power as a means to threaten his accusers to back down. It was designed to show them that the people view them as liars and that they will or are being condemned by the church community. This is the type of thing that men in corporate power positions have done for many decades to prevent women who were either sexually harrassed or rapped in the work place to back down. G. Craige Lewis is right. GOD is not bringing Eddie Long down. The universed was designed by GOD to take out its own trash. GOD established the end from the beginning. He placed before us two systems and depending on which system we follow it will determine our end. GOD said "I have placed before you life and death; blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life so that you and your children may live." The two systems end in either life and blessings or death and cursings. When a person enters the death and cursing system they may reach great heights in the public eye (the devil has his way of blessing too because he tried to copy everyting GOD does) but they will also experience a great fall. GOD, as G. Craige Lewis has said, is NOT causing Eddie Long to fall and the Devil is NOT attacking him. His end had already been set-up from the beginning.
OMgoodness....I said exactly the same thing....wOw, finally someone who is speaking truth....Thank You, brother, keep doing GOD's good work!This was posted in my FB feed, and the person who posted it said, "we have to pray for Eddie Long, he has no friends"...and that's all I have been hearing since this happened. People crying out for sympathy for this man, and claiming that GOD has allowed this, that the black church might gather in unity to help this man. There are so many lost people adamantly defending these wolves in sheeps clothing. I have been accused of being Satan's agent for posting info. about the heresy of the Prosperity teachers on my FB page....people totally reject the truth and accept the lie. We must know the Word of GOD so well that when the counterfeit looms on the horizon, then we know it for what it is...heresy/False Gospel!!
P.S. I always had a problem w/ those muscle shirts, but I thank my Heavenly Father for true discernment, and the ability to rightly divide His Word!
the Lord Jesus Christ said, "...by their fruits you shall know them..." he also said he shall say to some in that day, "...depart from me ye workers of iniquity..." having pleaded that they did this, that and the other in the name of Jesus Christ.
I am not surprised the Word has to be fulfilled
Man G., you opened my eyes to a lot of things in the past,and more so, GOD USED YOU TO CONFIRM A LOT OF THINGS THAT i THOUGHT i ALREADY KNEW, but this, this is so crazy man, once again, you've stepped us as a man of God should, and I am so glad that you have the avenue to do this brother...Shalom
My name is Tammy Murphy, and just recently heard about the Eddie Long situation. I've heard like everyone else that being gay is wrong and all that that comes with it. If his his he is, simply put. but I do disagree with him saying it's wrong, all the while he is practicing it. so if I went to his church, which I don't. I would just go to another church probably. I say probably because, while he come across as fake and a liar, isn't it MY personal relationship with god that matters at the end of it.
POWERFULL!!! That was a message straight from the Holy Spirit brother!!!
Does anyone know where I could find the sermons/interviews where the quotes come from. I don't discredit G. Craige Lewis' research but I am always weary of taking quotes out of context. I would appreciate your help in this matter
Every believer in Jesus Christ needs to read this. So many Christians are blinded by men like Eddie Long & will continue to blindly follow those men.
if he's gay he's gay. what I do not agree with is him supposedly, bashing being gay when he is being with men. I pwersonally have not heard him preach, so that's why I said supposedly. i guess if I went to his church I would go somewhere else.
MY GOD MY GOD you are so true about everything and everyone(CNN,TCT)etc It's alot of false Pastor running and hiding now. .Well said Elder Lewis and you are so true,this is just the beginning of all these so call famous Pastor's who think that they are greater than, and above God.I told people years ago that this guy(Eddie Long) is gay and he love men.The sad thing about this is he is mad because he got caught.He said that he felted like David REALLY David confessed and repent for his SINS and he did not mess with Little Boys. you are awesome Elder Lewis and i will always pray that god keep you and bless you.How can i send my tithes and offering or a love gift to EX Minister,Be Blessd.
People please don't live on emotions. I have been seeking the Word of God for quite some time. I have sat under some of these ministers. As I sat in their church, there were many times my spirit was vexed, I couldn't really identify with it. I've learned that it is so important to read the bible for wisdom.
I have been a part of many churches seeking the Word of God through the shepherds of the church. People, it is so important to study the Word for yourself. That does not mean you shouldn't find and pray for a shepherd at a church home. It is very important we be a "watchman" of who we seek as a shepherd.
One of the greatest angels was Lucifer until he felt he did not need God. Those are examples of being focused on who we sit under. The God we all should follow is the truth, the love and the light. God is the same today, yesterday and forevermore. We are all in our flesh filthy rags until we learn what spiritual warfare is all about. Denying ourselves and killing our flesh.
I want to thank God for using vessels like Craig Lewis in a spiritual annointing to help others. Love all in Jesus' Name! Thank God for Jesus! Just take a deep breath and hold it for a while and then exhale. Where would we would be without Jesus!
That's simple!
Praise God for the truth being delivered in clarity. Elder Lewis basically just said for us to do Romans 12:9, "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good." Be sure to "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." (Col. 3:2)
Call it out sir, Amen! One thing I'm so excited about is I don't follow no one but Christ. Like, i never got into these mega churches and preachers i never have and never will. I follow Christ. I respect and love and support my Pastor but he is not my God. The truth is what is gonna set God's people free. I know people are discouraged that the Gospel is being tore down but i'm not discouraged because EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, just like Eddie said--if he said nothing right that's truth. I'm so glad to be God's remnant. I'm so glad to be wheat and salt and light. I'm reminded of Matthew 7:13-15 For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
G Craig i am you sister in the spirit, like you call out all the stuff I try to say to folk which is why i know God speaks to me! It feels so good to have confirmation!!! God bless you and yours man of God. The devil don't like you at all but that's okay. I can just see your face posted on Hell's Most Wanted List! Hell hates G Craig but all heaven applauds!!!! Keep doing what you're doing sir, I salute you in the name of Jesus! Blessings and INcrease to you and your family and your church!
Praise be to God for raising up a man of God that is not afraid of preaching the TRUTH! God's Word is incorruptible & will never bring forth anythhing corrupt! So continue to do what God's has called you to do, my brother, because you are a blessing.
I'm almost speechless, this kind of stuff makes people want to not be a Christian, Eddie Long should be ashamed of himself, I'll still pray for him and yes we ALL should as well, this is not a good time but a great opportunity where the real preachers have to stand up now before another thing like this happens, Eddie Long is a False Prophet and he got exposed real bad, I feel sorry more for his followers because they we're lied to and fooled by secrets this man kept, we need to now tell people about TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar etc before the Christian wall falls down because its better when a REAL Christian exposes a False preacher than the News and Non Christians to do it because people will think "and you call yourself a Child of God?", people we need to STAND UP. Thank you Pastor G. Craige for posting this, its not easy doing this but you did it, keep it up EX Ministries. I'd also recommend anyone reading this to bring baby Christians to EX Ministries, they won't fail you.
God bless you!
Honestly I almost wept when the news first broke(i see why they call it breakings new).It was like if a close trusted home-boy just confessed this sin to me (i felt deceived,hurt,mislead). I have been in an out of newbirth before they were mega (i refused to join because of the kind of money they were always asking for/summin jus dnt seem right)i've always been concerned about mega churches. i have dear friends who have and are literally slaves to that ministry and only on their behalf have i assisted them with the ministry they were apart of (also at the same time in a nice way telling them to move on). I guess when the news came i wasnt really weeping for eddie, but for those who truly Love GOD and has been with newbirth from the beginning like my friends and the countless supporters/members worldwide who are now devastated by the news. its easy to sit and see the news,and be detached from the actually reality of the effects. To most people this will be like every other breaking news. For those who do not know the lives that have now been broken and left damaged (and the destructive agenda that seems to be growing stronger against the body of Christ)please be in prayer. I guess those who were there to Serve GOD and not eddie will have to suck it up, and move on.
WOW! Very Very Interesting...I have to post this on Facebook & Twitter. Thought provoking message. The sad part is many will not hear what you are saying because they choose to be ignorant & they choose to follow man rather than follow God. Preachers like him are inclusiveness which is not of God. I am going to go back & read this instinctively...
Thank.GOd for you Pastor Lewis I really loved the way you explained how God was not behind all this mess. Eddie Long and Carlton Pearson need to truly get saved.If they where men of God why would he expose them.
Leave it to Elder/Pastor Lewis to share the truth without regard for popularity or political correctness!
You really broke down what is happening. It disturbs me to see many so-called believers blindly supporting Eddie Long and believing that he is a man of God.
Pastor G. Craige, I pray that Jesus continues to Prosper you! I thank him for using you to teach and help expose the enemy! Your Ministry is phenomenal and I as a Pastor and Youth Pastor along with the Uncompromised Word of Christ have learned so much about Hip Hop Free Masonry and the Illiminati from your ministry! Continue to let the Holy Spirit use you! In the matter of Eddie Long, You are so on point! We are in agreeance on so may levels. I plead the blood of Jesus over you and your ministry. I am so tired of fakeness in the Pulpit! Continue to bring the Devil to a lie and open Shame! God Bless, Pastor B. Jefferson
Awhile ago, a friend of mine, a minister, said something to me that made so much sense that it didn't require a lot of thought. I quote "the truth don't need no support"! The Gospel truth as you have presented it is transpiring right before our eyes, and similar to the media's purpose, Bro. Lewis, I can see that you are not making the news you're just reporting what has happened. I compliment you on your honest unbiased approach to these issues that should concern every true believer.
G Thank you first of all for always telling the truth, sometimes it come across with out love but I have spoken to you breifly when you came to Beaumont and I believe your heart is for Holiness and Righteouness. It hurts so much seeing people willingly falling into a lifestyle I faught my whole life to come out of....Brother as I am praying please never let up or back down,,,,Ever....The world needs to see Christ the Real Christ.
This makes a lot of sense....well spoken Mr. G. Craige
Elder Craig that commentary was such a blessing. You've been talking about all of this for years now. That's why we were all so prepared for it. Bishop Long said he was going to fight this. Interestingly enough, he didn't say how he was going to fight it. Heard anything in the news lately? No? That's because Bishop Long and his lawyers are secretly paying these guys off. Trust me, they are having secret meeting as we speak. You're not gonna hear much more at this point. The sad part is that Bishop Long is not the only one. I'm sure he's part of a whole network. And I suspect they're all probably covering their tracks right now.
Yes sir! I agree wholeheartedly! This whole thing was planned from the beginning as a means to discredit Christianity. What a great majority of people out there don't know is that those "big time bishops" and the like are not men of God but merely men associated with Christianity! In due time, God will judged the ungodly! keep revealing the truth and exposing the devil! God bless!
Unfortunately, I too am not surprised at these discoveries. What’s sadder is that regardless to whether Eddie Long is right or wrong, public opinion and a darn good attorney will get him off. Remember OJ and Michael Jackson presumed guilty but totally exonerated, not because they did or did not commit the acts they were accused of but darn good attorneys.
Eddie Long compares himself to David. We’ll in that since he IS GUILTY. David was in the battle with Goliath and the Philistines, so I guess in a narcissistic way Eddie Long is saying he has been battling demons of another kind. Himself.
Minister Lewis, did you mean to say, "there is no more tolerance for it'? Or 'there is more tolerance....?
If not, I apologize for my misunderstanding.
Very sad situation here that he put on himself. Wow! Big time TBN celebrity....need I say more.
Wow! Excellent post. This sums up everything and makes complete sense. I knew there was a hidden agenda behind Ted Haggard being the main person the media uses to defend long.
God bless you Pastor Craige!
right on! u go ahead pastor craige tell the world how it is. The TRUTH! folks get mad when u call them out! u ain't lying, wut they do is in plane view for the world to see. Then when u tell them that what folks is doing is ungodly and they know better than that. Folks want to cuz you out & get mad. They are the ones that put their self in that hot seat!
Keep on preaching Man of God
WOW!!! The Holy Spirit is awesome! "Jesus said He would lead and guide us into all TRUTH. I was lead by the Holy Spirit to Pull-out my journal and re-visit a word received from the Spirit of the Lord on Monday, January 2, 2007. THE MESSAGE SPOKEN: 5 WELL-KNOWN PREACHERS ARE GOING TO BE EXPOSED, BECAUSE THEY'RE LEADING THE PEOPLE DOWN A PATH OF DESTRUCTION". The bible tells us in (Matt. 24:4-5),Jesus answered and said to them: "Take heed that NO ONE deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. BE NOT DECEIVED!!!
WOW!!! The Holy Spirit is awesome! Jesus said He would lead and guide us into ALL TRUTH. I was prompt by the Holy Spirit to pull-out my journal, and re-visit a word spoken to me in my kitchen on Monday, January 2, 2007.
Wow, wow, wow!!!!!
Hello there and God Bless you all I want to say to G Craig Lewis.Pastor Lewis thank you so much for bringing the truth in The Truth Behind Hip Hop videos I do wish to meet with you some day I want to share my testimony with you. So many people love to follow after these Pastors the preach so much about the dollar and how to get rich. Truly God does want us to prosper BUT he also wants us to live holy lives also. G Craig said it right HOLINESS OR HELL. Pastor Lewis keep preaching the truth and be blessed.
tanx for this insightful message. the moment i saw the news on CNN, i remembered your teeachings on hip hop and how it has entered the church and i just knew in my spirit that this is only the begining. I wish we had more ministers like you, especially here in West Africa where these same mega preachers are coming to make disciples.
i wish someone would warn our african pastors before they are made a ridicle as well.
thanks again Bro Craig, and may God continually strengthen you.
God bless.
i have been sick sick over this for years the churches and christaians make excusses for everything. we have allowed this for yrs and now people some preachers who disagree are so close to it they feel they cant bak away. i will be finf=ding a new church be cause my chus=rch want take a stand and is comfertable stand on the sideline in these matters. we have recently alied under another church and our new bishop is focused on growing into the biggest church in the world. so we have to help him do so? i am not comfrotable with that and cant take it any longer. or new bishop used scipture on the tower of babble to justify all the churches in our city joining together and working on this goal! saying " god himself came down to look at te tower" and that "there was nothing \man could not accomplish now that they worked together" LEAVING OUT THAT GOD WAS NOT PLEASED WITH THE TOWER. then our intire church came and bowwed down to show loyalty to the bishop saying this was showing honor. i cant be in that church another day.
Keep on teaching the Word of God truefully!!!
I Timothy 3:1-7 tells us exactly how a Bishop called by God should be. 1This is a true saying,if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2A bishop then must be blameless,the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober,of good behavior,given to hospitality,apt to teach;3Not given to wine,no striker,not greedy of filthy lucre;but patient,not a brawler,not covetous;4One that ruleth well his own house,having his children in subjection with all gravity;5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)6Not a novice,lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.7Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.[KJV]
I want to thank you for opening my eyes and ears. My spirit is troubled by a lot of things I see and hear on christian TV and Radio. I couldn't pin point it or explain it. I just knew something was wrong. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way. I pray your strenght and protection in the Lord.
Br. G. I thank the Lord for using you to bring this boldly. God's power enables every believer to not become a prey of false teachers. Even though these 'teachers' are great in number and dangerous, we donot have to be afraid, provided that we trust in the Lord, Allmighty and be rooted and well-founded in HIM.
Thank God for Ex-Ministries and br. G. You're one in a million. I plead the blood of JESHUA over you all.
WOW! I will share this! Much more than people are ready to hear, yet we know they NEED to hear it.
Thanks to my sister Deborah Lee-Weathers for sharing this.
Thank you Mr. G Craige Lewis!!!
Elder Lewis, I agree wholeheartedly! I live in the ATL area and this mess is the talk of the town. One of the victims, Jamal Parris, spoke out earlier this week for the first time since the scandal became public on a prominent news channel in ATL. The conviction with which he spoke was moving and considerably more potent than Long's Sunday morning pep rally. See the link below for insight.
I don't know who was able to see when Eddie Long commented to his church on sunday but now they have deleted what he said . He first stated that he was not a perfect man and he would fight the charges well that comment didn't sit well with me I'm not perfect but I'm not molesting people and engaging in homosexual activity so it sound like he was trying to confess a lil bit maybe thats why they deleted that
Greetings Bro.Craig!
It is such a shame that all of this is happening. However what is done in the dark comes out in the light. God's word is true and He is coming back for his people. I believe that God is angry with homosexuality as well as other sins that are being done in this land. It's sad that so many people are following false teachings. I thank God for the Holy Ghost and discernment. I pray for a revival and an outpouring of the Holy Ghost on this entire nation. I pray that saints will wake up and be on one accord. I pray for healing and that people who are hungry for God's word will have an understanding and that they be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins. Thank you Bro. for your boldness. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your family and to use you always. -Maryland
Thank you for speaking The Word of God! If people would just listen and get out their comfort zones, many eyes, heart and souls would be opened up to the truth. Continue to deliver The Word!
I agree with you...Thanks for speaking the truth Bro. G.Craige.
I cannot say that I enjoyed this article. I can say that this article is timely and desperately needed. The gospel of prosperity, the gospel of me, mine, and I, the gospel of inclusion or any other gospel, if it is preached, the person that preaches it is to be accursed Galatians 1:6-9. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ is to be preached. I say again. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ is to be preached.
Secret Sexual Sins, The Series.
I have just one question for anyone to answer....if you saw all of this before, why not speak out then and "warn" the body of Christ,especially those
saints that do not have the spirit of discernment. God is the Judge of us all....I pray for the body of Christ as well as those involved in the mess. I have not read anyone comment that says they will pray for all of these people involved. What does the world think of the Church (body of christ) today? we must "love" one another and PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER!! IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS, HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS,AND TO CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. 1 JOHN 1:9
You said a lot Man of God and the word of God is true and words you speak are truth!
Thanks for sharing!! I pray that his followers will leave that church and join a Church of Christ where they will get sound doctrine!!
The first thing is aid when all of this came out was "Hmm, G. Craig said that man wasn't right along time ago" and sure enough...as usual, G Craig was right. I'm waiting to see who's gonna be next...
All I can say about him is as the bible said what is done in the dark will be brought to the light no matter who you are.Although, I disagree with you when you say that,GOD deidnot take a "Rib " from ADAM to make "EVE" the bible said a rib so,a rib it was.Your comments I really appreciate you bring this subject of "gays 'to the front letting many people know that every one that calls Lord,Lord is not for the LORD.In my walk with GOD I have learned to check everything out for yourself when it comes to your walk with CHRIST almighty so thank you for enlightening me to subject matter.
How awesome is out God!! Thank you so much for being obedient and speaking the truth. This can be so hard as people are now worshipping their leaders and not God. They look at you funny, like you're crazy. You are just the one to speak this truth. Again, thank you so much for Gods truth..
Preachers are taken out of their positions and exalted beyond Christ, in most cases. Fall is the next thing to come. If he repents, of his doctrine(Kingdom Now) and his acts(young men, self),the Lord will restore him (salvation and calling). We must accept that New Birth is in a mess, so pray that the congregation will open their eyes to the truth. We are in the last seconds of the last days!!!!
This is a timely word. Just because folks say that they are a part of the Body of Christ does not mean that they are. I believe all save folks should have a spirit of discernment and if not they should ask for this gift. Satam has set some folks up to decieve the people of God. The bibles says you have not because you ask not. nThe bible also says to beware of false prophets. I also wanted to say to Minister Lewis what you wrote in this blog does bare witness to my spirit.
I totally agree with the commentary. When we (Christians) start excusing what our pastors and bishops do because of their titles and who they are, we have taken our focus off of God and turned it on to man. God has blessed us all with talents and Praise God that he has blessed Mr. Lewis with the ability to discern. Regardless of what the world says, Christians need to open their ears and open their eyes and be aware of what is going on and follow the true and living GOD..not man!!
Amen, I'm glad what I am thinking is correct. I just feel sorry for some people I go to church with because they are deceived by this man not Bishop. He does not deserve that title...Thank you for the many years of exposing this false prophet.
There has never been a detective like sin, not even Sherlock Holmes. The Word of God says, in Numbers 32:23 "....be sure your SIN will find you out". Sin is the greatest detective in the world! Sin arrested Mr. LongFellows (aka Eddie Long)...sin got him! Don't forget...the middle letter in the word sIn is "I". If you don't embarrass sin, sin will embarrass you!!! *This is a prime example. Glory to God for allowing these "false profits" to be exposed for what they truly are. The icing on the cake is that there are former members of New Birth on this blog who have confirmed that they suspected that this man was a closed "homosexual". Jesus said in John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Come out of bondage people of New Birth! Keep spreading the Gospel Message of Truth Elder GCL. God Bless!
MS. PROVERB 31 (Ms. Virtuous Woman). Your comments were very receptive concerning Mr. LongFellows (aka Eddie Long's) public appearance and it shows that you are a true criminal justice scholar who pays attention to detail. You're right, the comment Mr. LongFellows made, "I'm not a perfect man..." in and of itself did/do not sit well and is in and of itself an admission of impropriety. The photos that Mr. LongFellows took of himself in "his spandex" don't help his case either and they speak volumes. The old saying is "a picture is (or in this case pictures are) worth a thousand words".
Whatelse is there to say... Amen
Please let us all have mercy for Eddie Long...Pastor G. Craige Lewis may the Lord keep you in his way...i support the God n u....LOVE U
Praise be to the almighty He reigns supreme soley! ex ministries is the real deal thanks be blessed! this was necessary to pull the real saints out the fire at that so called church those that are there for God will leave and continue in the way with a healthy ministry!those that are there for eddie long will naturally stay he was why they were there in the first place! do not be deceived again people.
I am so happy that you are a man of God who have told the truth on this issue. A lot of his congregation may be confused or lost about the situation but you have truly and honestly exposed sin for what it is. Thanks for opening our eyes as christians. Keep on preaching the gospel throughout this land and continue to let the Holy Spirit guide you thanks!
This proof that we need real relationship GOD. If we do not have this connection with GOD we too will fall. All we see is churches today looking and acting like the world, there are not many churches out there that are living the standard. Most of preachers I see on tv today are no more than business men. Preaching what sells.
We will know them by the fruit they bare!!!! Pastor Lewis thank you for doing as the word says and teaching GOD's people the truth. GOD bless you.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.(John 8:32)Thanks brother for reveiling God's word, which is the Truth!We as the people of God must learn to discern and be able to seperate the things of God; but we must first KNOW him. (1KINGS 3:9), (HEB.5:14) , (1COR.12:10). Prophetic Blessing.
how can you know if he is guilty or not?
I'm sending a post from Greensboro,N.C.and none of this is surprising to me.While watching this at work my co-workers where just as disgusted as I am Gods' word is being sold as a "new age"product and many are being decieved by this heresy.There are so many freemasons in the pulpit in N.C. its unbelievable and no one has a problem with it.Mr.Lewis your message is without error and religious deception thank you for sharing Gods' word with us all!!!1
There are many that thank and praise God for you and the ministry God has given you. Some of us Christians are trying to explain spiritual things to the world and the Bible explicitly tells us that the world does not understand spiritual things (1 Corinthians 2:12-16). The world doesn't understand that Romans 1:32 is speaking of spiritual death (eternal separation from God); however, we get on worldly shows quoting this Scripture. The "Word" has not changed and what man thinks of the "Word" or how much the world thinks the "Church" must move forward, you nor any other Christian can afford to compromise the "Word of God". Our eternal life depends on it, continue in the way of the LORD.
This is a blessing. I agree with this. I just wish everyone can read this and see things for what they clearly are.
Liked the post
Thank you for this post Bro. Craige, but has anyone noticed how this event has opened up doors for Carlson Pearson. CNN is loving him. I believe that his ministry is even more destructive to the body of christ. It is so sad to see what is happening.
Bro. Craige keep letting God use you. We need a voice like yours. All praise to Jesus.
WOW! For truly you have the wisdom of God and a man of TRUTH! May God continue to use you for His Glory and to prepare us for the coming of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. I bless God for your ministry.
Clarifies Much.
Best comments I've ever heard concerning this "really bad" situation. I wasn't aware that TD Jakes was E. Long's Spiritual Father. I was just watching/listening to a video of TD Jakes' viewpoint of this madness. What he said and his stance on this makes your blog even more richer with the truth. TD Jakes did NOT stand against this! He merely encouraged his congregation to "just Pray". Thank you for this and the EXPOSE-ition is on.,,,,,,
I had no idea Eddie Long was married. His face and his face alone is on every picture...not his wife, nor children...Does this seem strange to anyone else but me? I mean it just screams CULT!
Yeah, pastor Lewis, and just as the 'real' prophets, jeremiah and Ezekiel warned Israel: Woe to the Shepards that scatter and destroy the sheep. These 'Pastors' are brutish (fools) and they are hirelings than shepherds. I believe that yes, in these last days, decent, caring shepards and healthy churches are hard to come by because of the lie of the evil one. John 14;6 but Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no man comes to the Father but through him. he is the Good Shepard who cares about the lost sheep and are not using the NAME OF JESUS to prostitute the gospel for material gain. keep preaching the word in season and out of season! Come to the Chicago/ Naperville area ASAP man!
Mr. Craig
Please know that you are not alone. May the lord continue to richly bless you, your family and your ministry.
Those who will not stand for something will fall for anything. I certainly stand and support your mininstry.
Francine Williams
I am so sad about this whole thing with Eddie Long. It’s not like I ever took the time out to listen to him, but for him to contribute to the bad name, that is and has been floats amongst those who are of the world, that the church is the most twist place of lies…… gives me a deep pain for those who have been deceive by him and those that are like him. For him to help pervert, deceive, misdirect our young and old, in and out of the church, is like spitting in the lords face. We need to stop talking about praying for our churches, and just start doing it. There needs to be something held where we can all lie on our faces before the lord, and cry out to god for our children and for the people in the United States. No one needs to dress up, no program (no headliners), no instruments, we can be the instruments, crying out, singing, humming, praising, and praying. We need to pray for protection for our families (not just flesh and blood), but those in the body of Christ, and those who have step outside of the lords will, so they will be lead to step back in order, and even for our own deliverance. We need to pray for protection from natural disasters, and diseases. We need to all do this as one, together, in other words, same time, but maybe different places, as long as we are on one accord. God is not playing and time is ticking loudly. It is almost that time. Where will you be? I know where I want to be.
Powerful message and timely.
thank you for you observations pastor Craig (and team).
I am continually blessed by your God-given truths. this ministry has done well to open my eyes on many occasions. there is no denying the realness of our God!
you are a blessing.
Soo, when I heard about the allegations, I was certainly not surprised. When I saw the muscle shirt pictures, it reminded me of Truth about Hip-Hop 3, how you were explaining how these mega preachers support homosexuality, walking around with muscle shirts and how these churches are full of "walking 6 packs of Sissis"! I really am happy to know God speaks thru you. You do not compromise the Word of God for nothing. I thank you for letting yourself get used by the Spirit of God, in order for us to hear the truth. The Bible says it best: THE TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE!
Bless you Elder Craige Lewis, looking forward to see you in Canada! =)
It grieves me sometimes to see the state of humanity in this day and age, even for myself. Only thing I truely know is that I love God in my heart, and one day he is coming back.
I had prayed for God to start to release those who were preaching heresy in the church. But just like anything else, I told him to start with me. I am in ministry, and I know I have to set my house in order.
I didn't discern that Eddie Long was not being taken down by God, but now facing what the devil had done to him. I repent of that, and hope that I will see God rightly and speak of Him rightly like you do.
Being in the South, I do believe a shakeup is coming to the church, especial the black church, but I pray that we would all turn from idolatry in the place that would contend with it... and see that only the Holy Spirit is supposed to speak from the pulpit, and no one else. And we in and out of the Chitlin circuit can't be afraid to talk about it (not gossip), and seek God's face in it either.
We need to pray for that church would have open eyes.
wow this is sooo good Mr. Lewis. again I listen and watch your teaching and I pray for you, because you come with the truth. and I pray People who have ears let them hear what God is saying in his word. Lord Have Mercy! you are teaching God true words. Childern of God Please! Please! listen to what this man of God is trying to tell us. it is the TRUTH. BE BLESS!
I said it before and I'll say it again. we must watch AS WELL AS pray.
Pray with your eyes WIIIDE OPEN!
{smiling at ya}...say on bro craige, say on!
I hold true this verse:
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God.
Bread = bread of life = word of God
Every word that proceed out of the mouth of God
word = in the beginning was the word = Jesus
Proceed out of the mouth of God = loosed out of the mouth of God = breath of God = Spirit of God
All together now for complete translation:
man cannot live by the scriptures alone, but must live also by the Spirit of the Author of the entire book/bible.
{you cannot rightly live by the Bread of life APART FROM the Spirit of life.}
sign cris
the truth about eddie long is this, he never fell, because he was never up, he was hiding behind the deguise of a preacher to cover up his desire for young males. eddie long was never with ywhy/God from day one these men are hustlers they get in your wallet through your emotions. eddie long, creflo dollar,jessie duplantis, kenneth copeland, benny hinn,and many others on tbn network are promoting this new age christian
movement that encourages u to do what ever you want and still be down with God, but they are devils in deguise and their doctrine is that of satan, and there own evil desires. stay encouraged brother craig, and God bless u and your family my brother. Michael Humble.
Pastor Graige keep on keepen on brother. I follow ex ministries because I know the messagees are from God. I've learned so much by following Ex Ministries. I can't thank God enough. Thank you for being that vessel he can use to speak the truth. We need it. In Jesus Name. With much love
I want to first let you know that i thanful for the courage that God has blessed you with to speak up and to speak out. He says " I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIGHT". I came across your teaching by researching the secret societies of this world, not saying you are apart of any. But it brought you to my attention on your segments about hip hop and its involvment of a demonic realm. I was just curious if you ever heard of the secret society "the illuminati?" They are the top of the pyhmid but under them are the freemasons the boule and others.
God has blessed you to SEE THE TRUTH, SPEAK THE TRUTH, AND STAND UP FOR THE TRUTH. Please continue on your journey of Truth and opening the eyes of people who are confused, and uncertain of our Jesus. I thank you your message in Exodus to egypt has really opened my eyes. God Bless You Brother Lewis.
You r a big blessing to me pastor.Igot to know of u the first time when my dad brought home a copy of your preaching on dvd obout JayZ.This was an eye opener for me.Since then Ive been wanting to find out more about you and thankfully,I found you on the net.Yo daily word is so uplifting.GOD BLESS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH and thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
I bless God for your spirit discernment. I've first saw when Eddie Long said "He's not perfect but he will fight" and i've found it weird, but your article explained it all. And by the way i'm a big follower of ex ministries, lot of soul have been deliver here in montreal by those DVDs.
Wow,I will forever be grateful for your obedience to christ. Bro.Craig you are truly God sent..!! I was completely sick,angry,and disgusted to my stomach when I first heard of the news about Eddie Long,but it didn't surprise me that much because I have watched this man on tv from time to time and I always felt deep down that something just wasn't right about him. I could never really get into his teachings, now I know why..!! Plus the muscle shirts in the pulpits was such distraction and I thought it was rather odd to see that. And you are so right when you say that his sin is judging him not GOD. Satan is a deceiver and he will make an open show of you once his assignment is completed through you.I bet he sees that now..!! I mean he has no reverential respect for God to get up in the pulpit and twist his word like he did. Anyway,Bro Craig,May God richly bless you, exministries, and your family forever and ever. You are a true prophet of God,please keep up the sound teachings of the truth behing satan's agenda..!!! Keep Boldly EXPOSING,EXPOSING,EXPOSING..I LOVE IT..!!
Hands down the best article I've read on the Eddie Long disaster--incredible--so insightful on so many fronts.It's particularly relevant in light of the fact that Eddie is rumoured to be looking to mediate a settlement with his accusers ala Michael Jackson.
These celebrity preachers are annoying. Do they not know when Jesus was elevated, He was crying and sweating blood in the garden and then elevation drove Him to a wooden cross! We must kill the flesh to do the Will of the Father in Heaven. Be blessed and much love...
Pastor Lewis, it is so refreshing to be able to tune my eyes and ears to a man whose total adgenda is to expose the TRUTH of God's Word, to all those who will listen and open their hearts to it! My husband and I were first exposed to your ministry through "The truth about Hip Hop V", and were really shaken up, in a good way! We have since ordered the video and shared it with other friends and family. I totally believed the alligations about Long from the beginning, and have always viewed him as a heretic! No man that loves God would worship money and himself the way this man does! I live in the Atlanta Area and was trying to find a church. I thought I had found a dencent, (but not great) one in this ministry called "New Mercy), until they celebrated their church anniversary and allowed their spiritual father "Bishop Long" to be the guest of honor. I was literally nausous at how the crowd was acting like Jesus himself had walked onto the pullpit, and that was just the start of it. He didn't even pick up a Bible for his "message" and of course, his main points were how we should bless the pastor, Jessie Currney with monetary gifts for all he done for all of us. I haven't been back since, and won't go back, since Currney use to be the head of the youth department at New Birth before he "broke way to start his own extension of New Birth. It made me wonder what he too was "into" or at least knew about Long's dealings with all thses young men since he was "so close" to him. I thank you for challenging us with the Word, and you make me realize how much more I need to read and study the Word for myself. I thank God for you and your family, and for all these other believers that have commented here and are TRUE followers of the faith! May God continue to bless and keep you all under His watchful care! Amen!
Elder G. Craige Lewis, please continue to expose this ungodly carnality in the Church. I thank God for the boldness he has given you, for it is truly setting me and my wife free. There is way too much mixing of the Holy and the profane going on in the Church today. And the sheep of the Lord Jesus is at the mercy of these hypocrite bishops..These were the people Jesus was always in confrontation with in his ministry on earth..You are obviously more honorable than these monster that are out to deceive God church with gnosticism Thank you and may the LORD continue to give you utterance and boldness to declare his truth.. Andre
Check out the link at the bottom? It looks like there will be a 20 year length-long fundraiser at New Birth to pay off those 4 young men (victims), and their attorneys. That being said, I believe we will see more Eddie Long appearances on those same old “tired” TBN telethons for the years to come.
It is sad that people are mislead by people like Jakes and others. People wake up and get out of the dreame world........
I have been listening to your podcasts for some time now. I have a 20 year old son who has been trying to make it in the gospel music business. I introduced him to your blog just so he could be more aware of what he was getting himself into. Now it is something he struggles with because he truly want to be a man of God. I pray for him everyday that he does not get entangled with the corruption of the music industry. But on another note, I've told many people of the things I've read in your blogs and it has inflamed many a arguments (lol). People don't want to believe the music they love to listen to actually means something totally different when listening with a spiritual ear. I say keep up the good work. You have really opened my eyes to a lot of the pastors at these Mega churches and gospel singers. It never matched up to me and now I see why.
I Thank God For U R A Modern Day John The Baptist! God Is Sending Warnings After Warnings To The Saints Of God To Get Our House In Order! God Revealing The Truth To His People! Listening Your Message Has Given Me New Insight Concerning Our Gospel Music Its Scary! Pray For Us As I Pray God Keeps U & Your Ministry In His Care! Reason, Why I Say Pray For Me & My Choir Director Who Is Currently Establishing His Own Record Company! I Sent Your Blog. To His Page In Hopes He Will Take Heed To The Message Right Away He Said," Do Not Send Any Of Your Material To Him Anymore!" I Forgot His Is Close Friends To Kirk Franklin! Is Fame, Riches & Money That Much To Us? They Said It Would be A Great Falling Away! I Even Have A Classmate Who Is A Deccan In Pastor Eddie Longs Church I Shared Your Radio message To Him He Discontinued My Friendship Here On Face Book! God Bless U & Your Ministry To Keep On Speaking The Truth & Up Holding It By Continuing To Live & Holy & Righteous Life before God! God Bless!
brother don't be discourged Paul says that the reason they didn't listen to him its because they didn't belong to us. those that are of the world only listen to those that are of the world. History is reapeating itself. I remember watching a clip of Jim Jones preaching to the people in one of his sermans. You could see that the congrugation was captivated not by the spirit of God but by a deceiving spirit. The Lord showed me that if the people that were listening to him at that time were being led by the spirit of God they would not have been deceived because they would have been able to dicern by the spirit of God if what Jim Jones was saying was true or false. The same is happening again with these deceivers they are surrounded by people that are not being led by the spirit of God so they cannot hear what the spirit of God is saying as Jesus said. Thus says the Lord as in the book of Acts 18:9-10 "Do not be afraid keep on speaking do not be silent, for I'am with you and no one is going to attack or harm you". The Lord showed me its never been about the number as in Gedeon story. Because it doesn't matter how many are agains you if God it with us we are in the majority. Be of good courage brother and stand firm in the faith. My email address is aiimanuel@satx.rr.com
God Bless
...Only wish others could see this light.
I live in south Africa and I would like to say that what pastor craige has been preaching about is not only affecting the youth in America but here as well, the enermy has made major moves down here in South Africa and I have witnessed many of my friends literaly giving their lives to hip hop and embracing its preachings. The devil is now working on a global scale and youth all over the world worship this hip hop giants especialy here in Africa.Pastor please pray for me , I show your vedios to as many young people as possible and I want the Holy spirit to save the souls of my friends and those I love.
Tis a wonderful eye opener, excellently delivered.
Praise the Lord for one of the most well written and God inspired blogs that I've read in a long time. You told the truth just like it is, and that's the important thing here, because as my Bishop told us a few Sundays ago "judgment" has already begun to fall in the house of the Lord. Either we're going to do it God's way, or end up in hell. Thanks for letting the Lord use you to stop the lies.
The bible clearly warns us of such imitators and devil's agents. Galatians 5:16-22 distinguishes clearly, the acts of flesh and the fruit of the spirit. Here in Uganda, we have not been brought up to speed on these issues and this is why folks here welcome every Tom, Dick and Harry who comes in the name of preaching the word, without back titration on the roots of such individuals. In the end we all seem engulfed in the devils mess thus helping to fulfill his agenda.
Pastor Craige, thank you for being bold as the bible call in Timothy.
And let the rest know that GOD is going to judge us individually regardless of who misled who, for the day man ate of the forbidden fruit, we received understanding and according to Deuteronomy 30:19- HE gives us the freedom to make choices not the Bishops, pastor, teachers, priests or evangelists to do this on our account because of the former matter of judgement.
He who can not decern, let them ask the Spirit of the TRUE GOD to teach them,as promised in 1Corrinthians Chapter 12. God bless you pastor
Ephesians 6:10-18 God says we are not fighting a battle of flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle with the rulers of the world and powers in high places. Pastor I have heard and watched your DVD on HIP-HOP(Jay Z)Exposed, I have always had queries about the man's music and the fame that came with it yet not so pleasant to my ears, and I have now been answered on many. As the scripture says, Let me put on the whole Armour of GOD which is truth and righteousness and the faith will see us thru. You have a heavy load on your back BUT we will continue to pray the GOD protects you in your quest for seeing an entirely GOD revering planet.
My pastor who is a Prophet himself (Prophet Jeremiah) always said that sin is pleasurable, and i did not understand this, but after learning what is happening in the US, I believe that God's words of the scripture in Hosea 4:6- will not catch up with me for i have received knowledge.
May GOD bless you and greetings from Uganda and on behalf of my church-World Answers Church International, stay well in Jesus' name.
Pastor Lewis. I am still reading and watching some of the DVD (5 n 6) but I can't stop being angry about the dirty deception the devil is using as understanding through the holy spirit. BUT thanks to the blood of Jesus we have more knowledge and wisdom that surpasses that which is of the devil.
I requesting more info about Islam. I just so a mention of it, I need more details about them in relation to the Bible. there influence and how the devil is deceiving us. (Am based in South Africa and Africa has a huge following of Islam). Thank you.
Add Rev Run, formerly of Run DMC and Russell Simmons brother, as a preacher about to fall. This guy is a Reality FRAUD. If you get a chance, watch the rebroadcast of Run DMC rapping in Philly at the Budweiser Made In America, MIA concert, hosted by Jay Z. So called Reverend Run thanks "My N*gga, Jay Z, that's my N*gga". He then snaps, "Yes I am an ordained minister, I can marry you or bury you, N*gger". What a disgrace. That was beamed all around the world of him calling Jay Z, "My N*gga". He just set Black people back 400 years. All you could hear was Run cursing, grabbing his crouch and saying how it felt so good to be on stage, performing for the world.
Years ago Sinbad called LL Cool Jay, My N*gga an Awards show and he fell from grace and never made a come back.
If Rev Run calls himself a man of God, then why is he associated with Jay Z, who performed a Satanic Ritual on the Parkway (Angel Wings) or a alcoholic beverage sponsor, Budweiser?
I'm from Kenya, East Africa. Thank you Pastor Craige Lewis for being God's insightful watchman in this generation. It's important that God's word is not twisted & we stop being the "look warm" church described in the book of Revelations, but call a spade a spade. I hope Eddie Long would simply repent of his sins.
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