One thing I have learned, in all my years of ministry and being saved, is that it's good to be in the will of God. I remember a song that used to say, "the safest place, in the whole wide world, is in the will of God!" That song couldn't be more true! There is safety in God's will and there is grace and mercy there as well. You see, we are human beings, trying to live the lifestyle of a superior being (Christ) in a time when sin is abounding. That is not the easiest thing to do at times. There are so many obstacles and temptations in the world today. Many are aimed right at God's servants and they are designed to bring you down to a place where hearing and trusting God is hard.
We are living in the end times and the enemy is out to destroy and defame the name of Christ in our world. This is fast becoming an epidemic in the body of Christ because the great falling away has begun. Not just people deciding to no longer walk with Christ, but also, people that are walking with him are giving in to their carnal desires and wrecking their witness to the world. Of course we are all tempted and at times we may fall, but the key is to keep your eyes on Jesus so that you will stay afloat in those times and not sink all the way under. Just like Peter, getting a vision of the winds, waves, and the fact that what he was trying to do was impossible! While his eyes were fixed on Jesus, he could do it. But once he stopped looking ahead and started focusing on the waves, he began to sink. But even in that, thank God that Christ was yet there to keep him from drowning. This is where we must keep our faith people of God.

Sure the waves may get high and the trouble may surround us, but as long as Christ is there, we will not drown! This brings me back to what I was saying earlier. It's good to keep your eyes on Christ and not have to look for him in the times of trouble and turmoil. It's good to keep God first, instead of having to search for him amongst all of the things we invite in his place. You see, a major reason for EX Ministries is to teach God's people how to keep the junk out of God's way, so that we can remain with him. False gods, sinful music, etc. are all tools the enemy uses to block your communication with God. Sure, he said he would never leave or forsake you, but could it be at times that your faith is hindered from truly knowing he is there because of the things in your way? I believe firmly that people, places, and things, that are against God will block your communing with him.
When trouble comes, you will need that connection with God. Sure, when things are going good, it's easy to believe he is there, because he is good! But when things are going wrong, and you are struggling to make it, it's hard to know he's there at times. But your faith can be activated much easier when there is a clear path to him. A technical term for this path is "line of sight". That means that there is nothing obscuring your view of an object and you can get a much better read of an object if you have clear line of sight. This is how God works! Sure he is there, but do you have a clear line of sight? Can you truly see his presence in your life? Can you truly feel his love for you? Can you really apply his Word to your life?

Matt. 14:29 And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and *said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
G. Craige Lewis
Praise the LORD Pastor Craig! I am happy to see you back! This is a timely message and much needed with the economy and jobs being scarse. I was looking at the wind and waves like Peter and took my focus off of GOD. However, Jesus knows how to get you back on track. Although I am unemployed (for a year), I am still not in need and paying rent, utilities, food, etc. I thank GOD for not letting me drown!
Your Brother in Christ,
Antoine K Taylor
Thank God for your inspiring and encouraging words, Pastor Craige. I was leaving a local fast food restaurant on my way to my vehicle, when there were several other vehicles driving by with the music blasting. I thought to myself, "No wonder we can't hear a word from God. Our ears are filled with loud, obtrusive, offensive music. God can't get a word in anywhere for the loudness music blocking him out. My prayer is always that God brings us back to himself and cause us to live our lives in harmony and in concert with his holy spirit. Blessings on EX Ministries!
Praise the Lord I want to thank you for the daily word that you send out. I read the daily word regularly and it helps me to start my day and incourages me to keep my eyes on the lord. I thank god for someone who is sold completely out for the lord. Now days its hard to find someone who won't compromise and give up on count of the world. Continue to do what you do regardless of what people say Because the reward is in heaven and not on this earth. GOD BLESS YOU. Shawmeaka (Full Counsel Apostolic Ministry,Mableton Ga
This was MUCH needed!! This ministry is a constant watering, tilling and planting ministry! I pray for this never to cease or diminish! I had been going through constant back and forth 'pleadings' with God to have Him remove a blockage I felt in my heart with Him. I felt like I couldn't get through to God like I knew how; my mind couldn't stay focused when I prayed; I always felt a void when I did pray and when I was in church, singing in the choir, my heart wasn't the worshiper's heart like I knew it could be. I finally repented and started realizing what was happening (God wasn't #1 in my life, life was) i.e: I'd wake up for work, take care of the baby before I left, satisfied my husband's needs and then at work would become so busy that by the time I came home, I had to take care of the baby, cook, clean and sometimes tutor my nephew. When I did get a chance to rest, it was bedtime for me. This cycle eliminated God as the head of my life. So one day I was fed up feeling the lack of closeness with God and began to fear the coming of Christ. I thought, If Christ came today, would He tell me 'Get from me, I never knew thee?' I was literally so scared I started repenting and rearranging the way my days would routinely play. Now, I pray to wake up with ample time to pray and then take care of what I have been taking care of and at night I don't fall asleep reading the bible anymore.. I actually get to study and learn (I also make time for it at an hour where I'm not unwinding and have the energy to learn.) I feel more connected in prayer and I feel closer to God than I did.. I will still push through to become more intimate, but a major blockage was removed in my life by repentance! Praise God! I learned that God gave me my husband, He gave me our child, He gave me the favor for me to have the job I have and all other physical material things. I was too busy managing and taking care of those things that God was literally 'out of sight'.. He was there, but I didn't recognize Him like I had before! But thank God! Because I feel so FREE and liberated! I am so glad to be a child of God and I praise Him for His will!! My lesson HAS been learned!
It's nice to be hearing back from you. God bless you. I'm looking forward for more information that God has for you. Thank you for sharing through his word. Your site keeps me occupied among other tasks I have to do.
Pastor Craig I ignored early warning signs you wrote about via your blog and now there is no denying it (divorce rate shot up) something is seriously wrong at my church. Now we moving to a new building. Some people say that the devil is mad that the church is growing. I think that God allowing many foundations to be shaken to expose the real and the fake. Maybe I'm wrong?
Right on time brother Graige. My wife and i have group bible study in our home every Sunday and Tuesday, then of course study on our own every other day,
this is because out of the many churches we have been to in Virginia Beach area the pastor is either caught up in money, teaching heresy or performing for the camera (knowingly). When we confront them and ask certain questions respectfully we are told in no uncertain terms not to come back, so we don't. One pastor even lied about us to the congregation.
The Lord however has a remnant that will not hide the true Jesus of the bible for anyone, and will not sell out or compromise the word for anything. Thank God for you pastor Lewis, keep preaching the uncut truth.
Revelation 3:8-12 (AMP)
I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name.
Take note! I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie–behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and learn and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Because you have guarded and kept My word of patient endurance [have held fast the lesson of My patience with the expectant endurance that I give you], I also will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial (testing) which is coming on the whole world to try those who dwell upon the earth.
I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one may rob you and deprive you of your crown.
He who overcomes (is victorious), I will make him a pillar in the sanctuary of My God; he shall never be put out of it or go out of it, and I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which descends from My God out of heaven, and My own new name.
Prophetess Ajene
After hence another night of self destruction thru the use of dope I sit here and I read your blog, which comes to me thru my email, I ponder on helplessness...hopelessness...I am so sick and tired of this thing that seems to come again and again...Daily I am in God's word, morning and night, most all that is on my television is either gospel, contemporary christian or even preaching...I see where God blesses me regularly, daily, yet for whatever reason I seem to come back here and I am so sick of it..at times feeling like God's grace and mercy could be removed at a moments notice...what a horrible thought...Please don't leave me now God!! Knowing my sin path I want so to not continue in this...yet here I am again......I hold on to God's promises with everything I have and I pray for deliverence from this thing...God help me...not even wanting to live any more...so tired...yet not wanting to let go...believing that someday this will be over...not real sure why I felt that this would be the place to express all of this, but I have been thru treatments, na, aa, all of the above, why do I choose to use? What is really going on? How do I make it stop? I am so blessed, it don't even make since! I see where God is and has been a constant reaching out of His hand in my life...Thank you God for your ever watching eye and loving arms.......
U killd me Mr G. Craige Lewis, i used 2 luv hiphop...a friend of mine gave me ur clip 2 watch n, lets say i cleared my computer of all songs know am trying 2 make my brother n sister to c what i saw, tha wu-tang thing, i loved those people, bonethugz, u could tell me nothing but the good thing about u is that u explain it so well as if we three year old.Its a good thing n may God grant u more life on earth coz u made me remember Him n want to talk to Him, this days i do read the bible without filling like am going to sleep in the next 10min....thanks u r alive
U killd me Mr G. Craige Lewis, i used 2 luv hiphop...a friend of mine gave me ur clip 2 watch n, lets say i cleared my computer of all songs know am trying 2 make my brother n sister to c what i saw, tha wu-tang thing, i loved those people, bonethugz, u could tell me nothing but the good thing about u is that u explain it so well as if we three year old.Its a good thing n may God grant u more life on earth coz u made me remember Him n want to talk to Him, this days i do read the bible without filling like am going to sleep in the next 10min....thanks u r alive
The ENDTIMES are indeed eminent! The hearts of CHURCH FOLK are waxing WORSE $ worse.Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Thanks E X Min. for standing on the WALL and crying loud and sparing not!
I praise the Lord for you and your ministry. You know in my recent struggle in coming to terms with where the Lord wants me to "be" (which is the very place I've been running away from), I found myself acting out in subtle ways. I began to watch a lot of reality tv and not praying and studying the word as I should. I so praise Jesus for helping me get back on track, He is so merciful. Your "Line of Sight" is right on the money! Continue His work and be blessed.
man!man!man!,whats really going on?the world,THE FLESH,and satan.they smack you around every now and then,you get knocked to the ground because they team up on you.and then we may bow down to defeat.then WE hear the words of truth coming from the messenger BRO.CRAIGE,inspiring words that makes us stand to our feet words that give us strength to fight off the enemies,words that stretch out of heaven like a hand to assist you in your struggles.Man of God,keep hearing from ABOVE and inspiring your followers.I thank GOD for you.
Pastor Craig,
Hi my name is Will Starks. I just recently viewed your sermon on hip-hop from a whle back on youtube. I'm a 16 year old christian, and I admit I do listen to hip-hop. I understand your view points and actually agree with all that you said during your sermon. I'm currently tryin to limit what I listen to and what goes into my head. But I am still curious towards a lot of things concerning hip-hop music.
Now I did't grow up in the era in which you were giving your sermons on hip hop, when it was first evolving, with artists such as snoop dogg, dmx, bone thugs, and ja rule. I don't listen to those artists and watching your made me aware of the enormous difference that I've noticed between hip hop today and back then. Today it doesn't seem as though rappers are making direct or as direct refernces to the devil at all. Sex, drugs, and violence seem to be the main focuses today in hip hop, but there are artists that I listen to such as Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, and T.I. that don't alwyas make direct references to the devil and god in thier music. In some of there songs they are even getting across good messages to youth. So I'm not saying that hip hop today is un-sinful by any means, however, I think the difference between modern artists like Drake and B.o.B. don't carry the same messages or satanic influences as rappers like DMX and Bone Thugs did. I don't believe that all hip hop today is bad.
I really would like to hear your opinon on this becuase I still have other questions lingering. If you get a chance to respond my email is WillStarx3@gmail.com. Thanks pastor.
Thank you Pastor Craig for the truth. For years in my teens and twenties I struggled with secular music. I would go back and forward between the church and the world. Others were doing the same in terms of music which, on the surface, made me think it was okay but deep down inside I knew it wasn't right. Months before my 30th birthday, I felt God was taking me to a new level of maturity. And this new level pulled me away from secular music. I simply stopped listening. I really began to see its effects on my life and the people around me. I couldn't listen to the Lord and listen to that garbage too. Hearing you was like confirmation of so many things I've been feeling about secular music and its artist. My eyes have been opened. Wow!
I was 100% percent totally blessed and re-dedicated my life back to the Lord after watching your series on the hip hop music.. I can't say thank you enough for exposing the enemy! I thank the Lord for speaking thru you and using you!
God bless you Brother Lewis. In this last day my heart is heavy because so many people are so far from the Truth. Your words are great encouragment to those who love God and His Truth. Please keep speaking what God is telling you. Our politicians are CRAZY! Islam is breaking in the back door. Even non-citizens have more rights than do Christian, citizens who believe and operate in the Holy ways of Jesus. While all that is illegal is exualted the way of Godliness is denounced. Stand firm and keep fighting beloved brother. Only God knows how many people find calm in the storm here at EXMinistries. He knows just how to keep us grounded on what is real, what is important. The trouble will come, but it will pass away. His truth and bless Him, His people will remain. I know your touched by the music but I encourage you to teach about all areas God puts on your heart. In this day we really need voices crying in the desert "Make straight ways for Our God!"
Be blessed by the blessing Giver!
My goodness! That's the key to living a life of victory in Jesus name-relationship and focus! I love it! Thanks G. I'm glad to see ya back!
Joyce Breaker
I read your blog on May 31,2010. Things in the way. This is what I received from your blog. Things in the way produce barriers between me and God. Its idolatry. Me putting food on a higher level of priority than God. I'm not overweight, I weigh about 143. Me putting television on a higher level of priority than spending time with God. All this makes it hard to believe God is there when situations arise. One other extremly important issue I got from your blog is just staying consisitent with God. I have to remain consistent in prayer, reading, studying, and just fellowshipping with Jesus. Great blog. Pray for me as I pray for you.
Thank you so much for this timely word! Just this morning I was crying out to the Lord about how distant I have been feeling from him. I now realize that I have allowed "life" to interrupt the intimacy we once shared. As a working wife/mother with two young children and one on the way, it's difficult to maintain that balance of keeping God first when so many demands are being placed on you. But reading your blog today was like God was speaking directly to me. Thank you again for being a man of integrity that will stand for the truth of God's word. Your ministry is desperately needed in these last days, and I pray that God will continue to bless and stregthen you to continue in His Will.
Thanks Pastor Craig for this encouraging word. I am so happy that you are back with us now. I pray that you were able to get plenty of rest and insight from God. My pastor talked about this message tonight at bible study. Calling the church back to Holiness. He referenced Hebrews 12:14. We must keep our eyes focused on God, despite what is going on around us. I pray that we all can master this! God bless you all.
Greetings, Brother Craige. Just wanted to thank you for the good message from God yesterday in Bakersfield. My fiancé and I drove 5 hours to come hear the good word. I also rallied up my cousins. Told them we just had to go! Especially since we checked your website and saw that this would be your only speaking engagement in California. We are truly blessed by your ministry. We read your Daily word emails, ex cast, true church perspective, all your DVDs. And we didn't get a chance to meet you, but my fiancé and just wanted to thank you for the great impact your ministry has had on our lives. God is truly working through you to reach many. And give him all the praise! I also want to thank you for taking the time to sign our book last night. We understand your a busy man and it got late. So i just wanted to take this opportunity to write you and thank you. May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you and your family! God Bless.
- Vanessa & Alex- Firm believers in Christ!
Ive just found out about hindus speaking in tongues, being slain in the "spirit" etc etc. This thing called Kundalini? what is EX Ministries understanding on this. I am around speaking in tongues all the time, and i am a concerned, do I change church?
My wife and I just showed your video about teen dating to some young girls we invited to our house. It was an eye-opening time for them AND their parents!!! We plan on doing this regularly to whomever God leads us to. This message NEEDS TO BE HEARD!!!!! - from Curtis William Trent, Author of GHETTO GODS
Commenting on Tonex on the Lexi Show... This is disgusting. This is not Christianity, or someone struggling with sin, this is blatant, open rebellion against the God of the Bible and His decree that homosexuality is abomination before the Holy Creator of the universe. I don't know who Tonex thinks he's fooling, the only one he is fooling here is himself. God ain't playing, homosexuality is a detestable sin. (Sin = Self Inflicted Nonsense). This man is a Tare, he has been sown into the Church to deliberately do what he is doing.
Tonex is creating a lascivious blasphemous gospel of perversion. I pray that every true believer in The Lord Jesus Christ expose this phony for what he is, a child of Satan himself. Tonex you need to repent and believe on the real Jesus of the Bible and not this fake imaginary god that you have and are creating in your alternate reality, which is not reality at all, but DECEPTION. We are called by Jesus to be a holy people, a royal priesthood, we are not called to lust and concupiscence! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
P.S. Before anyone assumes I hate homosexuals, I don't. I hate the evil deception of those who would pervert the Gospel of Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ and deliberately lead others into folly.
My husband and I are truly blessed by your Ministry and the radical stance your Ministry takes for the pure Word of God. We are living in a time when there is indeed a famine not for bread and water but for the pure Word of God. It is so hard these days to find men of God who will stand for the whole counsel of God's word. So many are only too willing to compromise in order to keep the people happy. The thing that concerns me most is that while these pastors seek the approval of the people there is no doubt that they are getting the disapproval of God.
Continue to preach the Word Pastor Craige and at times when the road gets lonely just remenber the Apostle Paul. At times he was stoned, beaten, suffered hunger and a whole lot more but always he kept the end prize in view. His declaration was "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love His appearing."
Your DVDs have thrilled our souls -some of them have been shown to the young people in our Church. May God raise up more young men like you and set them on fire to run with His endtime message.
We are praying hard for you that God will strengthen and encourage your heart and continually protect you and your family. Run the race with patience looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of your faith.
May the Lord bless you now and always.
MO, London England
amen brother Craig. thank you
May GOD bless and keep you my brother because the devil is watching you at this moment because of these sound words that you have broadcast to each and everyone. Just remember that at all time allow GOD to direct your path and you will never lose your way.
Your Sister in Christ JESUS,
Diana Appleton
Dearest G Craige,
Your Truth about Hip Hop videos have changed my life & I am eternally grateful!!! The revelations regarding the society & music that surrounds us today disclosed combined with the Truth of Gods Word have impacted many I know & my life as well. I can't shut up about them because my eyes have now been opened. You are such an inspiration & encouragement to those of us that feel a tad lonely in our flesh but overwhelmingly full basking in the rich presence of our dear Lord & Savior! Please please continue to fight the good fight brother! Kim, CA
PLEASE IM DYING TO HEAR THE TRUTH BEHIND FACEBOOK (Something I personally called FACE the DOOM). Thank you: KWABENA (Toronto, Canada)
Praise the Lord man, are you apostolic? Well continue to be blessed and may the lord supply all your needs!
I mean really one would be a fool to argue THRUTH!! Proverbs 1:22
How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? enough said!!
One would be a fool to argue TRUTH!!
Proverbs 1:22
How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? Enough said!!
Thank God for His word through your ministry. How do I know it's the truth; because it aligns with the word of God. Many people are not into their bible these days, so even when they see the TRUTH standing in front of them, they will not recognise HIM. God bless this ministry!
Yours in Christ
I thank God for using people to bring the truth forward. A friend introduced us to the "Truth behind Hip Hop" and I've been amazed ever since. My life is being transformed everyday as I try to catch up to the Lord's teachings. It is a wonderful thing to see the truth. Your teaching on hip hop helped us to reach our daughter who once wished to enter the entertainment industry. I am also learning to be a stronger Christian. I heard God telling me to pick a side because I was playing the neutral role. A week later, I received your DVD from a friend and fully understood what God wanted me to do.
I thank God for you and thank you for your obedience!
Pastor Craige the whole point of why you have been Sent. (Not only Called)Is so the people of God no longer be caught between two opinions. That they make a decision to stand for Jesus Christ in there speech, there life style, and there thinking. Leaving no room for compromise. No longer being luke warm either hot or cold. Being clean or filthy. The lines are dividing there will be no more gray area's it's time to choose. Pastor you are first and foremost a Prohpet of God, and a minister of the Gospel. Your expertise lies in the word of God. Our Lord and savior chose and Sent you to the Body for the Gospel. I personally want you to know I accept and am grateful for Gods gift . Thank You Pastor Craige Sister Rachel Bryant Orlando, FL
Blessings, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have been suppoting you since the first day I saw you DVDs. My question is where do you stand on the JWs. I have not heard you speak on that matter. thank you Bro. Kenney
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