I wanna start this blog off by saying that I appreciate all of the supporters of EX Ministries. Down through the years there have been thousands of you consistent in your support of our ministry. Whether financial or spiritual, you have stood the test of time and I appreciate the love. It's not at all easy to do what we do. We stand alone a lot of times and not having an Elijah complex or anything, but it gets very lonely sometimes. Sure God is always there, but in the flesh, it's good to have people that support you. It's human nature to desire support and encouragement and I just thank God there is a remnant of believers that still believe the WHOLE bible and not just the parts that they like.
With that said, I want to make a public statement for all to read. I want to put it here rather than
tweet it! I want the world to know that G. Craige Lewis is not PERFECT! I want all to know that I am as human as the next man and I make mistakes. I fall short at times and I bump my head just like you do. I have thoughts that aren't always Godly and I struggle with my flesh at times as well. I fight to stay focused, but I see the waves at times and the grace of God has to step in and get me back on track. Why am I saying this? Because, for some strange reason, people feel that when you preach the Gospel in it's entirety and don't hold back, you are assuming that you are better than everyone else and you must be flawless to do it.

We have been attacked lately by the inclusion Bishops and Pastors that feel we are too hardcore and I preach like I am living a perfect life. Well, I try my best, but there is no way I can do everything right. I am wrapped in flesh just like you and I have to fight to do what's right everyday of my life. I get tempted, I get angry, I get discouraged, and I wanna quit at times. But because I believe the bible and every word of it, I stand on it no matter what. Sure, I make mistakes and I fall. I do not practice sin, but I do sin at times. It's just the way it is according to Paul and it's a constant war in the flesh. But it doesn't make me a sinner, it just makes me human. But when you preach the Gospel in 2010 uncut, people wanna label you as a legalist or something. Well, I just believe what I preach and I will continue to preach it.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect. The bible is flawless. There is only one gospel and it is perfect in every way. And it must be preached the way it is written! It must be preached in spite of our shortcomings. We do not preach our own version of it just because we are flawed. We do not preach a customized version of it so that sinners feel better about sin. We should never change the Gospel of Jesus because times are changing. We must stand up and preach the gospel the way it is written no matter what! No matter how sinful the world gets, the word of God must remain the same. And just because people would rather sin than live for Jesus doesn't change God's word. It's still either heaven or hell!
We just saw Bishop Walter Hawkins, who was an open promoter of homosexuality and the gospel of inclusion, be celebrated by the entire church world even though he taught a false doctrine. We see Carlton Pearson embraced by celebrity gospel artists even though he teaches heresy. We see TD Jakes and Joel Olsteen pervert the gospel of Jesus by denying that Jesus is the ONLY way to God. We see cross dressing Tyler Perry and his slew of brainwashed performers condoning homosexuality and sinful behavior while all along claiming to be Christian. We see gospel artists merging with secular, sinful artists to promote themselves but deny righteous living and God's perfect plan of salvation. We see it time and time again and they are all doing it publicly, believing that they are right. But when we
copy and paste it on our website, all of sudden we think we are perfect and many feel we are attacking them or exposing them. How can you expose something that they have already exposed? People listen, we cannot afford to take our guards down now! We are at the end and Jesus is about to return. Are we going to focus on these mega stars selfish behavior or are we gonna stand for what the word of God says no matter who is standing with us?

We at
EX Ministries are not backing down or slowing down. We are not going to allow the Gospel to lose it's power, but we will continue to spread the truth and offer the real way to God every chance we get. I just turned 41 years old and I am not backing down at this stage in my life. My struggles are getting lighter and my resolve is getting stronger! I am wiser than before and I know how to balance the truth that slashes throats with grace that covers sin. I know the happy medium according to the word and we will continue to preach and teach based on it. Yet we will never condone open, public displays of error in the body of Christ, but we will continue to show the truth in those matters. If it's done publicly, then it's our job to deal with it publicly. So, it doesn't make us perfect, it doesn't make us better, and it doesn't make us legalists. I'm just a prophet of God that will not back down to the enemy whether he is attacking me or someone else. I'm ready to fight the good fight of faith, are you?
2Cor. 13:5 Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine. Test yourselves. If you cannot tell that Jesus Christ is among you, it means you have failed the test.
2Cor. 13:6 I hope you recognize that we have passed the test and are approved by God.
2Cor. 13:7 We pray to God that you will not do anything wrong. We pray this, not to show that our ministry to you has been successful, but because we want you to do right even if we ourselves seem to have failed.
2Cor. 13:8 Our responsibility is never to oppose the truth, but to stand for the truth at all times.
2Cor. 13:9 We are glad to be weak, if you are really strong. What we pray for is your restoration to maturity.
2Cor. 13:10 I am writing this to you before I come, hoping that I won’t need to deal harshly with you when I do come. For I want to use the authority the Lord has given me to build you up, not to tear you down.
2Cor. 13:11 Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Rejoice. Change your ways. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.
In real love,
G. Craige Lewis
Very well stated my brother, very well stated.
Amen, Pastor G. Praise God for You! We continue to pray your strength in the Lord God. Keeping fighting this great fight of faith. Thank God for you!
The reason there is such strong resistance against the FULL GOSPEL is because the church has gotten caught up in industry, money and ultimately deception. Sure, Bishop Hawkins wrote solid songs.. they're classic. Sure, we enjoyed Azusa... Bishop Pearson is blessed with an unmatched charisma. But our devotion to the Word of God and the Cross isn't deeply-enough established to be on watch for the spirit of deception. I weep for the Church, the Bride which is supposed to be holy, without blemish. I honor your resolve to tell the truth. Thank you, sir.
Beautiful. Well said Pastor. Love you!
I stand with you my brother. The strong word that you are preaching is so needed in this time of false prophets and teachers. I encourage you, you're not alone. God always has a remnant and He is raising ministers to join in the clarion call of holiness and obedience to the Word of God. Continue to preach the gospel!
Amen, Pastor Craig. I was wondering when somebody was going to say something about Walter Hawkins. I thought some people on my facebook page would need grief counseling after he died,so, I didn't say what I knew about him. Keep on, keeping on!
Pastor Lewis, I thank God for you and EXMinistries. Continue to do what you do. I'm not sure if you really understand all of the lives you have touched and saved. Whatever you do, don't stop!
Amen and Amen!! Pastor G. Craige Lewis, I was honored to get to see and hear your message this past Friday in Decatur, IL. Keep preaching the truth and never let up. Time is short and we know the One that is faithful and true! Now is the time to preach forth the good news so all can come to repentance for it is not His will that any should perish. (2 Peter 3:9)
I praise God for your ministry and am praying for you and your family.
Amen Pastor, Amen...keep speaking the truth and we shall keep praying for you - that God continues to see fit to use you as a mouthpiece to this dying world that Jesus is real, He is coming back, and we need to be ready to see Him....
God bless!
Don't lose heart Mr. Lewis. You are a blessing to my life, and you taught me an important lesson: As humans we will always be sinners, but we do not have to live a life of practicing sin. When we fall into sin it should not be the kind of sin that can ruin my family or friends or lead to death. I appreciate your frankness and honesty. I do not agree with everything you say. I am at about 99%. But I know you are striving to be faceless and to do God's will. Be encouraged and may the Lord continue to shine on you and your family :-)
Praise God for you Elder Lewis and the rest of ExMinistries because everytime I read or hear your messages, they encourage me. It is good to see people who love God standing in spite of opposition. It brings joy to my heart. I will continue to pray for your strength in the Lord. God bless you all!!!
Amen Pastor, you are right on the mark! Our humanness does not negate the perfection of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Stay strong, we are praying for you here in PA.
Brother in the faith, keep speaking the unadulturated Word of God. The Truth doesn't need any back up or proof...it just IS! I encourage you, and we love you in Jesus name! You have a charge to keep and a God to glorify. I'm proud of you.
wow well said and needed,what an eye opener thank brother!!!!!!god bless you and ministery!!
Opposition just lets you know your still on the narrow path - never an easy road and never a whole lot of room for company but, worth it. Your doing a MIGHTY work in this hour and it is necessary. God has blessed you and is with you. Thank you for your sacrifice. Lois
I have heard of many of these trash pastor proselytes pushing the merge of the world with the church and the homosexual/inclusion agendas. This is certainly not the time to back down, 100% agreed G Craig. Now is the time to launch a full frontal information assault to rile up these sell outs even more, thus forcing them to reveal their true colours more brazenly.
I for one am sick of corruption, evil and scum pastors compromising the gospel. It is these same dark trash that in times of national emergencies will advise you to follow the government, go to the relocation centers and get yourself a chip as your registration MARK. It was these same pastors that lead folks into the sports stadium made concentration camp in New Orleans where the military entrapped the people and wouldn't give them food or water for 5 days.
As of late 2006 FEMA had 26000 pastors on their payroll working as Clergy Response Teams to encourage their folks to follow every instruction of government in the event of an emergency, misquoting Romans 13(Hitler's favourite chapter), taking it well out of context. As of 2008, the number of pastors in the FEMA program had risen to over 50000. I will stand against evil all the way regardless of what form it comes in.
Keep Uplifting the Faith and Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Brother G. Craig Lewis. Your Messages thru your website and more is truly testimonial and stands 100% clear.
I want to say God bless you and continue on with the Message of God inside. I got nothing but Love in Him.
This road that we travel is sometimes bumpy,but we got to keep traveling.Be blessed my brother and stay strong.
Amen Brotha!! Lets continue to fight the good fight of faith. You have been an encouragement to me(21 yrs old and in school) You've made my college life exciting I'm ready for the world. The best thing to know is that we are all in this together. Man I love tghe truth, they dont know what their missing out on, life has meaning when Christ is in control.Be blessed
You and your ministry remain in my prayers. There is no option except to run on...how can we stop? May we all who profess to be sold out to Christ keep sharing the real truth with no apologies. Peace.
if YOU stand on the battlefield watchout those tanks gonna run you over.if you out there fighting you gonna get bruised,cut, weary at times.LOOK TO THE SKY FROM WHICH YOUR HELP COME FROM! hold up. its a bird,its a PLANE,its the pulpit pimp with his pinkSHIRT, diamond ring coming in for a landing.MR.Criage satan doesnt want to be exposed and you have being doing that.you have been doing GODS business setting fire to the enemies camp and in that day they will say job well done thy GOOD and FAITHFUL SERVANT.THIS IS just my opinion,but you a SOLDIER FOR THE LORD and theres no FAULT in thAT. LUCIFER wants you to take inventory of yourself so he can twist it around on you.BROTHER,MAN OF GOD dont give them the pleAsure.YOU ARE PERFECT IN GODS EYESIGHT.you got forty-one more years in YOU ????? im justtalking2chairs.
Many blessings Pastor Lewis! My prayers go out to you and we are in this all together as a body. The Lord carries us all and NONE of us can even understand perfect. We are human and do fail at times, but we must never give up on each other. In the body of Christ we must push each other and pick each other up when we fall. The things happening in the world today are disgusting, it is sad that we as believers get caught up and deceived by so many things in the world and things we surround our self with. We will NEVER back down and never give up. The Lord is the same yesterday ,today and forever! The time is now and we will stand together, well said Pastor, well said. May the grace and strength of the Lord be multiplied unto you and your ministry. Love in Christ! Mikey
Amen Pastor Craig!!
Pastor Lewis,
The Prophets of old were stoned and made a mockery of for doing just what you are doing today. I praise God for your courage. I am in the same small yet powerful ministry for thelast 13 years because my Pastor is much like you. When the truth is proclaimed there are certain members that will flee and hideout in larger inclusionist ministries. THere is no gray area (inclusion) in the word of God only black and white (truth).
I am praying that God would continue to keep his hedge of protection around you and your family as you proclaim the truth in the name of Jesus Christ.
Yvonne G.
well EX ministries needs to continue to keep doing what they are doing because God's word changes people from there sinful ways and all you guys are doing is showing everyone that what the world thinks is right , is not right in God's eyes , its just funny of how people hold on and defend certain things when they don't won't to live for Christ. I thank God for you alls ministry because it totally changed my life......Praise the Lord!!!
Thank you Mr.Lewis for your courage and perseverance. To many of us you are a light that shines in a very dark place. Thank you for allowing God to guide you,you are surely a blessing from God Almighty. Keep going: its not how you begin the race but how you end... God Bless you!!
You, and all of my brothers and sisters at EX Ministry who work to stand for the truth warm my heart. You are pearls and gifts from God. I encourage you all, and everyone who stands firm behind Christ in these last days to stay focused. We will endure together until the very end.
Love and many blessings,
Jay Bruce of Washington, DC
Preach Eld Lewis! Finally my brother, CONTINUE to stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! There's still a remnant standing with you who has not bowed down to the lies and manipulations of the Gospel by Satan! I still believe in the WHOLE Gospel of Christ! Praying for you! Be encouraged, be blessed! Keep planting the seeds and God is going to continue to bring the increase!
AMEN! God Bless you for continuing to be an example of a TRUTH Believer!!!
I sooo needed to read this tonight! This is where I am...God knows...WE (As the BODY) have a mandate to SPEAK TRUTH.
It's not about being right- Its about SPEAKING TRUTH.-- some folks would rather a tickling over teaching...
Keep on in the FAITH Pastor Lewis~ Yet Praying...
I have seen videos on youtube and my pastor preaches sound truth that cannot be condemned so when I heard you speaking I knew you were a man of God because you didn't say words just to tickle the saints, but you told them the truth. That's what wrong with the church today they are so caught up in worldly mess that they don't understand that their souls are hanging in the balance. Paul had wrote letters to the churches because they were doing some of the sins that he explained and yet and still the churches are allowing these things to go on and the pastor will be held accountable, that soul he will have to account for because filthy lucre talked to him really good.
Also there is nothing wrong with doing what God told you to do. Exposing error; the word says if you see your brother or sister stumble you are suppose to correct them in love and thats what you are doing. People that aren't serious about their salvation will think it ludacris when you say the things you say because they are doing those very things. The devil has tricked them and if they are sinning when God cracks that sky; they should just continue to do it cause they ain't going no where. I also understand I am far from perfect also, but that's why I am working out my OWN soul salvation with fear and trembling as you also do.
God does not want us to take up for wrong doing but whether expose it, he didn't take up for the pharisees or the scribes but he exposed what they were doing calling them vipers, so there is nothing wrong with that. The sad part about it is that these people think that they are covered when they are spiritually naked and they need clothing from God. They can't serve too masters they are going to have to choose one day and whoever is the Lord of their house that is who they are serving point blank, so I don't even listen to it anymore because its hard enough trying to keep things off of me, I don't want no extra spirits getting in me I am trying to get off. Keep up the good work!!
Amen Brother Lewis, its nothing but the truth. My family and I are with you.
Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses.
Elder. Going through the same things that you are going through.
I was lonely and concerned about why people were turning their backs to me. The Lord reminded me that it was His word that they were turning their backs on. Still hurt and disappointed, the Lord showed me a dream and in the dream all of my so called friends in ministry persecuting me and attacking me. In the dream I was getting a little intimidated. Then at the last moment I heard the Lord whisper in my ear, "Stand Your Ground." And the fight was on! The fight is on!
Our Lord Jesus, Jeremiah, Noah, Paul, John all suffered with this. I can really relate to their experiences. Look how great in Gods eye's they became.
I praying that the Lord will continue to give you the strength and patients to endure hardness as a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ. Periods of transformation can be lonely.
Stand Your Ground
Remembering your chains.
F. L. Anderson
God Day Pastor Graige,
Its God all day all the time. I thank God and pray for exministries everyday. First I will say this, all that you do in Christ and sharing it with me through your DVDs, daily word have grown up my walk in Christ. I appreciate every way God is using you and Ex.What hurts and bothers me is that you are a true man of God a true prophet and the church more so than the world are coming up against you.Why? because true holiness sounds the alarm and fake and false prophets won't and cant sound the alarm because it will expose them. So this is why, little do they know true believers want a real word from God and won't settle for less. Obviously they are not of God because if they really understood that they are fighting against the God in you and not G. Craige the man, they would repent to God. Never the less, its just a ploy from satan to get you off focus off what God is continuing to do through you that is changing lives globally. You on the devils list which means that you are doing something.Keep the faith, Soothsayers don't count' Stay focus, Stay in faith, Stay forgiven. God Bless.
I don't care who you are or what you look like, I'm just GLAD, no JOYFUL that the TRUTH is being spoken. Did God use a donkey in the Bible? Did God say He would get the rocks to cry out? So then, it really doesn't matter if my little feelings are hurt or not does it? How about that, God loves us so much that He sent this man
(whoever he happens to be, he's willing to be used totally)to once again TELL US THE TRUTH! Maybe if some of us weren't so "convicted" we would welcome him/it! All I can manage to say is Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. We need THE TRUTH, we need you (G. Graige) and we need each other. God Bless us!
Pastor being a young african man...who suffer with homosexuality,you realy help me to get along and start facing my enemy...it hard for most of people to belive u because most of the things your sayin a true...thanks for telling the truth at al times.MAY THE GOOD LORD BLESS YOU REAL GOD
I have been preaching truth and getting slammed for it. I felt real discouraged today and you had not posted anything in a while. Today I read your recent blog, all I can say is thank you Jesus for using G Craige Lewis today to encourage me to stay in the fight. God bless you brother, don't ever change. Pastor Elam
Brother G. Craige Lewis,
The Bradley Family touch and agree with you In-Jesus'Name.
Love the work of this fine ministry. I am one to always encourage any truth spiritualy.I pray and hope to God that more Gospel ministries will take the stand that this one has, and preach the whole good news that is in the Bible instead of selecting portions they feel is more pleasing to ones ear. Thank God for you G. Craige Lewis, continue to teach the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Refreshing to know that someone still stands up for truth and righteousness. Keep on preaching the truth brother. God bless you.
Aaaaaaaaaamen! Hmmm.. Preach!
Elder G. Craig Lewis Well Said!!!! Keep on keeping on. Your hard work in the ministry is earning you jewels in your crown in glory. I pray God's continuous blessings over you and your family, may God keep you in health and increase your strength to continue in this great work.
True you are not perfect but the Gospel of Christ is, one thing i disagree with you attack other ministers of the Gospel without verifying the facts. Joel Osteen never said that Jesus is not the only please listen to that interview again
when are you coming to delaware? But keep preaching!
G Craige, u are indeed a man after God's own heart. I saw you speak in Atlanta (Duluth) last week. I'm the blonde that sat in the front w/ my daughter. I wanted to say so much to you and your wife but held my thoughts to myself; I didn't want to say to much before you got started. I thank God for your OBEDIENCE!!!! It's because of ur obedience, many who were in the dark, has now open their eyes of understanding to the MOST HIGH GOD of ISRAEL. U say the things that so many pastors, elders, leaders and others should say but don't out of fear of losing membership or looking too much like a Jesus Freak. I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH THE WAY GOD IS GIVING IT TO YOU and I'm so comforted in knowing that I am not the only person that has a problem with the merging of the church and the world. I've lost friends and many think I've gone over the deep end because I am sold out to Jesus and the GOD OF ISRAEL!!! I just sometimes feel like shaking everyone (esp the body of christ) so they would WAKE UP & see how close we are to the RAPTURE!!! My 10 year old daughter constantly have prophetic dreams of the end and hell, which is clearly a God given sign of what's to come. ***Acts 2:17: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.***
I tried talking to the ministers at the church to tell them of the dreams my daughter was having and what I saw going on within the church (ie. spirit of lust etc...) but was quickly told my daughter was being tormented by her dreams and began placing blame on the body of Christ as a whole for what was going on in our church. I even went as far as to try to schedule a mtg with the pastor so that my husband & I would speak with him but was told by his secretary that we must first tell her what we were wanting to meet with the pastor about before speaking to him. I was so taken off guard because it seemed as if we were about to meet with a BIG BUSINESS PRESIDENT instead of the pastor of the church we pay our tithes and offering. It is dishearting of what the true believers of the MOST HIGH are facing in these last days! But, I had to tell you to KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING because you are winning souls for the kingdom of the MOST HIGH GOD and great will be your reward!!!!
And I am so happy that your wife is going through this journey with you & is being that support system that you need inorder to get the gospel of Jesus Christ out to all who are living in darkness!!! KUDOS to Mrs. Lewis as well ;)
Your sister in Christ,
Gabrielle Charles
G Craige, u are indeed a man after God's own heart. I saw you speak in Atlanta (Duluth) last week. I'm the blonde that sat in the front w/ my daughter. I wanted to say so much to you and your wife but held my thoughts to myself; I didn't want to say to much before you got started. I thank God for your OBEDIENCE!!!! It's because of ur obedience, many who were in the dark, has now open their eyes of understanding to the MOST HIGH GOD of ISRAEL. U say the things that so many pastors, elders, leaders and others should say but don't out of fear of losing membership or looking too much like a Jesus Freak. I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH THE WAY GOD IS GIVING IT TO YOU and I'm so comforted in knowing that I am not the only person that has a problem with the merging of the church and the world. I've lost friends and many think I've gone over the deep end because I am sold out to Jesus and the GOD OF ISRAEL!!! I just sometimes feel like shaking everyone (esp the body of christ) so they would WAKE UP & see how close we are to the RAPTURE!!! My 10 year old daughter constantly have prophetic dreams of the end and hell, which is clearly a God given sign of what's to come. ***Acts 2:17: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.***
I tried talking to the ministers at the church to tell them of the dreams my daughter was having and what I saw going on within the church (ie. spirit of lust etc...) but was quickly told my daughter was being tormented by her dreams and began placing blame on the body of Christ as a whole for what was going on in our church. I even went as far as to try to schedule a mtg with the pastor so that my husband & I would speak with him but was told by his secretary that we must first tell her what we were wanting to meet with the pastor about before speaking to him. I was so taken off guard because it seemed as if we were about to meet with a BIG BUSINESS PRESIDENT instead of the pastor of the church we pay our tithes and offering. It is dishearting of what the true believers of the MOST HIGH are facing in these last days! But, I had to tell you to KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING because you are winning souls for the kingdom of the MOST HIGH GOD and great will be your reward!!!!
And I am so happy that your wife is going through this journey with you & is being that support system that you need inorder to get the gospel of Jesus Christ out to all who are living in darkness!!! KUDOS to Mrs. Lewis as well ;)
Your sister in Christ,
Gabrielle Charles
G Craige, u are indeed a man after God's own heart. I saw you speak in Atlanta (Duluth) last week @ the Marriott;I'm the blonde that sat in the front w/ my daughter. I wanted to say so much to you and your wife but held my thoughts to myself; I didn't want to say to much before you got started. I thank God for your OBEDIENCE!!!! It's because of ur obedience, many who were in the dark, has now open their eyes of understanding to the MOST HIGH GOD of ISRAEL. U say the things that so many pastors, elders, leaders and others should say but don't out of fear of losing membership or looking too much like a Jesus Freak. I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH THE WAY GOD IS GIVING IT TO YOU and I'm so comforted in knowing that I am not the only person that has a problem with the merging of the church and the world. I've lost friends and many think I've gone over the deep end because I am sold out to Jesus and the GOD OF ISRAEL!!! I just sometimes feel like shaking everyone (esp the body of christ) so they would WAKE UP & see how close we are to the RAPTURE!!! My 10 year old daughter constantly have prophetic dreams of the end and hell, which is clearly a God given sign of what's to come. ***Acts 2:17: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.***
I tried talking to the ministers at the church to tell them of the dreams my daughter was having and what I saw going on within the church (ie. spirit of lust etc...) but was quickly told my daughter was being tormented by her dreams and began placing blame on the body of Christ as a whole for what was going on in our church. I even went as far as to try to schedule a mtg with the pastor so that my husband & I would speak with him but was told by his secretary that we must first tell her what we were wanting to meet with the pastor about before speaking to him. I was so taken off guard because it seemed as if we were about to meet with a BIG BUSINESS PRESIDENT instead of the pastor of the church we pay our tithes and offering. It is dishearting of what the true believers of the MOST HIGH are facing in these last days! But, I had to tell you to KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING because you are winning souls for the kingdom of the MOST HIGH GOD and great will be your reward!!!!
And I am so happy that your wife is going through this journey with you & is being that support system that you need inorder to get the gospel of Jesus Christ out to all who are living in darkness!!! KUDOS to Mrs. Lewis as well ;)
Your sister in Christ,
Gabrielle Charles
Be stedfast,unmoveable continue in sound doctrine,if Jesus Christ couldn't please everyone neither can we,but we can please our heavenly Father just as Jesus did.
I guess I'm too old and a little out of touch but I prefer using the KJV for scriptural reference.Be blessed and don't waver there are many standing with you.
I have seen Youtube videos with people who were trying to "call" G. Craig out. And the funny part about it is that they made THEMSELVES look bad while doing so. AND all the G craig supporters were even more convinced that what G Craig says is real. People are just reaching for stuff. You just keep on doing what you do!
The best of a man is just still a MAN. Nothing more. No one is above mistakes.
There's an adage(wise saying) in my language that says the truth is bitter. Its natural as humans to try and be defensive, but as those whose soul has been saved and redeemed, we shouldn't stand against THE WORD. Rather pray for grace to accept.
Pastor craig Many blessings. Here in my country we saw ur video on campus and the message is spreading. God bless
Be encouraged Man of God. In Elijah's day there were only 7,000 that had not bowed to Baal and were reserved by the Lord. Your ministry is a blessing to the small group that the Lord is calling to be a Holy people in these last days. Legalism is a word often used by those who don't want to conform to the character of Yeshua/Jesus. The church wants to present Yeshua in a way that supports their own lifestyle which is far from the word of the Lord. And anytime someone tries to bring them back to the word of Yahweh they scream "Legalism". Didn't Yeshua say that till heaven and earth pass away not one dot or tittle would be changed from the law( Greeks had no word to describe Torah so they replaced with the word law. The word Torah means God's teaching and instruction)? Didn't Yeshua say if you love me then keep MY commandments? Isn't Yeshua the word become flesh? The God of Israel makes it clear over and over again that their is a distinction between the clean and unclean. And he wants his people to discern between the two and not mix them. Praise the Lord for giving you the strength and courage to cry out to His Bride that she might be prepared for the wedding and presented without blemish. Holy and pure.
PLEASE DON'T BACK DOWN!! Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. We those people with ill intent and wicked spirits start squirming and squealing its because the word of God is tearing into their spiritual behinds...... God's people daily perish whether its spiritually, emotionally, physically or mentally for lack of knowledge and I thank God for someone who would be obedient to the Holy Spirit and share the truth as it is revealed to!! Continue doing what you do!!
All we can do is live and die for the truth of The Gospel, brother. Keep up the fight. I understand that some of Oprah's top false prophets have said that the spirits they channel have told them to relay to their people that 'the people of faith will soon be taken away and then mankind will be able to evolve into a perfect society'. Even the devil knows Christ's return is near. Your right, this is no time to back off. How horrible to run the race for so long only to give up just before the finish line. Stay strong all who love Christ.
Thank you brother Lewis. That was very encouraging to know this about you. And it also very encouraging to know that you are not giving up. And don't plan on it. It's uplifting to hear that you are getting stronger and wiser in your trial and tribulations so that you can better do the will of the Lord. So you can get the heck up otta here when your time is done!! God bless you!!
G Craig, the devil is a liar...he wants to make it look like there are not many people supporting ur ministry and message, but here in England, there are lots! As God said to Elijah even then, he has still kept for Himself a people that will not bow to idols or follow false prophets involved in baal worship. You speak the truth of the Word and he who TRULY has the Holy Spirit will have the Word confirmed in his Spirit. The fact that you arent perfect only confirms your message more because we all know that only a PERFECT UNSHAKABLE GOD would deliver a perfect message, and so He must be speaking through you since your message is just that!! Sharper than a two edged Sword...dont mind the pharisees of today, they are only angry cos God's Word is piercing them where it hurts! If you are living the Word, then it wouldnt upset you would it? If im paying my tithes, then a message on tithing will bring me joy not upset me!
God bless you as you keep being a beacon of light in this dark murlky world!
May the Lord encourage you brother. Lord, fill G. Craige Lewis's home with peace and joy. Protect him from the enemy's schemes. Give him supernatural wisdom and clarity. Give him great boldness. May the preaching of the gospel be followed by signs and wonders. Give him a revelation of your love for him and may be always be driven to open your people's eyes and to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ out of this deep well of love!
You are such an encouragement brother. We are so thankful for your message. We minister to high school kids here in Kansas City and your teaching has opened up our eyes to what we are really fighting against and we are seeing kids saved!! Praise the Lord!
To my dearest and most faithful Brother in Christ G. Craig Lewis, I know that it is hard and you feel sometimes that you are alone... But remember this, the Word says, "I know you have a little strength..." (You know the rest) You are a soldier. Never forget that. A special operations officer in the army of the Lord... Never give in... Never back down... Never ever stop... Continue to fight the good fight of faith... and... Complete your mission... Remember what the Lord has brought you through... Remember! David in his worst time, on the run from Saul returned home to find Ziklag devastated... After weeping and being turned on by his men he went off by himself and was encouraged in the Lord... He sang praises and remembered the Lords victories for him... Remember! Remember!! Remember: the mighty and powerful victory that you had when you delivered the young man from the R&B group Color Me Bad? Remember all of the Churches that you have preached at... All of the souls that you have set free! Of course the enemy is mad! Of course the flesh of man does not want to repent! The voice of the flesh versus the voice of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus... That is the battle and you are the Rear Admiral. The combat Commander in the theater of a spiritual war! Who else is willing to go forward and carry the bloodstained banner to victory knowing that we've already won! It is you! I encourage you. No matter how hard it gets... Now matter if it feels like no body is listening or supporting you or your ministry... You keep on preaching, reaching, and teaching in the matchless name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour! Amen!
We love you and support you everywhere throughout the earth in these last days... May you be forever Blessed... Amen.
Keep on preaching in the name Lord Jesus Christ... the ministry the Lord has you in is a hard one... however, you must cry loud and SPARE NOT!!!! Do not hold back! My prayer is that the Lord Jesus Christ would grant you boldness to speak the word of God everywhere you go!!! God bless!
Elder Abraham Belanger
International ABYPU President
It is lonely. I think that is one of the ways that you know what you are saying the truth, when it immediately turns off certain people. I think the worse part is when the pastor leads people to do wrong because he has led his flock into believing lies. There are whole churches where the people are living with a spiritual deficit. The funny thing is when you speak out about certain behavior they try to convince you that what you are saying is wrong because the "pastor said" this or that. Last days I tell you, last days.
Hi Pastor Lewis,
I support your stand 100% because it is 100% biblical. Stay strong in the Lord and do not allow satan's tactics to make you preached a watered-down sermon or have watered-down beliefs. You are a great example in the eyes of people like me that know that we have a standard to live by and that is the standards of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ would not go for wordly behavior and neither should Christians.
God bless you and your family and your ministry for all that you do for the people that are hungry for the REAL truth, and not this watered down, "put money in my pocket while send you to hell gospel!" Where I come from you are the voice in the wilderness because it seems that all the local churches are in competition and not concerned about truly saving souls. Your Ministry has helped me raise my two boys (one is a teenager)understanding better why I won't let them date or participate in shcool dances or such like events. Your ministry has even helped me as a single to get myself together so my children don't have to fight my battles. Keep doing what you doing!
Forever in my prayers
LaDonna W.
First of all, I love what you said. People do have tendencies to look at others highly, especially if they preach God's word and do his work. None of us are perfect or don't have our fleshly moments but God helps us. You have touched many lives though, and Jesus really works through you! I hope you know that. As for the gospel, people are deceived and scared. They build lives filled with luxury and refuse to hear the truth. They need prayer. I'm honestly so very glad you're one of those pastors that gives his whole heart out to God. May God Bless You!
Our king is Jesus we cannot praise one another .
continuous the fight because it's write between Jesus that's why he allow us to hear u, trough the holy spirit all we know what Paul says about the false doctors .
when u have Jesus you're suppose to have the manifestation of the holy spirit and when u have u cannot says the that the orange is a red or the black feel like a white that's just impossible .
Please my king,
please my lord,
help us,
teach us,
forgive us,
because we're just a human,
because we can fall,
because we are poor,
because you're right,
so, show us the right fight,
oh my king oh my lord we're blind,
we need Ur light.
Pastor Craige. I don't know if you read these comments but I just have to let you know the impact you've made on my son. He's 17 years old and a high school senior. I bought the truth behind hip hop for him when he was about 14 years old. He wasn't ready to hear it. But now, he's discovering that all of the things that you spoke about in the tapes are real. He has basically stopped listing to rap. He thinks that the are all devil worshipers and he has deleted them from his I-pod. He has even been telling his friends about it. You planted the seed, now he's planting the seeds within his friends. I know that you don't hear this often enough, but Thank you. Your work is important. And the Lord Himself will bless you for it. God Bless you and your family. Don't stop.
Amen! the Gospel preached the way it was meant to be preached!!! God bless you and your family.
I am absolutely disgusted at these false claims of you being a false prophet. Really when you stop and think about it, information that you present in your videos definitely make sense. Like the one about the Mr. Ouijia in the first video. I researched the ouijia board, and it disturbed me, but it was in line with what you said. Also the Tonex video where he submerged the crowd into the fire I was pretty creeped, but I knew it was in there. After watching these DVD's I lost sleep, because of knowing the kind of world we live in, and especially because of the pictures. In short these videos have changed my life, and I thank God for you. You'll be hearing more from me as I pick up new things about the videos.
I have said this before and I'm saying it again....Sometimes what you reveal to us quite frankly, is very difficult to process. I really wish this epidemic you expose was not so....but it is even worse than you say. You spoke about this gay thing long ago and lo and behold......sigh.....Eddie Long too. Brother thank you for opening my eyes.
Looking at this as a college student, the church seems to be taking on aspect of Chinese philosophy. Several of the Ancient Chinese believed that you should escape suffering by shunning things out of your life that cause suffering. It now seems like the church wants to shunn things out of thier lives that cause "suffereing" (the truth). Sorry to say that both alternatives will lead a much greater suffering at judgement day. It is strange how every single option that is not Jesus Christ, invlolves that same lies. The enemy uses the same lies I guess, becasue they keep working, and nobody seems to want to find the truth through past examples, so they make the same mistakes that have been made throught history. (Just like the Israelites)
God Bless in Jesus'name
I here you Brother Craige! I totally here you and receive it! I pray more and more brothers and sisters will take the stance you are taking. We have too many who say they are believers who are lukewarm and will not take a true stance! satan is bold, so as believers we need to be more bold. My grandfather who lived with us from 89 years of age until he was 96 years old would always say, "There's more hell in the church, than there is out in the world". BODY OF CHRIST STAND UP!!!
Just know that you and your hardworking staff is NOT alone. Like me, there are still folks out there who want to hear the unadultered TRUTH!! His Word is like a fire shut up in my bones...burning up every sinful lust, wicked imagination, prideful spirit, etc. This ministry that God has birth in you has literally changed my life for the good. I will always be a follower/supporter as you follow Christ.
Brother Craig, praise God for you. I read your blog and I was blessed. Keep on sharing what God has laid on your heart. Annie Dennis Eskridge, author of Sin Abides....
Good but you and I both know that in the Bible perfect means a mature Christian. From what I have read I think you qualify . You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus according to 2 Corin 5:21. Thanks for sharing...Annie Dennis Eskridge, author of Sin Abides...
GOD bless u craige and the true word from the bible and keep it up from i heard u for the first GOD bless me so i pray for u the family and the team to be strong in JESUS name and keep it real with Me all the time GOD bless u all
keep it real with JESUS all the time
I thank God, for truthful REMNANTS. I know as a witness in CHRIST it can be difficult. When my Holy Spirit checked me with John 15 it is a daily reminder I am continually being transformed into the image of CHRIST and the reality is you will be hated By the world and church. We have walked in religion, ignorance and lies for a long time, now its time to put truth in it's right perspective. I take my position as a warrior (Isaiah 21:10) and stand with you G.Craig. Vic
Thank You man of God, it takes boldness to confront the world, hang in there. God be the glory for Truth.
I agree with with you completely. It is hard to resist the flesh at times. Even more so for me, I'm just a baby saint( 15 months). I truely appriciate you and what you you do. It is 2011 and I just saw Exodus into Egypt and The TRUTH about hip hop. You really educated me to a lot that I had no idea or really paid any attention to. I belong to a ministry that preaches Holyness or Hell and I recieve it fully. I am just 29 and still unlearned in a few areas due to lack of study. But I do know that the Church can not be compromised to appeall to the world. I'm going to obey to God's word and his way and follow Jesus. I thank God for you and keep up the good work, to contend fo the faith.
Your ministry has helped me to grow in so many ways. The first time I was exposed to the truth about hip hop series, I have to confess that my flesh rebelled against it. I have often times found myself in the flesh resisting the truth that you have been preaching for so many years.
..but your comments in this particular post have helped me in more ways than you can imagine.
I also have to confess that I found it hard to receive from you at times in the past. I don't blame you for that. I take full responsibility for that. My problem was that the word that came forth out of your mouth was so strong and brought about such conviction that I wondered if you ever struggled with the terms of your messages like I did.
Now that you've made it clear that you're human too, I realize that perfection is not something that I can achieve in my own strength. Being without sin is not something that I can do on my own. Your words have helped me to realize that without God's help and the anointing that He places on me, I am capable of nothing. I erroneously used you, the man, as a standard to compare against my own life and I thank you for redirecting me back to the true standard of the Word of God. I truly do want a closer relationship to God. I thought something was wrong with me for so long because when I saw you up on the pedestal that I had placed you on preaching the Word of God, I felt like you made the idea of living a Godly life look so easy. I thank you for reminding me that you have to choose to follow a life of Christ just like the rest of us. The words that I've read in this passage have truly brought a sense of peace over me today. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us today...
I love it,...cut and dry! G. Craige Lewis is a true soldier for the Lord! Keep speading the TRUTH! MUCH LOVE!
My Wife and I share the same torment that comes from standing up for the truth (In Love of course) and at times we analyze ourselves to see if we maybe in error and sometimes quitting shows its ugly face but we are encouraged by what God speaks through you and we pray that this comment encourages you as well.
Pastor ... just a reminder.. your not alone.. In todays age its hard to find a church that teaches what the Bible says.. But thank GOD for Jesus.. When Im feeling alone in the flesh I pray and call on Jesus to stand with me. Keep up the good work brother. Paul was alone at times, and you know apostle Paul was determined. Stay determined, May God bless you
I jst dont understand why they are doing this? Why would they want ruin to come gods people its heartbreaking to me!I think he is telling the truth about all those people and they cant handle that they are being exposed!
Its Time For EveryBody to be 100% for God or be 100% for the Devil no more 50%ing its real serious now,Im trying real hard to stay away from the worlds music but everywhere i go its there!I have Gay friends who wont listen to reason Friends and Family who i know im going to lose.
Pastor G Craige Lewis Praise be to God for your ministry, and faith. Satan's agenda does not end here but is manifesting across the world. In the middle east countries like Saudi Arabia while forbidding Bibles and the Gospel allow the corruption of our media to seep in. They break their own rules, lie to their family members commit fornication and adultery. What is manifesting now in these countries in the form of these revolutions is the evil that has been accumulating for thousands of years. These youth have no direction, and they are filled only with anger and anguish. The nations that will rise from this chaos will hold to the Wests' so called liberties and freedoms but will be nearly devoid of Gospel. For the Christians that remain they are and will be persecuted through whatever means. Even in Egypt where the Coptics are a large minority, there is incredible evil and hatred. We must be ready to stand for persecution is coming to America and it is taking root.
Hey Pastor Lewis I was listening to your message about Sardis and i believe that this is whats going on in my church theres a few that still want to praise God but the remnant are blind it seems like my Pastor is being attack by the trustee board they want him to preach what they want heard and he's trying his best to stand his ground Pray for us i know that were not the only ones going threw this in the Body of Christ Pray for Bakersfield California. your words were right on point i dont wanna be like the foolish virgins and wait till the last minute and not be ready for the bridegroom (Jesus)i want my oil running over im just a young man that wants to see God work in a mighty way God is yet on the throne and the Great Fallen away has begun Good Bless Watch and Pray
i love the truth when its told from the word of bible
Nothing but a Praise Report i posted a couple of days ago about my church and what it was going threw I praise God because with the Power of prayer those same people who tried to bring our churchdown are no longer part of our trustee board there term was up and I truly believe that the people that have been assiigned this time are ines that want to see the power of God move and follow the Vision that God has given the Pastor to lead his people God bless According to the Power within us is God able to work on our behalf faith without works is dead
Hey Family in Christ,just want to share this revelation I had seven years ago.Dial MONEY on your phone, don't call it just be aware of the message. Money being the Root To All Evil. this will also back up Minister Lewis teachings of the Truth Behind Hip Hop, folk selln their sole for a dollar and all his Aleister Crowley teachings. Thank u Minister Lewis.
Paster should they also be Enlightened about the #3 and #9. Let your Spirit lead you to the truth of it all.
I love you man you expose alot of truths that people aren't simply aware of. I am thankful that there is someone out there like you that is exposing it..I was checking on facebook and if you had a page I would click like..If you don't have a page I could understand why cuz I know you might get some people who may click like and write bad stuff on your page.Also this as I watch you. I found out that there are others exposing various things like you are and for that I am thankful ..I am young women in my early thirtes. Just wish I got some of this some years ago..
I am thankful for your ministry..I was looking on facebook if you had a page I would click like. I would understand why you wouldn't cuz some would click like and write bad comment toward you there...and then again I had someone I click like and because of stuff I posted I had to reclick like and they blocked me from posting or commenting but I just get their posts.But nuff said I am thankful for the many truths that you have exposed and I have fund few others like you that our exposing whether we like it or not uncovered the deception that many don't see. Thanks..
I love your ministry. You are a true prophet of God. The Lord reveals to you what He already knows, and you share His words with those that have ears to hear. Don't be concerned, they didn't listen to Noah either, until the rain begain to fall. You provoke me to get on my job because deception has become even more deceptive.
The Lord is your strength brother craig.
The Lord bless you and keep you strong brother!!
keep doing the work of the Lord!
Im from South Africa and God has called me into the same kinda ministry and what you've just said actually uplifted my spirit. I too wanna quit at times cause of all the attacks and it gets ver, very, lonely but thank you for giving me courage once again to never quit or give up! God bless
G.Craige you are by far one of th best speakers, your encouragements & statements are so true & i believe it 100% Thank GOD for using such a mighty servant like you we need more of them now days & you putting it out there is genius may GOD bless you in your ministry prayers going out to you & may GOD continue to blesyou with your ministering x.
I am James from Kenya and very much blessed by your ministry. Thank you for letting God use you in such a unique and relevant way in this generation. My prayers go out to you..
are you not unleaven as you really are (1cor 5:6-8), with out sin and without spot. We were called to be perfect and perfect does not mean that we don't sin, what it means is that the work God did on the cross was a perfect work, which is a perfect work in you a work that is complete. so are you perfect yes you are it have nothing to do with your faults nor your shortcomings, it have everything to do with your salvation, who you are in Christ. be perfect as i am perfect.so with that said, i thank god for you and your ministry my paryer is with you and i believe that God would continue to do his work through you. please!! please!! remain unleaven, the lord said once when me and my brother was praying that many have started off right, and after a while they just turn their backs on him and turn to the world. i am parying that God keep you and that his power and might continue to be with you. stay bless my brother we would see each other some day maybe in the clouds. much love
Praise the Lord, Pastor G. I heard your message a couple of years ago, now I see myself and that I stumble a little but I'm back and fighting with all I have and ehat god has given me. Thank you for standing on the Word of God and not backing down because you have and God's word has giving me the strength to not give up, knowing that time is at hand, I have no time to waste. May God continue to Bless you the ministry he given you to share with all of us. Please continue to pray for me and many others like me and the ones that are not like me but need to find there way back to God, before its too late. This is a wake up call. Lord Jesus help me to be the child you wanted me to be and to not lead myself or anyone I come in contact with to be lead astray from you, your word. teach me to reach the lost for them to seek you, live according to your word, including me and my family. Lord I repent of my sins and not ready your word daily and praying and witness like I should, help me to be better. Renew my mind and heart of anything and all things that are not acceptable unto you. And to truly forgive those who hurt me and noot to hold any grudges (forget). Create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit within me, in Jesus Name. May God bless you all and have mercy of those who know and don't know Him. Preach on Ex Ministries in Jesus name.....
Pastor I know how you feel. I being a truth preacher
go through the same thing. But be encouraged
I will continue to support stand with and pray for you
and you're ministries. Keep on preaching the truth God bless you.
Hey G Craig. I'm not a preacher but I'm the son of a Bishop in North Carolina that is in the same boat at you are. He preaches the unfiltered, pure word of God and has been persecuted many times for it. But just like you God has also tremendously blessed and kept him inspite of it all. I just want to say be incouraged. While it may seem like you are alone sometimes know that you are not alone. There are plenty of people still holding true to the entire Word.
Also to your point about people thinking you are perfect, understand that people don't realize that true preachers preach to themselves first. The Word first ministers to them so that when they preach it they have already been convicted and struck by it. They don't understand that preachers are not exempt from the Word, they are simply the samplers or first part takers and then they feed it to us. So be incouraged!!
Hi, I would like to say I think it's amazing what you're doing with ex ministries and would you happen to have any advice for an upcoming young evangelist who is also trying to fight the spiritual battle
i know this post is old! but thank God I read it!!! Feels good to know there are like-minded people out there that you can relate to.
I just found out about you and I must say that I understand what you say and how you say it. It would take too many words for me to detail it out on here. I can see what you see and hear what you hear.
In my younger days, I was taught not to judge because only God is judge. I always kept quiet and just let it be. I was very kind and loving, but yet I endured all kinds of persecutions. I had many unanswered questions, so I searched and studied for myself.
Anyways, now I know that it's good to use righteous judgement because I don't wanna be deceived with false truths. How can a man hold a position in theLORD's church without knowing how to judge what's right and what's wrong? Should we just accept everything because they say that thou shalt not judge? That sounds like the blind leading the blind stuff right there! Only dead fish go with the flow...huh?
It's messed up that many who claim to be leaders in the church would use that "thou shalt not judge" as their insurance to cover their asses when they're the ones who are really wrong!
I remember it being written that the saints shall judge the world anyways and if folks can't judge righteously now, then they will be the ones getting judged later!
You're not sentencing folks to hell, nor slandering them; you're being a real servant who knows that you have to be able to judge in order to lead the people down the right road. That shows you care and that you're not a hireling who would feed people anything! If folks got some dollars, then the hirelings will sho make them holla! Gotta laugh at that one!:-)
Hope I have given you some encouragement...not trying to flatter you with my words. Just wanna let u know that u have my blessings and honor. I will be reading some of your other good posts. Take care brother.
This post is older, but good. Appreciate all your hard work. The Father has given you a heartfelt message in my family's hearts. I was curious about your understanding of the Hebrew Roots. I know you mention "Sacred Namers", but they are not all inclusive to those of us in the Hebrew Roots. Not all of us are caught up the the "Name". I will say this, your teaching can and will bridge a gap between those who desire to see the Gospel in the whole Bible and those that don't. I really hope that you will open your heart to the Full Gospel as you put it. I am not knocking you, but complimenting you. Those of us in the Hebrew Roots still believe in Jesus and God the same way other than the feast days of God that are for all believers. We still have a lot to learn about what you teach and I am praying that you continue what you are doing. It would be great if you could see that your teachings are very close to the Torah and what God says not to do. Not to do the way of the nations. That would include the pagan holidays which many of the artists that you cover fall pray to. The Babylonian influence is in the Body of Christ as well. Again, not bashing just hoping that we can all dialog because your message is universal for the whole body. Bless you brother, please release some more TBHH stuff! There is a lot of material out there!
Thank you.. I'm glad the lord is using his remnant strongly in these last days and that I don't have to travel to Texas just to hear a good word. Keep up the good work and the good fight . GOD Bless.
We appreciate your blog. It's time to stand with the established truth in God's Word. What is weak and unstable must be shaken, and it cannot remain, so that which is eternal remains. We will keep you all in prayer. Keep preaching. Somebody is listening. Keep living for God, somebody is watching.
Pastor there is no need to explain yourself I've been following the ministry for over 10 years and I buy all the DVDs and support in prayer as well. I know there is many fakes and phonies and I find genuiness in you and your ministry. All the other big name pastors are doing the blatent sin and people don't recognize it so I wouldn't dare attempt to get in a fit about your imperfections. However it was well said for those that needed it
well said.
Thank you G. Craige Lewis for continuing to fight the good fight of faith. I'm standing with you by faith and prayer. God Bless you
Dear Pastor G. Craig Lewis, I am so proud of you and your ministry, it has truly encouraged my walk with God and strengthened my relationship with the Holy Spirit, helping me not to grieve Him. What you have taught me is how to embrace trials and reference for God with joy and humour. I too have been ridiculed about my belief and strange enough for me a once well liked friend and family member, I was turned away and homeless. I was so hurt and begged God to teach me how not to be angry, prideful, and filled with selfish wants. Your relentless pursuits to abandon the flesh and do as the Word of God ask to run every race like an athelete, see not many remember that about that scripture, it's a specific way to run. God said , "like an athelete," we should pursue the prize, atheletes do not show up for practices and excercises just because they expect payment, they've already been paid, a man with integrity will show up and actively see his end of the bargain, because he knows this. Mr. Lewis you are that man pursuing your God and His commands. Remember God says where evil abounds my Grace much more abounds. Prayer is what I can give to you, your immediate family and dear friends, and up lifting your ministry with finances of course will not be a problem either. I am honored to have been a follower of your ministry and even greater an oppurtunity to extend peace and mercy to you and yours. Bee blessed. With God's Type of Love, Elisabeth Mathews
Amen Pastor G. Craige Lewis keep doing what you are doing for the Lord. People think that you have to be perfect to preach the word of God. But if anyone is looking for perfection in someone to be able to preach the word of God, they have a big problem. Preach what thus says the Lord in season and out of season.
Thanks Pastor, you are a mentor. I feel it is high time Africa need to hear this cos we are living in a lamp without oil generation. We need you in Africa!
Hi Craige,
Please know that you're not alone in this fight! Here in Africa (Nigeria), we remain encouraged by your 'letters' as they go a very long way in repelling the evil influence of the 'Americanization of Christianity" here.
Keep the FIRE burning. May the Lord strengthen you on all sides in Jesus precious Name, Amen!
Hi Craige,
Please know that you're not alone in this fight! Here in Africa (Nigeria), we remain encouraged by your 'letters' as they go a very long way in repelling the evil influence of the 'Americanization of Christianity" here.
Keep the FIRE burning. May the Lord strengthen you on all sides in Jesus precious Name, Amen!
Pastor Lewis you have been a true blessing to my husband and I. I pray that God continues to strengthen you and bless you for preaching and teaching the TRUE word of God!
I'm with you no matter what...God used you to open my blinded eyes. We need the truth, show us, tell us and please don't stop! Your ministry of truth, facts, evidence and revelation has blessed me and my children's lives tremendously. You have made it easier to be in the world but not of it by exposing exactly what "the world" looks like in and outside of church. You have made it easier for me to minister to my children by identifying to them how so many even in their schools are walking around blind without a clue glorifying the world. I could go on and on but thank you for what your strength, your boldness and your love for God has done and continually do for my family! I will continue to pray for you and your family that God will keep and cover you all with his blood.
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