Thank You
God is good! I praise God because He is the only true and living God. He is MOST HIGH and there is no other above him. He is my God forever and I will serve Him continually!
I just want to thank everyone for the prayers, spiritual support, as well as kind words during this time of rest and sabbatical. I am taking my time, listening rather than speaking, while God instructs me on the next phase of my life and his ministry for me. And it's been a joyful and challenging time. I am feeling well and healthy by the grace of God. I just praise God for being the God that heals and delivers and I am resting in his promise and trusting in his Word for his PERFECT plan for me. We will have new EX Daily Words and True Church Radio broadcasts real soon, and I will begin traveling again this summer.
Also, thank you for being patient with our office as we took time off for vacation. Our office has reopened and we are ready to take your orders once again. So please feel free to purchase our products and continue to support us. We depend on your purchases and financial gifts to continue to move forward. As we approach the end of days, we believe that God is readying his people for the times. And we will do our best to equip God's people and preach his Kingdom until he return for us all.
Matt. 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
G. Craige Lewis
Yes! Glad you are back and full of health and strength! Praise God! We missed EX Ministries so much. We are continuing to pray for you, Sabatha and all the children. God bless you all!
We praise God that you are healing and resting! We depend on this ministry to help guide us into the truth of God's word as we also depend on this ministry to confirm to us what God speaks to us. Whatever God speaks to us has ALWAYS been in line with what he speaks through you! Not only do we read God's word and hear His voice, but we receive confirmation of what we hear through your broad castings, daily words, blogs and videos. It's as if you are in our hearts and minds and KNOW these things! (Which we know is ONLY the power of God!)
May God continue to bless this ministry tremendously because this ministry stands on the truth of God's word! Thank you for allowing God to use you in ALL ways.. you truly are His vessel! We love you dearly and thank God for you and your family as well as the EX Ministries family. Although we may never meet face to face; we feel close and kindred in heart and Spirit!
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Sims
Thank you so much for your hard work and praise the Lord for using you in a very powerful way! My friend and her husband just got saved watching your latest DVD, the truth behind hiphop 5. Also I just wanted to tell you I just found out that there is School of Ageless Wisdom in Arlington, TX, and that it is associated with the Lucis trust, which was founded by Alice Bailey who is like the female version of Aleister Crowley.
"End of days?" You don't hear too many preachers talking like that these days! Thanks, Pastor, for the REMINDER that these are the endtimes; those three words say it all. Time as we know it is coming to a close someday, and eternity will begin! When the Lord Jesus returns for his bride, what a Day that will be!
God bless you Minister Lewis. I have been hearing about you for years, but it was not until last week that I began to listen. My attention has been on your podcast. Thank you for letting god use you. These issue especially the issues that are concerning the body of Christ. These issues have been grieving my spirit for years. I felt so alone, but these podcast really blessed me. I am praying for you. May God continue to bless you and strengthen you and your family. May his will be done in your life.
So glad that you've been getting your much need R&R! EX-Ministries is one of the VERY few ministries that I feel I can trust to teach the true Word of God. And we need you in full health and strength. Thank you so much!!! God bless you and your family and EX-Ministries!
G Craige, glad you're back. Just wanted to ask if you could shed light on a concern of mine. People are still hiding their devilish agendas under the banner of gospel music. Please expose this issue - not just gospel hip hop but also the thing about not mentioning the name of Jesus in a song. Please also watch BeBe and CeCe's video Close To You and notice the occult symbolism, eg the devil's sign at 0:26. The always sisters forever brothers conferences that have added to the funk of megafest and all the other mass gatherings that do not bring any change to our cities and offer no discipleship.
The Winans need to be exposed and I say this not out of jealousy but out of a growing concern - "that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the eyes of God." Luke 16:15.
You've been a great blessing to me and I pray that the Lord will continue to use you.
Hey, I wanted to know if you saw this recent article on It speaks about and confirms a lot of the information G. Craig Lewis has been preaching about for years. I was shocked to see this information exposed on a popular website.
press on,keep on keeping on.satans SOldiers are marching.where is mr.CRAIGE,sipping wine feeling the sunshine,toes in the sand his departure a grandstand.While he rest the ENEMY sprouts his chest. look at him now declares the pulpit pimp.he's not so invincible says the homosexual,lets take the stage says the ABORTIONISTS, HIS PLATFORM IS A Ssinking ship shouts the atheist.SOUND THE ALARM! OUR WATCHMAN, bro CRAIGE IS BACK ON HIS blessed!
hello BROTHER,glad you are back on the frontline.i HELD it down!I know one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten THOUSAND to flight.lets get ready to rumble!but first strenghten yourself with some of that Nawlin"s GUMBO,then suit up,i said suit Up with the whole armour of GOD that you maybe able to withstand in the evil day,and having done all,to got twelve more years in you,on the battlefield,stand with your lions girt about with truth,and having on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS;the gospel of peace,the shield of faith so you can quench the all the fiery darts OF THE WICKED.most of all,take the Helmet of SALVATION ,and the SWORD of the Spirit,which is the word of GOD.DONT STOP PRAYING!KEEP RUNNING WITH BEAUTIFUL FEET.i'll meet you at the camp fire.When I see you coming I'll do a little just TALKING2CHAIRS.
Dear G. Craig Lewis:
I would like for you to teach a series in regards to tithes and offering. From what I've read, it looks like tithing (10%) was of the old testament. That we are now to give a free will offering according to what God has placed on our hearts. I look forward to your response via your blog.
I pray God's strength and wisdom in the next phase of what He has for you. Thank you for keeping God in the forefront and preaching and teaching the truth! May the Lord give you sustained health and spiritual guidance in this last and evil day!! Keep on Keeping on IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!! AMEN!!!
Listen, family in Christ!
Don't be deceived-100% deliverance is not just "possible"-it's what God has willed for you! It is yours, not by might or by power, but by HIS SPIRIT! (Zechariah 4:6)
"It is neither him that willeth, nor he that runneth, but the LORD that showeth mercy"(Romans 9:16)
"Walk in the SPIRIT, and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh" This is important to the point of being crucial, I think.(Galatians 5:16)
"But what do I do if I can't believe, and I feel so helpless, etc?"Please don't waste your own time: don't you understand you are being distracted by the enemy? Best advice I ever heard: Just grab on to what faith you have already. If you are having trouble being sorry, JUST BE SORRY YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE BEING SORRY, trust God and He will do the rest! If you are having trouble letting go of that lifestyle that does not please Him, be sorry you are having trouble, trust Him and He will do the rest!
I must be honest: on some days you will feel the glory, and on others you will feel discouragement. But guess what?
This has no relation whatsoever to how you FEEL. It is what's happening that counts. Trust God, fight your feelings with His word, and bathe your mind in it. Read it til it's coming out your ears. Read it till whenever a filthy song comes to mind, scripture takes its place AUTOMATICALLY.
Make no mistake, this is a war, and the enemy will come against your reading scripture with everything he's got.
But know this, God will come to your rescue with everything HE'S got, and He that is in you is stronger than he that is in the world.
The fight is fixed in your favor, my brother and my sister. No matter what it feels like.
You shall have a testimony. Time to "get in God's face" with prayer, fasting, and all your heart, soul, mind, strength, knowing,
"The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the MOUTH OF THE LORD HAS SPOKEN IT"
Isaiah 40:5
(That scripture is just amazing.)
God bless us all, Amen.
Something I'm reading right now. Hope it helps
Its good to see you doing well. Hopefully you are getting much needed fun and rest. My life has changed tremendously because of your beautiful ministry. God bless you and your family and may God continue to use you for His Glory!!!
Thank you for your endurance Pastor Lewis,
It was by your tongue that I received the Lords word, and gave up listening to ALL secular music.
God Almighty HAS done a Great work through you.
I am glad that you are in good health and ready to return to the field as a warrior of the Cross. Be strengthened and be prosperous in your walk with Christ.
I pray that Jesus will use you as He pleases in this time and season. May He continue to endow you with wisdom and revelation straight from the Throne. May your words destroy the kingdom of satan and uplift the Kingdom of God all around the world. Continue to seek our Lord Jesus Christ in all your ways and He will direct your paths.
God Bless You Sir!
Continually Seeking The Bible Truth,
Minister Craige,
Thank you for all of your hard work. My husband and I are ever sharing your message as well as contributing to ex-ministries once a year during our Christmas charity giving. We love to find small or large ministries that do the work of furthering the work of our Lord and Savior.
My heart sometimes feel heavy for the deep division in the body of Christ in the area of race. Too many times Black Churches are pointing an accusing finger at their White brother and sisters in Christ while Satin is continuing in his victory. I used to believe that White christians were akin to the KKK - Satin had a victory in my belief. I know it is not true and I ask you as a man of God to do work in that area. If anyone can reach Black churches in an area that is controversial, you can. I will pray for you to get this email and for you to speak to the Lord about this. We love you and God Bless you.
You don't have to post this on your page, but please look at this website. This is so crazy to me. What should we think about this? He is the last person that expected this from. Am I wrong for feeling bad about his?
hi i really enjoyed your dvd and the word said my people perish from lack of knowledge i like the way you broke it down and the word to beg it up the city i live alot of people never heard of you my husband and me will really love meet you i read you was travling this summer we stay in gary indiana please write me back so that i can talk with pator thank you and god bless you
hi ireally liked your dvd the truth be hind hiphop the word says my perish of lack of knowlegde you broke it down for me and had the word to beg it up i am a mother that watches what my kids watch on tv listen on the radio even on the disney channal my husband and i will really love to meet you i read that you will be travling this summer please write me back so that i can talk to my pastor god bless you
Hello Pastor,
May the Lord bless you sincerely. Sorry for my english. I followed your instruction on hip hop and everything he hides! I was enlightened by the Holy Spirit, it really touched me and I learned a lot. That the Holy Spirit teaches you that you use again and again for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let me ask you a question Pasteur. Currently, some assemblies are divided because of the tithe. Some say you should give it as a statute forever and others say that we should give more because we are no longer under law but under grace of the Lord Jesus. It's a big controversy here in France. I find it unfortunate that we dwell on a topic like this but I would like to know if the Lord has already informed you about it. Mind you, I do not take a soothsayer or a being superior to others, but I just want an outside opinion of a brother in Christ which is totally alien to French soil. I warn you beforehand that I would be on my side in prayer so as not to be influenced by your answer but whatever the Holy Spirit that convinces me ...
In advance thank you again and bless you Pastor Craige, the Lord pours upon you divine favor, amen
I believe in your message and pray that the Lord protect you from the wiles of the enemy, unto salvation and eternal life. Be blessed by God the Father and may you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
I thank God for you, your preaching has really helped me. Thanks to you, I now know what the Holy Gohost feels like. What I'm making refernce to is some visiting preachers I have heard, I don't remember a thing they say after service. All I remember was the time that he screamed or pushed sombody over. Half the time I didn't listen. But with you, I sat on the couch and did not move for nearly the entire two hours. Then when I went left home for college, I found a church with a preacher who did the same thing as you. To add to this I remembered the key points of his message a month later. Now to be clear he was a white guy, but now I clearly know the difference between a Holy Gohst message and a emotional outburst with Jesus no where to be found.
God Bless in Jesus' name.
OMG! " TRUE CHURCH" We must put the word of the Lord over every act of evil that is being done and said. JESUS SAID, "The words I speak are spirit and life." When we pray according to the word of God HE (GOD) sends his word to accomplish what He will. The word of God is not bound though we are limed the word of GOD is ever moving to set in order the things HE spoke before the earths foundation. So believers of the word of life get busy doing what HE has called you to do "PRAY THAT THE LORD OF THE HARVEST SEND TRUE LABORERS INTO THE VINEYARD."
I Think what G Craige is doing is great and am know using the information I have gathered from his dvd to teach others around me.
South Africa
Thanks for sharing the truth with others. Annie Dennis Eskridge, author of Sin Abides..
Dear Minister and Brother Craig
Be strong in the spirit of the Lord, I stayed up very late(or early) reading alot of things on your site, I have been preaching Gods truth for the last ten years, and pastoring and evangelizing for the past four years. my Brother it is a tuff road, paul said at his first defense no man stood with him, the calling of a true prophet is a natural lonely calling, the true word cuts, pierces and pricks, some lash back as they did when they killed stephen, some repent as they did when peter preached in acts. Think of moses, Jeremiah, Daniel,Issaiah, elisha, and elijah. These brothers rebuked kings. Neamiah was heavy duty and bold in the spirit, God sees and knows the intent of your heart,and God is on your side, and if God is for you, who can be against you, sometimes its best at times not to explain yourself, I work construction and I bump my head and cut myself and trip and fall and hit my fingers with a hammer alot, and I dont explain myself to anyone as to why, I am human and I still press on and get the job done and do it right, the end result is new and or restored and or fixed, sometimes a touch up return is needed but none the less it is well done, as long as the Lord Jesus says well done thats all that counts. Remember that with all the exposure the enemy wants to sidetrack you, stay humble stay consistent stay prayed up and fasted up. I watch people go alot because I do not compromise the word of God and I do not tollerate wordly agendas within the work of God and the great commission in which he has called me to persue, it is an honor and a privilage and a great responsibility to be a servant of God, but we must press on. The hip hoppers hate us but Jesus told us this would be so, the compromising pastors hate us but they are not of us, in these last days many false prophets shall arise, jokers, deceived and deceiving, they will be consumed by their own wickedness, press on, Love your wife and children and first and foremost the Lord, preach with boldness and with trust in the Lord to direct you and lead you. We will keep you in our prayers, and if God willing we will meet one day, if not here on earth we will definately meet in heaven.
Sincerely: Pastor/Evangelist/Gods redeemed child/
Ventura Chavez/Body Of Christ Ministries
My Brother stay focus on the Word of God and you will make it. When we rely totally upon God, He works all things out for His glory. Our prayers will be with you and your family. Keep the devil under your feet and keep yourself and your family cover in the Blood of Jesus. Remember at the Name of Jesus, demons must flee and God has already given you the victory. The Power of God will be so strong on you until those demons will flee from your sight in a hurry.God's Power is stronger than any demon. You got the Victory In the Name of Jesus. Annie Dennis Eskridge,
Dear Pastor: Many are called but few are chosen. You are chosen.(As if you didn't know). Praise the God of Abrham for yourself and your family for taking the sacrifice..I have learned so much from raised in Chicago, Hollywwod, Las Vegas and now Long Beach. I have been in the business all my life and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't make it. I read your messages and now I know why. Africa Bambaatta and I met in Las Vegas and he swore I was gonna be a labelmate and it never happened. Whew, he was on his way back to New York to start hiphop. Thank you Lord we fell out of touch. I have sang behind some of the biggest celebrities in H.wd and it baffeled me why I cound't get a contract!!!Joe Jackson was one of the last in met before running from Vegas when I recognized it was so spiritually dry and takin my money. Thank God I had real home training on who the evil one was or I would have died in that spirit. Literally. I still know some of the oldster's from back in the day and I was wondering would God cruch me if I do gospel.
praise the lord man of god keep preaching truth dont let satan intimidate you cry loud and spare not warn gods people of ther transgression. To much sin in gods house church folk have really under estimated the devil. were running out of time work while its day because night time is upon us preach people out of darkness. beware when all men speak well of you. truth will make folk hate you as a pastor i know truth will bring out the freaks people will freak out when when tell them the truth. DONT STOP KEEP PREACHING pastor terry jefferson word of revelation ministries.
From Lenear at
First I like to thank the HOLY SPIRIT for using you to bring the truth. I know for me it's confirmation because God has been revealing the same thing way before I heard of your ministry. I'm also a converted artist who raps about the kingdom of God. And as I was praying one day I felt in my spirit to ask you to review my music. I know it sounds crazy but God showed me who I am and HIS calling in my life. I left my email so that if the HOLY SPIRIT ever moves you to contact me please do so. I pray many blessings for you and once again keep on letting GOD use you.
I thank God for you Bro. Lewis Keep preaching the word of God faithfully, May God continue to bless you your family and ministry.
Bro. Greg in Georgia
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