It's been 12 years since I began preaching the Truth Behind Hip Hop. It's been a long run. The good part is that the ministry has gone global, to every region of the world. It's been phenomenal seeing God do what he has done. He has really shown me mercy, grace, and as long as I walk humbly before Him, He continues to bless me. The sad part is that, a 12 year run with no break, vacation, or hobby can be hazardous to your health naturally and spiritually.
Let me explain. First the natural part. Everyone needs an outlet. Whether it's playing golf or fishing, it's good to have an outlet that's physically as well as mentally challenging. This gives you an opportunity to work out stress in a controlled environment and also gives you something to do when you are taxed by your job or mission. And this is mistake number 1 for me. I have no outlet other than ministry! I decided to devote my time fully to ministry feeling like I was obligated to preach 24/7. Doing the daily word each morning, blogs and excasts, maintaining an active website and traveling each weekend is a lot to do for 1 man. Didn't really have anyone to share any other wisdom on this subject with me, so I pressed for 12 years. Now, my body is taxed and I'm physically worn. I am battling some health issues as I type this because I did not have use wisdom in my approach to ministry. But praise God for his grace and mercy that pulls us through in these times when we are not being smart.
Next, the spiritual part. As I approach DVD recordings, I fast for at least 10 to 30 days with nothing but water and juices. I make sure I am clean because I take the work of the Lord seriously. Since we all battle with error at times, we must use fasting to keep ourselves empty before God so we may keep the preach word pure. If we do not fast, we will begin to mix the Word of God with our words and sin will bleed over into our ministry and pervert the very gospel we are preaching. So, purging ourselves is very important. But there will come a time when it's God's time to cleanse us and work on us. Only he knows the depths of our assignment and how far he wants to go with us. So, we must take breaks for restoration, revelation, and plain old Ministry sanitation! If we keep going and never stop, we may find ourselves moving ahead of God instead of following God. This is mistake number 2 for me.

I have moved straight ahead for 12 years with no time of healing, rest, or sabbatical. This has caused me to become overweighed with the cares, concerns, and opinions of people concerning the ministry that I do. This makes it hard at times to stay focused because you begin to consider people's opinion vs. God's assignment. So, after 12 years of running full steam ahead, and attempting to move straight into my pastoral call, I blew it! I thought I could transition directly into another major area of ministry straight from what I was doing and it is just not possible. Having a prophetic evangelistic ministry is not the same as pastoring. Before God plants you, He must transition you. This is a process and one cannot just move into it from the other. God needed me to be still for a moment so He could deal with me, but I had tunnel vision and just knew He was cool with my moves. But to get my attention, God allowed the enemy to afflict me with a spirit of infirmity so that I would get somewhere and sit down! Once I did, I could hear Him clearly and it was time to go under the knife for my transition.

I have said all of this to say that now, after 12 years straight of working, I am finally taking a long needed break from ministry. I am first going on vacation, getting me a hobby and focusing on my health. Then, I will allow God to plant me in his time for the local work He is going to do in me. This is a process. I have extended my engagement break till June and I'm getting G. Craige ready for this end time run. It's time for a shift and I gotta be ready. So, continue to pray with me and for me. Please, believe me when I say, this time is mandatory for me and I am totally surrendered to God thru this process. I want to be exactly what God wants so, I gotta get some balance and come back stronger and wiser than before.
G. Craige Lewis
first i want to say that i really appreciate your ministry and all that you do for the body of Christ. I agree that we do need to balance our natural and spiritual. Even Jesus had to escape from time to time to get away so that he could recoup. Take all the time that you need to really come back and present what God is speaking thru you. Jesus has truly blessed you and you deserve a break. I will pray for your natural as well as spiritual strength. Keep up the good work that you do. And see you in June.
Man of God I will be praying for you! Be blessed brother.
Nice to read that you are taking a much deserved break! Thank you for all of your great sacrifice and work in spreading the message. You have truly changed my life and have brought me back to a closer relationship with God. May He continue to bless you and your ministry.
Get your rest and get well soon, pastor! We need your ministry!!!
May God continue to bless you and your family!
Dear Mr. Elder G. Craige Lewis, I would never question what God has put on a man's heart, so I will not question what you are about to do, but I would like to tell you thank you! Sometimes I think about what preachers/teachers might be thinking if they have done Gods work correctly. Well, if I can tell you about your work, you have in my life and I think the many other testimonies also tells of the Great job you have done. So know that God has used you to not only Bless and deliver people, but you have also raised people to carry your work on. I completley believe that people will stand behind you while you get yourself refreshed because God is still moving and Blessing people, like you said, your global now so sit back and relax and comeback refreshed.
God Bless you, and I thank God for you, and thank you for allowing God to use you, because if you didn't, a lot of people and believers would be lost, busted and disgusted. In Jesus Name, Amen
Just want to commend you for taking the time to REST!!! Balance is very key for all of us. We really need you in the Body of Christ and we need you whole. I will be praying for your strength, restoration and healing. May your strength be renewed like the eagles and may God take you from strength to strength.
God BLESS you more and more you and your family!
My brother, you are in my prayers and always will be. I shall be praying for your family, your walk in the Lord and the things that the Lord lays before you. 12 years is a long time for no break - praise the Lord for His grace and mercy! May you receieve much rest and relaxation - even Jesus went away and rested and we must too. God bless and looking forward to seeing what God has in store for your future. He has used you mightily and many have come into knowing the truth about the things we see around us...I have learned to do my research because of the things I learned from your DVD and teachings...I am armed with the knowledge that God's word goes forth first in my life and I thank God for you and the standing that you have done in the gap for those of us that were not knowledgeable.
I am grateful to the Lord for finding you on line by 'accident' and for the knowledge that you have passed onto me that I now share with all those that listen. You have planted many seeds for the Lord and my prayers are with you during your season of rest! You are loved my brother by many who have come to love your straigh forward in your face truth that many do not want to hear - my brother we listen and I am thankful. God bless!
This is indeed true, running at full steam constantly can bring you to the end of the road before your time, especially if you do not take any time out to regenerate your body physically. The amount of time you have taken out and are going to take is absolutely necessary. It is a pity that it has to come to an ailment sometimes for us to realise that we need rest, we are not supermen and women........yet. Well, I have enjoyed your blogs and dvds and look forward to you coming back stronger, refreshed and ready to kick the devil's behind again. Your message has multiplied throughout the whole world and the devil's kingdom is suffering some serious damage. I look forward to seeing a regenerated G Craig in the months to come.
God Bless
G Craige, I really appreciate your honesty and transparency. Reading your words reminds me of Moses trying to do so much until Jethro counseled him. It is an absolute must that you take time to rest and recoup, especially after 12 STRAIGHT YEARS, now you know you deserve some serious R&R..LOL. But while also reading your words, I realize that I've always prayed about your ministry continuing to go go go and not taking into account your physical well being. I've always expected my TCP episode waiting on me Sunday evenings (that's when I like to listen to it), my daily word in my email inbox everyday, my blog and ex-cast email notices whenever their updated, etc, and not really thinking about how much hard work it is to do all that. I'm sorry for that. I'm now gonna pray not only for your ministry, but also for your physical and mental well being and strength and for you to know when to sit down somewhere and get some rest. God bless you and God bless EXMinistries. Take care.
Even olympic atheletes take breaks, so I am glad that you are taking the time to rest and relax. May God continue to bless you and your family as you continue to preach the truth to this lost and dying world.
Get your rest and time with GOD. Enjoy!
GOD Bless you G. Craige Lewis, your family and your ministry. Enjoy your break and your family. The Body of Christ needs a strong voice like yourself to use The Spirit of GOD to lead more souls to Christ in this final hour. I've received so much confirmation, as well as revelation and encouragement from your DVDs, podcasts, daily words, and True Church Perspectives Brother, you have NO IDEA how much the LORD has used you to redirect and take things out of my life. You will remain in my prayers and your DVDs will be played over and over in my household. As long as you're under the will of GOD, you have my support. Much Love to you my Brother in Christ and GOD Bless...
It takes a spirit filled person to know when the spirit is directing them. I takes a humble person to admit when they are wrong. Thank you for being both of those things and for allowing God to use you. You live the Word and are a great example to us all.
Your realization of much needed rest confirmed my belief in Sabbath rest. I know that many people feel that being under the new covenant releases us from Sabbath keeping, but I do not view it that way. I do believe that God intends for us to rest and enjoy a day without "work". He rested on the seventh day and gave it to us as a gift because He knew we would need it. I don't view it as a ritual but as a pleasure. I look forward to Saturdays because I know I get to rest from day to day things such as bills, dr. appointments, homework, etc. Try it for yourself and I guarantee that God will do for you what He did for me, which is reveal the true meaning of Sabbath rest. On Sunday morning you will be refreshed and ready to tackle the week. You will also look forward to the next Sabbath.
Sometimes we all need a break! I am happy to hear that you will be taking better care of yourself. We know that you will come back stronger, with more wisdom and revelation from God.
Amen Pastor Lewis! I support your ministry and you getting your rest. You have laid more than a foundation for us all who receive the truth of what you are preaching. Please know that there are MANY true Saints of God out there passing on the baton of what God has given you by sharing these videos with others. The end is SHO NUFF near and thank you for being so bold in your call as a prophet. God bless you and may his peace, health and love be with you in your time of rest.
P.S. After you get well rested- South Bend, IN is awaiting your arrival! :-)
Elder Lewis, I am excited about your revelation of taking some time off. With all that God has allowed you to pour into others, I am grateful that you will be able to "sit-down" and allow God to pour into you. I was introduced to your teachings approx. 6 mos. ago. I will never be the same spiritually. I have still fallen short in many areas, but there are truths that you spelled out that will not allow me to ever be in dark again. Thank you for the teaching on holiness---you are appreciated!!!!
I just want to let you know how blessed my family has been by not just you Truth Behind Hip Hop series but your other videos also. I have seen lives changed and demons manifest themselves while hearing your message. My life has drastically been changed also. I will be keeping you lifted in prayer as your body gets the rest it needs. God bless you man of God!
-Brittney Spears, 20yrs
God bless you G. Craige as you transition into a much needed relaxation. Your words and heart for the Lord have really been an inspiration to me as babe-in-Christ.
I understand exactly where you are coming from. We all should take time to allow God to do His thing with us. Its totally understandable that you would say this since God has truly been revealing Himself to me and showing all the crazy things that are going to be happening this year. We all, every true believer, need to take time and decrease so that Christ will increase and show Himself to us.
This thing is too serious and we all need to make sure we are where we need to be in our personal relationship with Christ. Its time out for games.
We're praying for you.
Brother Craige,
Greetings and God Bless you! Even Father God showed us a day of rest is needed. Take your time of sabbatical in the peace of the Lord. Be restored, replenished and rejuvenated my dear brother. We are praying for you and your ministry from upstate NY. May His peace flood your heart and ministry in this much needed rest time. We have the victory in Jesus Name!
Pastor Albert Feliciano, Sr.
Soul Purpose Evangelical Church
Middletown, NY
Amen. You have to take the time to rest. Even God rested. He set the example. So I am glad you are using wisdom and taking the time to address your spiritual needs but your natural needs as well. My husband is a personal trainer and he loves to tell me that I'm no good to God, my family or the ministries He places me if I am sick. So I am glad that you are taking the time to take care of the physical man. I know you have an awesome laborers that will continue to work to keep the ministry going. Thank God for good help! God bless you Elder Lewis and may God continue to richly bless you and yours.
Elder Craige take as much time you need to be restored. All the food you supplied us is enough to hold until you get back 100% and ready to fight these demons. I'm with you 100% in prayer and fasting. Thank you so much for the truth God delivered you it saved my life
Bro. Eric Walker
God bless you pastor lewis. Your ministry has been a huge blessing. My family and I all said a prayer for you today that everything goes according to Gods will in your life.
and I pray God gives you perfect health, you should check out eating on a raw food lifestyle , God's original diet plan.
I totally agree with you man of God that God calls us to walk in and work for Him both in wisdom and obedience. I am also a full time minister of God's Word in Kenya-Africa and i have been through that season where God inflicted me with a thorn in my flesh in order to get my attention that it is not only working for Him but also being with Him. I am praying for you as you take the much deserved break.
It's been over three years since I heard the truth about Hip Hop in Saginaw, MI. Jesus opened by heart that day and since then my whole family as well as my girlfriend has either been accepted Christ for the first time or recommited there life to Christ. Thank you so much for listening to the lord you are in my prayers.
May God grant you with all the rest you need, for real Bro. Craig....You deserve it.
Will be praying for you & EX Ministries.
Bro. in the TRUE Gospel,
Does that mean we wont be receiving the daily word anymore...?You know,sometimes us people tend to love how God uses perticular people,but we forget that they are human,just like the rest of us..Thank you for being so honest,i will continue to pray with you,and for you.
God bless you pastor,you really are a blessing.Enjoy your time of rest.I hope u find that hobby!
Well said pastor Lewis. You, your family and all who help with ExMinistries are definitely in need of rest. Allow God to heal you and you will come back refreshed. I am continually grateful to God for His work in you all at ExMinistries and I will continue to pray your strength in Jesus's name until the end. You are blessed.
dear Mr. Lewis,
I totally have so respect for you.
I had a dream last month about you. In this dream you were preaching and there was a big crowd of people around you as if they wanted you to stop preaching the truth. From reading your new blog i will pray for you and hope for the best!
May God Almighty richly bless you and your family. Amen
I personally agree with you. You HAVE done a lot for one person to do...and its appreciated...you've definitely opened MY eyes...do whatever you have to do to stregthen in God...ur in my prayers!!
We will be praying for you but one question do you about a web site called vigilant citizen?
heybrother,manofGOD,GREAT WORK it takes a real man to admit his shortcomings.im PRAYING for you.bE strONG,im praying for your health.you gain some weight the enemy mustve stop chasing you,get the video buns of steel and sweat it off.brother keep running with beautiful feet.Iknow,iknow twelve years you just getting started.you a young man.GODSGRACEISsUFFICIENT.THAT CROSS you tote is heavy youcando,YOUWILLDOIT andGod know it.take care of yourself n remember those pulpit pimps,pinkshirt,pinktie,PINKSOCKS wearing,holy hip hopbible writers,abortionists,samesex marrying couples and Lucifer want STOP.UNTIL you return im gonna keep TALKING2CHAIRS.
Minister Lewis,
I just want to encourage you to continue listening to God. You are right, every person needs a break. I pray you find a hobby that you enjoy and I pray after this break you will walk in complete health. If God tells you to continue your break for more than 3 months I pray you do that also. God bless you and your family and thank you for your faithfulness in ministry but take your break in Jesus' name-Amen
God bless you man of God. Get that much needed rest and allow God to mold and shape you.
Amen, you deserve this break; u are
such a blessing to the body of Christ with the message God has given you for these end times and if you're not well that can hinder it from going forth. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord and this ministry has been a blessing to my life and my family. Jesus bless you always
Amen ... in all things have wisdom. I'm sure your family will enjoy having time with you as well... I can't imagine the schedule you must have kept every day. God's grace is up for that season, as He prepares you for a new season. Press on and enjoy your rest.
Take your well-earned, long-overdue rest, servant of the MOST HIGH GOD...we are interceding in prayer for what GOD will do in you and your family's life..we come against that spirit of infirmity in the matchless NAME of JESUS as well...thank GOD for HIS wisdom and love, truly HE is SHAMMAH...ever-present.
Take a break Bro. Trust me I know what you're going through.
F. L. Anderson
Hello Pastor Lewis and friends,
I just want to tell you that I commend you for taking a break to get some rest and be still before God. I know my pastor said that he had gotten very worn down over the past three months and then he went on vacation with his wife and our first lady. He said he got plenty of rest and was able to here from God more accurately.
Rest is some important. I think most saints underestimate the power of rest. I was reading this book called the Seven Pillars of Health, by Dr. Colbert. He is a believer as well. One of the seven pillars of health is rest.
In our society we run, run, run, and then run some more until we fall out. God did not design us this way. We were made to work and rest in between. I think it is important to schedule days to rest and also vacations, and get the proper amount of sleep as well.
I truly thank God for your ministry; you are a definite blessing to the body of Christ. You tell it like it is without; the plain truth, and this is what people need; the Truth!
Please get some rest Pastor Lewis. Enjoy your time off with your family, and have fun! You deserve it.
When you come back, please allot yourself sometime for rest, hobbies, family, and etc.
I look forward to your return.
God bless you and yours, Sincerly Tara.
God bless you my brother! And know that someone is praying with you and for you always.
Pastor G it's your time and your season for a brief respite. I say brief because there is yet a lot of work to be done but you won't be alone doing the work. All great warriors have armies and God is raising one for you to train that will follow you into battle. My family and I stand with you in prayer for your family and ask God to revive, remake you, remold you, and whatever else needs to be done to an old soldier coming in off the field after years of constant battle and no rest. It shall be done and you are going to be rested and a Holy Terror to the Devil. I pray that God seal together your marriage your family and make it impossible for the devil to penetrate into your household in the name of Jesus!!!!
Minister Kenya Wheeler and Family We Love you! Pastor G. Sabatha and Children
We thank God that you are listening are taking to heart the instructions that Father has given. Be refreshed, be restored by His Spirit....in your spirit, soul and body! The process of healing is already beginning! We will continue to pray for you. Be encouraged in this new phase of your journey in His Will. Through this transition always remember to keep it simple and keep Christ the Head. Be Strengthened in His Presence! Lee & Bonnie
God Bless you man of God! Take your much needed vacation and rest.. My mother is a pastor and I tell her this all the time, so i will print out your blog here for her to read and hopefully she will take heed and follow your lead! I have 3 teenagers and a pre-teen and you have had a mighty impact on their lives and how they view hip hop music! Thank you for lifting up a standard and not backing down from what God has given you for his people, so many try to come against you but God has his hands on you and you are blessed, so once again thank you!! You a jewel and to God be the Glory! See you when you return..
The devil and the priests of religion will always get stirred when a man is filled with the Spirit and does things in the power of the Spirit. And persecution is the greatest blessing to a church. When we have persecution we will have purity. If you desire to be filled with the Spirit you can count on one thing, and that is persecution. The Lord came to bring division, and even in your own household you may find three against two.
The Lord Jesus came to bring peace; and soon after you get peace within, you get persecution without. If you remain stationary, the devil and his agents will not disturb you much. But when you press on and go the whole length with God the enemy has you as a target. But God will vindicate you in the midst of the whole thing. Insert from a sermon by Smith Wigglesworth.
Pastor Lewis, I just want to encourage you to continue to fight the good fight of faith. However, it crossed my mind numerous time "when does he rest?" But it took obedience for you to do what you are doing now and that is taking care of you. My prayers are with you, your family, and ex ministry. I look forward to a more empowered, wiser, stronger you to whip up on some more devils.
God Bless Tangila
Good move! At some point, there really must be an "end time run".
I pray for God's people to be of one mind and one accord. If we do become spiritually lean and mean it will reflect on our outer countenance as well.
Now would be a good time to pick up your copy of The Jesus Cult and read (or re-read) it.
It is a "hard saying" but one thing we must do is "endure sound doctrine". Time to lay the axe to root of the tree.
Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Praise God! You are speaking wisdom, and God will restore you. As you are resting naturally & physically, God is going to pour into to you so much more of the spiritual strength, power, and wisdom you will need. You have been through the power of the Holy Spirit a blessing to millions, and you haven't even scratched the surface of what God is going to do through you. God bless man of God! We love you, and we are praying for you.
May God's blessings be upon you Min. Lewis during this time of transition for your life. I personally have learned a lot from God's work through you and know that He is able to restore you whole and complete in Him.
May we each do what is necessary to be ready for this end time run. Look up, for your redemption draws nigh!
God bless you, brother, continue to follow Christ and you'll be all right (Our prayers and support are with you and your family)!
May our allmighty God bless you so richly, you have been a tremendous blessing to my family, we use your materials for our thursday night family devotion, our daughters have grown so much with your help. We do understand taking time out for you, we just pray you come back strong and fully restored. Ready for battle, since this is the end times. God bless and we look forward to the new and improved G. Craige Lewis. Jeff and Edna Kersey, Bel Air Md.
God bless you brother. Many of us understand what you mean and have to do. If God did not allow Paul to go prison he would have never stopped either. Our bodies are designed for rest in mind, so we must rest one way or the other.
Praying for you brother! Get your rest!
I thank God for your ministry and the work He has done through you. After watching TBHH V last night I felt a heavy burden, I can only imagine what it is like for you. My prayer is that God refresh you and your family (as I am sure this journey has been difficult for them as well). Keep fighting the good fight of faith, your work is not in vain.
You deserve the rest brother. I will pray that God restores you physically and mentally. Looking forward to seeing the Lord work through your ministry. Jim from the Yukon, Canada.
I truly admire your humility in the presence of an awesome God. Thank you for being so transparent to the body of Christ :)
Hope you get much needed rest and refreshment. You have taught so much, maybe its time to let God teach you more.Be Blessed.
Elder G Craig, Rest brother Rest! The Lord gives his beloved rest! The work that God has for you is for you! Eph. 2:10- "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, God prepared in advance for us to do"! So laugh until your stomach hurts, smile until your cheeks are sore, let the sun rest its rays upon your face, and sleep in and often. I pray that you find that hobby and that you are able to bask daily is God's awesome wonders. May you come back stronger, wiser, and continue to be clothed in humility for "God opposes the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble"! May the God of peace guard you and keep you as you continue seeking to please him!
All of my love in Christ's,
Thank God for you, Pastor Craige. I've heard it said that,
"The Lord orders our 'stops' as well as our 'steps'." I will
continue to keep you (and your family) in prayer that as Jesus came aside to rest (Mark 6:31-46), that it will be likewise for you. We can continue to "eat" and be filled from that which you have been instrumentally used by God to serve to us already; but we can hardly wait for the next "fresh word" that the Lord will give you afterwards! We will wait patiently as you "come aside" for a while. :-)
I'm glad you're taking a vacation. You worked hard! God made us human, and at some point rest is mandatory. :) I love what God does through you, and I will pray for you. God Bless!
Hi Pastor Craig I am glad you are taking time off to rest. I stand with you one hundred on the work that you are doing for GOD. Continue the good fight of faith. May GOD continue to bless you and your family.
I would like to know if a person is under the leadership of a pastor and his wife stops coming to church, should that person leave the church?
HI I enrolled in the school of the prophets. I did some research by internet on the owner of the school who is an APOSTLE. He has such a bad reputation which include beating people out of money and domestic abuse charges. Should an individual enroll in his school or stay in the school. This school is located in Duncanville and held in a Hotel?
Great read. May you be replenished as you rest, and i pray that many people will learn from you and atleast hv a sabbatical rest, God's people are running,pouring out but not being filled, and in the long run they will crash. Enjoy yo rest. God bless u
Elder Lewis, South Bend, Indiana needs your help! We have many many young people that have died way too young and too soon. This brother that has created this blog needs help starting a youth ministry right here in Indiana. Please Elder Lewis, view this blog. Many African American young people are dying here every other week. Just take a look at this blog and you will see. Please, please hear my hearts cry,all we need is some help. Viewing your videos have changed our lives completely. These videos have made us better youth ministers. But there is so much work to be done here in South Bend, Indiana. Its is such a hard (city)place, Elder Lewis. Many parents are hurting, young people are dying here and my husband and I want to help our community. I been asking the Lord, if not us, then who..if not now then when and how many more young people have to die before somebody will at least teach them the truth-THE Word of God!! We have purchased and viewed many of your DVD's and they have helped us greatly!!!! So many of our youth/parents here need to see Girlfriends & Boyfriends,Understanding the 2K Teen, and all of the Truth Behind Hip Hop series!!! Thank you and God Bless you for the work you have been doing. I am sorry for sending this to your blog site but I didnt know any other way to send it. I tried to send it to exministries.com but on your site it says you do not accept personal messages etc. My email address is ttrent@jjcoline.org. I am a secretary and I work for a juvenile detention center in South Bend, Indiana. Please dont delete this message to Elder Lewis, if you could please let him know that I wrote this to him for when he comes back from his rest. Many kids here are so bound by culture here. I see it every day. So many young girls wounded and hurt but dont know how to get out of certain situations. Please Elder Lewis, please after you come back from your rest can you help us? I've heard you say that when a person, pastor/bishop becomes too famous, he becomes untouchable, the people(the sheep) cant even reach him anymore. I believe you are a true man of God, you remind me of my Bishops in your strong teachings. Even if you dont have the time due to traveling please email us all we need is some help and with God's help he will lead, guide and direct our steps. Thank you Elder Lewis. God Bless you and your family abundantly!
In Faith,
Mrs. Tina
We will miss you!...but rest is much needed :) God bless you!
First praise God To God be all the Glory for brother craig & the ex ministry family.I would like to say I have learned more from brother craig and this ministry than I have learned from any other pastor or church in my life.Not being ungratefull for what I have learned from them.Just keeping It as real as posible.Brother craig and ex ministries have really challenged me.Not only to grow in the Lord be bold stand up for the Lord.But It has been a constant reminder to me to grow up.Be serious and not be a puppet for the devil in these last days.I have had to really look at myself for who i am.Understand what I need to do & be who God has called me to be.One of the most difficult things to except is that ex ministries is not here in colorado where i live.& though there are other churches here I am sure are good.They don't leave me as full and satisfied as this ministry has.So thank u from my heart brother craig and ex ministries.congragulations on 12 years God bless u all keep praying for me.To God be all the glory
Elder Lewis, as a result of your emails, your DVD's (All 5). when I first listened I received a message about, how the Hip Hop culture (or life style) should not be found in christians, nor anything secular, (of this world). Once God begin to put his finger on somethings (Carnal things in my life). when I listen to the tapes again especially part 3, I heard something different. There are messages within the message. And that is #1 To gather and to prepare for the coming of Christ. We the people of God have been taking on the culture, life style,of the world, getting comfortable Here. and are not ready to leave. We are asleep and are running out of oil or there is no oil in the lamps. I have been quicken, I hear the alarm sounding off through his prophets. The lord has used you to be like John the Baptist in my life .I know you are Gods end Time Prophet. You have heard the cry of the people, We are without a shepered, and we have no one to go to. No one who is without corruption to show us the way, or the error of our ways. Elder through the messages the Lord has given you It puts light on sin and identifies the saved and the unsaved, the Carnal and the Holy. Thank You for being the Voice of one crying in the wilderness Thank You for sounding the alarm and pushing me through the word to get back to fasting and praying. And preparing my self and getting ready to prepare and tell others to get saved to deny your self to forsake the desires of the flesh to live for and seek the Lord Jesus. I am looking forward to restoration. to have my lamp full so Jesus can start a Fire and I will be ready Shining my light in a dark world until Jesus my Lord and Savior comes for me. God willing I will see you in July when you come to Florida at the Church in Maitland.
Siter Rachel
Clermont, Florida
Brother Craige, i just want to thank you. Not sure if you'll read this, but just had to tell you, Thanks! I've grown up in church my whole life. My Grandfather was a preacher. And from a young age I was praising God, singing in the church. But like many others, there was those generational curses within our family. Drugs, alcohol, incest, molestation,abuse,and adultery. So I was molested from the age of 2 until 12. So growing up i caught the brunt of my mothers wrath A LOT! So at the age of 12 we moved to foster care. That had it's negative effects on our lives, and from there I was moved to my fathers' care. I forgot to mention my mother and father were divorced when i was only 2. My mother remarried had 2 more children. And the person that molested me was my stepfather. So living with my father was not healthy for me either. A lot of mental and physical abuse also. Not saying that i was perfect either,but like any teenager i was simply acting out for that attention that i needed so bad. Thats when i just turned away from the Lord. Started looking for ways to fill that void in me. Through boys, smoking weed, and drinking. It was terrible brother Craige. I was soo lost. I'd given up hope. I eventually ran away from my fathers house in Sacramento to Salinas. I just couldnt stand to be abused anymore. Went back to live with my mother. Got in a relationship with a boy, started having sex. I munipulated the situation, got away with a lot because my mother felt guilty for all that had happened. So soon i turned to meth, and i loved it. It numbed all the pain out. i was heavy into that for about 4 years. I'd go days, at times weeks without sleep. Started seeing demon spirits coming out of my walls. It was some heavy stuff!! And occasionly i would get in abind and pray to God, oh if you get me out of this i promise i wont be bad anymore. But of course i would turn around and do the same things. So when i was 19 i met another guy. And i soon after became pregnant. So i cleaned up for my baby. As soon as he was born though i started with the substances again. But you know i just would look at my innocent baby and think, man my child deserves more than this. So i stopped everything but smoking weed and drinking. Until recently i just started feeling a pull to go back to church. So i did, but i was still lukewarm. Until by the grace of God one of my boyfriends cousins send us a dvd by the name of "the truth behind hip hop 5" I saw it and my life as i knew it could not be the same anymore. Right then and there i turned my life over to Christ!! And i just praise God that he worked his purpose through you to reach so many, and im fortunate to be one of those many. Im 23 now, and never been more eager to learn about the Lord! I just praise God that he didnt give up on me. And to all the people that try to speak out against you i say this, someone that can preach the word of God and make me want to leave all the things of this world aint no phony!! This is the truth right here! I just continue to pray for all the people lost to the things of this world, and that they may wake up and come to the light! Like i said, i just wanted to thank you! Not sure if you'll even read this, beacuse i understand your a busy man. But i just had to try and let you know that i appreciate what you are doing. Your ministry. That the Lord may continue to bless you! To God be all the Glory!
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that i cant wait to hear you preach the Word in Bakersfield. My family and i will be making the drive to hear you! God Bless you Brother Craige!
God Bless you Brother G. Craig Lewis. I pray that God will strengthen you during this resting period and that you mind will be refreshed. Much Love my Brother!!
Praise The LORD and good morning Brother Lewis. I must say that when I first began to read this particular entry in the blog my heart I had feared the worst. I thought that you were stepping down from the ministry. I can honestly say that it brings me great joy to know and understand that you were merely on a much needed and well deserved sabbatical. I would like to make it known that the ministry that God operates in and through you is a powerful one ! He has used you as an open vessel to bless the saints in my circle with a "real word" and for this I am greatful. Each and every word that HE speaks through you makes a difference in the lives of many. I have since 2005 followed the teachings of Ex-Ministries, have been to the sermons and as a young person I can truly say AMEN ! Continue to listen to the instructions of our Heavenly Father and do not be distracted. Do not be discouraged but be ye encouraged. May The One and Only true God continue to richly bless you in your spirit from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, may He bless each and every one of your family members especially your children. Continue to allow HIM to use you mightily in HIS kingdom. I believe that no one can love God if they do not love truth ! And GOD is truth, so continue to speak it ! God bless you brother Lewis.
~~~May the saints be edified, may The Lord be glorified and may the devil be horrifie.~~~
@Agogong go to www.exministries.com
I know this is a little late, but it is hard to balance things sometimes, and the things we enjoy we can't always get too. I hope your vacation went well, because you surely deserved it! You have been a blessing in the Quarles family life with an eye opening message from God to his church. Im on vacation this week and wanted to take the time to catch up on the blogs and to say thank you and take care of God's temple. God bless you, your wife and children, and the ministry!
Bro. Craig, I just watched your Truth Behind Abortion and Antichrist Superstar TODAY! God bless you man of God. WOW-WOW-WOW! I pray in Jesus name that you will be replenished in the Holy Ghost and come back to Chicago to whip some more of these devils! Your message is Heaven sent and you are truly a Prophet of God, seeking no glory for yourself. We are praying for you here in Illinois. We are lifting up your wife as well.
Brother ever since I have seen your videos, God has liberated my life in amazing way. I am not a youth leader at my church and through what I have learned watching your videos, I did my own little series doing my own research and let me tell you the deliverance that has fallen upon the youth of my church. It has extended outside of the church I have people who now want to serve God because of what God put in your heart that is now all over the world.
Elder Lewis I am so thankful to God for you. You are one of the very few leaders that's being obedient to God and taking a stand against Satan In these end times. Take as much time as you need to get ready for the road ahead;it's about to get real ugly out here and you are truly going to need to be strong physically and spiritually to continue your assignment. Just know that everything you're teaching is right and you have so much support. Enjoy your vacation!
Pastor Craig the true test of a prophet is what he has spoken comes to past. I've watch all of your hip-hop teachings and will get your latest one. What you have said if "the Church" will go back and review, it can't be denied. You already spoke so many things over the years and they are unfolding right before "blind" eyes. Be strong and set your face like a flint. Isiah 50:7 For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.
Please come to Trinidad..I dont know if you'd all the supprt you need...but we need help here...People needs to hear more of your messages...if i want to send you private email...how can i do that
Please come to Trinidad..I dont know if you'd all the supprt you need...but we need help here...People needs to hear more of your messages...if i want to send you private email...how can i do that
Bro G Craige Lewis I really appreciate your ministry, and my eyes have been and are continuing to be opened in many ways. I have a question and I really need advice. I have been praying and seeking God on this but since your True Church perspective is what brought this up in me I felt the need to ask. If I am attending a church and I am seeing things within ministries there that are not right (keeping in mind I do realize that all churches are not perfect), if I feel that I need to leave, would the Lord not open up where I need to go? Or am I greatly mistaken and confused? I realize that I may be naive, but I am seeking understanding. God bless you.
I will continue to pray for you always. Do exactly what you have to do for GOD because you have opened my eyes so much and really have changed my life- not just mine but all over the world. I don't know what a lot of people would do without the knowledge you have brought through your ministry. It was a pleasure seeing you in Texas. Since Texas I have really strengthened my relationship with GOD and I thank you for that. Have a wonderful break!!! I'll be ready for the messages in June.
Your friends from Chicago
Take your time Rev. Lewis, everybody needs rest to maintain their health often, and I thank God for the years that you influenced me and my family on the truth of God #I will continue to pray and intercede for you and your family.
Sir I just want to thank you.
Lisa J. Johnson
hey pastor all i can say is i thank God for the truth because the truth will make you free and the truth will stand taller than a lie,...praise to our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST...,GOD bless AMEN.
God bless you. It is a period of germination for some of God's people. I will never forget you coming to Pontiac, MI at Welcome MB Church. I was released from the years of sorority pledging and all the evil influences. I saw teens and adults who were released as well. Continue rest because the best has not happened yet. You must come back stronger. You have a unique understanding, and your outspokenness is unheard of. Stop apologizing and keep on preaching. You are a blessed man who understands how important it is to worship and not be moved by what seems right. Righteousness is not easily seen by many. Your message is important. You are not alone in your work. Remember, you are not alone. May God bless you and all of your family. My prayer is that He gives you support that you've never seen before. God anoint and keep you in the Name of Jesus.
G.C. Lewis go hard in the pait
I'm 18 years old, and four years ago my brother introduced me and my mom to TTBHH snag he has since moved on and decided it was just hype. I disagree. Upon research, both virtual and biblical I have come to similar conclusion on the music industry as you have. I thank you allowing God to use you to bring this unpopular revelation to this generation. I an glad you are taking this time for yourself. You are about to enter into a season that will require much from you and God needed you to rest. My first lady t is experiencing this as well as she recuperates from spinal surgery. So I will continue to pray for you, though I know you'll be fine ( the devil can't stop THIS move of God). So again I say thank you, and may God continue to bless you and may his grace and mercy shine upon you and your family. :)
ABSOLUTELY!!! Praying for you.
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