This blog will continue to stand for Christ in this day. It will only be used to show truth and expose the enemy. I will only write what God is speaking to me through his Word. The bible is already written, therefore, I only seek to inspire you to study it more! - G.
Monday, February 14, 2011
King Jakes Version
Because the so called Bishops that are leading the prominent AA churches have not made a difference between the sacred and the profane, the leaders of Hip Hop are making their move. I told you in 1998 that this was coming. I preached with everything in me for all these years that Hip hop would overtake the church and become an avenue of compromise and now it's here.
Because TD Jakes spiritual son Eddie Long endorsed Holy Hip Hop years back, we now have a serious problem. The church has eaten of the forbidden fruit and passed ownership of it's youth to the Hip Hop community. That's right. Churches have allowed their youth to be preached to for years by Holy Hip Hoppers that have lustful groupies, fans, and followings that resembled the secular Hip Hop's audiences. I was on DA Truths Facebook page and read him saying how he couldn't wait to "Rock" that night at his concert? What kind of stuff are we accepting here? Kirk Franklin krumping in skin tight slacks on the celebration of Gospel, Yolanda Adams doing Aretha Franklin's songs on the Grammys, and Tonex/B-Slade still performing at gospel venues? Is it worship unto God? Is it even pleasing to God? Why have we given up and just allowed the devil to have his way with our music?
Now, most non praying pastors have accepted Hip hop's agenda, Russell Simmons is making his move. Just like Kanye West, when he preached at Ebenezzar Baptist Church in Maryland, now Russell Simmons is preaching Hip Hop and success in churches? Russell Simmons just preached a Hip Hop sermon at New Life Covenant Church in Chicago. I'm so sick of these Antichrist churches and Bishops forwarding the devils agenda. But the pastors obviously don't care anymore. They follow guys like TD Jakes even though Jakes has no success spiritually, but only has success financially. Why is that so attractive to our pastors? Why are our church leaders following men that have nothing spiritual to show for their works but just have dollars? This is getting pathetic.
Russell Simmons worships the yoga goddess of death Kali and even channels the spirit of the Thuggee that use to rob the worshipers of Kali for their money and jewelry that they sacrificed to Kali. This is where the Thug came from and the spirit of the thug was born! This is why our young men wear grills today in their mouths. They are mimicking the Thuggee that would put jewelry in their mouths and flash it to other thugs to show that they had a successful robbery! Russell Simmons prays to this demonic goddess every morning and now he is fulfilling her mission of invading the church and stealing the youth as a sacrifice to her. This is represented by the baby skull necklace around her neck. She wants the youth, Russell wants the youth, Hip Hop wants the youth and the church is giving them up! (more about this on our DVD Antichrist Superstar)
When KRS-ONE introduced the The Gospel of Hip Hop bible, that was it for many Holy Hip Hoppers and many of them stopped backing the movement and denounced Holy hip hop in favor of Christian Rap. But because of recording contracts, and radio stations that have based their income on playing Holy Hip Hop, many have had to hang on to this satanic movement and continue to push it to the church audience. They won't make a difference between Christian Rap and Hip Hop because they need Hip Hop to legitimize their Christian Rap. Rap is something we do, but according to real Hip Hoppers, Hip Hop is something we ARE! It totally takes the place of Christ and Christianity and it pushes a spiritual agenda into the lives of hurting or disenfranchised young people. This has got to stop.
I pray the day comes soon when TD Jakes and his selfish, Hollywood wanting, effeminate hemotional agenda would cease! He is influencing young pastors with no prayer life or true call of God to follow his agenda and push these types of entertaining spirits on the entire church. He continues to make movies with profanity, sinful actors, and sexually enticing scenes and yet call himself a Bishop of God's Holy church? Weak pastors and those that seek the King Jakes Version of ministry are signing up now for his Pastor's conference that will work to push even further, the agenda of the Antichrist. To make the church Hollywood friendly and merge the sacred with the profane. Please, pastors, preachers, and members of the body of Christ as a whole, do not go to this inclusion gospel meeting. Do not allow Jakes to speak into you anymore. Silence his effeminate lisp in your spirit! Do not allow him to teach you how to overcome scandal and make money by mixing that which is worldly with that which is holy. Look at all the high profile spiritual children of this man. They have all fallen flat! They have all fallen into sin. They have all been involved in scandal. He has proven that he cannot teach pastors anything but how to rise and fall. If you can't deny yourself, you cannot lead God's people into truth!
Russell Simmons, KRS-ONE, Diddy, Common, Chaka Khan and others are making their move into the church. They are all coming for the youth and are coming through TD Jakes, Charles Blake, and others that are star struck by famous people. They are respecters of persons and treat Hollywood people better than God's people. This is spiritual debauchery and will cause many that follow it to compromise. God is not pleased. Please join us in prayer against this Antichrist agenda. Please join us each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 5am CST for prayer against this stuff. We want to intercede for God's true church and we desire to see the power of God dismiss these Antichrist Bishops that are set up to sign off on the plan of the enemy. We want to awaken the body of Christ and cause people's eyes to be opened wide so they can see the true plan of God and the plan of the enemy. We must pray.
1John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1John 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1John 2:18 ¶ Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 1John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1John 2:20 ¶ But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 1John 2:21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
Wonderful Article and we know we are literally watching the great falling away happening. It will only get worse and I pray that people will deny themselves and allow God to show them THE WAY!
Praise God for you and for your stand for the truth of God's word. It's time for the true church of God to stand up and take a stand against all of this foolishness. You will be in my prayers.
I thank God and thank you Pastor Lewis. It is sickening to see what's going on in the church. It is very hard to find a church where the truth of God is taught. They are out here, but very hard to find.
Keep preaching and teaching God's word. Somebody is getting it!
I was done with TD Jake's several years ago. When he was holding a conference and it was on the Word network and he told them this is not a church kind of thing so live your bibles and tambourines at home. SMH I am young and I am thankful that now my eyes are wide opened to the truth and I know my God is a forgiving God and that he sent Jesus Christ to us to die for my sins so I have to focus on today not yesterday not tomorrow and remember the enemy is always trying to catch someone slipping. Praise God for your obedience Minister Craig.
Lord, thank you for those that preach your truth and touch those that have strayed away from the path that they may return to that which is pure and true. In Jesus' name, Amen
Amen!!!! Thank God for people who are going to stand Jesus.Obviously black people think TD Jakes is God almost. No he or no one else can save you. Only the blood of Jesus. Hip hop has no place in God's house.
Are you saying that rap period is not acceptable in God's house or the culture of hip hop? I am a christian rapper and I understand how things can get misconstrude. I don't agree with a lot of stuff I see, like T.I. coming into a church and being announced as a man of God. I do believe that the music can be used as a platform for ministry. For me it is all about Christ and having a chance to minister the gospel. This is my gift and I know that God is pleased with how I am using it. But I can only speak for me. Wow, Common, Kanye, Russel Simmons, that is ridiculous.
Wow......I'm speechless about the video. I have not done much research on stuff on youtube in a while. It's been a long time since something has shocked me. Once!
Blessings to you Minister Craige and your ministry. It is amazing how blinded folks are. Everything you speak about is so clear, yet no one sees it. Reminds me of Kirk Franklin announcing on the Steve Harvey show recently that he would be going on tour with Steve Harvey. He said don't expect alter calls or prayers, this is going to be all about my my music. This is just plain WRONG. Please Minister Lewis, please keeping bring the TRUTH...I am so in tune with your ministry.
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
These two scriptures are significant. They illustrate the fact that we are at this present moment witnessing apostate preachers who preach anything but the word of God and so-called Christians who refuse to accept the truth of God's word.
Unless preachers preach the word of God, found only in the scriptures (and I don't mean preach about it or give their interpretation of it - but preach IT), and Christians are willing to accept only that truth - they're all doomed.
there will be a great falling away. i was a backslider & the Father has allowed me to come back not knowing if i was going to make it back. b/c he loves me so & he said i am married to you I must be obedient. i have been in this music industry for over 20 yrs & it is a sin & shame how people portray themselves as Holy, it is a spirit of entertainment it stinks in his nostril. the biggest fornicators, adulterers, liars, deceivers, the biggest whores. these gatherings make you sick to your stomach.but they strut & are bold to live unholy & unrighteous & call him Lord. He said in his word why call me Lord and don't do my commandments..I pray that the Holy Spirit sweep away with the whole entertainment in Gospel b/c the world is truly searching for Jesus but u have the people professing Christ standing in the way of the sinner that's tryin to get to Christ. the drag Queens the homosexual, it is so much when u go to these different so called Gospel affairs. and we are the biggest paying customer at hotels on we must be watchmen on the walls & warn the blessed Pastor Lewis even in your shortcomings u r making a stand against unrighteousness & unholiness
I'm curious to know if there are any Christian musicians/artists that support your ministry or at least the fight Ex-Ministries makes to protect God's people from corruption. Does anyone know of any?
Ah haha~ Man you call a ace a ace and a spade a spade well it's the truth anyhow. I don't understand how TD can have non chrisitians in his movie. that really baffled me though! hahaha! Keep keeping it real please, the Body needs you because no one else with a platform is doing this!
I am glad someone is on this man! We are praying and have been praying and fasting especially for this church as led by the Holy Spirit. There are many who are false preacher and we are praying interceding that Yahweh will arise from His throne and shut these ministries down. We are praying that the Lord Almighty will open the eyes of the people by lifting off the cloud of deception from the eyes of people and delivering them from the hands of wolves in sheeps clothing into His truth so they can be free. The Lord is not happy at all for what these preachers are doing is using the people of Yahweh for personal gains and keeping people in bondage yet preach a false hype message telling them they are free. As the bible says we shall know them with their fruits. So if it was true every member at the potters house should be millionares by now for a true shephered produces fruits. it is so sad how many dont see the truth and deny the truth and continue to follow him and be led astray. So I am glad to hear that you are praying and together we will interceed and the power of the Lord Allpowerful will prevail and all we know that He is the only true living wise God to be worshipped!!
I'm a 39 year old woman born & raised in COGIC church. Accepted Christ in my life at a young age. I was called to the ministry & after 27 yrs of service God dealt with me about purpose. Without getting away from the purpose, the church has a responsibilty to draw those to salvation. Over the years, the church & leaders have decided what's acceptable or not. When Jesus instructed the disciples to compel those to come to the gospel he told them start with the gentile nation. These were the ones MAN felt was undeserving. We gotten so afraid of the nation because they look different than us, we cast them off. Jesus died for these people. So if the church won't go after them and the rappers or leaders who have embraced change will then so be it. God must raise up another generation and they are the ones who's getting us back to the purpose which is saving souls. The message has not changed but young people and old are dying in the church because the church is afraid to embrace change. To embrace a fresh anointing. You can't have a church on every corner and crack houses on the same block but yet the crack house is turning out more souls than the church. This is just my personal oppinion but, what some churches have tried and failed to reach let someone or something else that's more effective serve its purpose.
Wow, Bro Lewis I am working on a four part analysis of this upcoming conference by King Jakes for GCM Watch. And as I was reading you used a specific phrase that the Holy Spirit had given to me to write about. I will tell you that confirmation is of God. Watchman, dont you dare come down off the wall! Cry aloud and spare not show this whorish church of America and her adulterous leaders their sins and transgressions.
it's been 5 years since i saw "exodus out of egypt" and i tried to warn (church)people about the affects of hip-hop.but almost nobody wanted to listen.sad thing is that the most resistence i experienced was from curch folks. now i live in europe (netherlands) and it's so anoying to see (black) taking everything from usa church,and (gospel)music and think it's all good.they don't even check what's going on in the states.i wish g craig came to amsterdam and set things straight, cause i don't know how to.i just pray to God to have mercy on us
Praise God for this post, it is totally on point. In these times the true church must step up and be bold to take on the evil works of the antichrist. We are truly at war. May God continue to bless Exministries.
Bro. Craig Lewis.I,ve been following your amazing ministry for a while about the truth about hip hop.God has really given you some divine insight concerning hip hop.I listened to hip hop as a teenager and know the things you talk about has to be from God but at the time was blinded by the beats and sounds which draw you in and it really takes God to deliver you.You have a very special ministry and I will join you all in praying to bring the devils kingdom down concerning this music which is destroying our youth.
I'm not following Tonya. Are we supposed to embrace change by allowing change to transform us into something which we are not? We are born of an incorruptible seed of David and if that is true, why are we not influencing the world to be like us and rather have the us be like world. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.......error is error and must be exposed.
I was brought up in a black baptist church and then moved to a non-denominational church years later, also a black church. I have seen so much corruption and blatant sinfulness in the pulpit and behind the scenes that it has turned me off of the black church. I switched my family to a predominately white church, so we wouldn't have to deal with those distractions, but every church has issues. I was to the point to where I didn't want to go to church because worldly people seem more real at times! You are right, we need to pray and I pray especially that during this time that the youth are protected from these demonic spiritual influences and have a hunger for the truth of God's word and not just what comes from the lips of a superstar preacher.
I have been following your teachings for over 3 years now. you have always been right on point and have warned of things to come, that i can now say, have come to pass. Just as Gods word said it would. thank you for being obedient. Watching and listening to your teachings have made me go and check the word seeking for myself, THE TRUTH.. Thanks again for all you do for the people of God
Pastor, these people have replaced the Holy Spirit with the money spirit, the voice of God, with the voice of Ra the Egyptian sun god. And who is lurking in the shadows stuffing their belly with the funding of such nonsense, the banksters aka the devil and his followers. You hit it right on the head, these are foolish carnal let's find ways to fill our church building so we can get paid, idol worshipping adulterers, with lust in their hearts and the youth as their target with no prayer life and missing parental guidance. I refuse to believe anything less. The money changers see the Temple of God as a market and refused to turnaway!
God bless you Bro Lewis, I am yet praying for you and your ministry. Excellent post! We must pray...correction we must fast and pray for the leaders in the body of Christ.
You are so right Bro. Lewis is is NOT PLEASED!!! I AM PRAYING FOR GRACE AND MERCY!!
Finally some said it for all to hear. Thanks Pastor Lewis. I actually stopped going to church for this reason and more. I saw my Pastor gear towards things that made money and it seemed all the preachers were trying to out due eachother. With flock, buildings or radical so called praise. I'm still a believer in The Most High and I've chosen to follow Him and his son Yahoshua. I literally had to rid myself of most of this Christian garbage. To say it plainly it is full of paganism and catholism. There are some men that are called by the Most High Yah, but it doesn't seem to be the ones on Tv, Tbn. Gospel stations or in books. They could be holding a worship service or bible season in their garage. I'm so over big church business. Shalom to you for bringing some of this truth. And there is so much more...
These guys are strategical and cerebral in their approach to captivate us youth, especially in the church. I will stand against the wiles of the devil and the schemes of men. I won't take no part in this foolishness. I am on the offensive... on the front line fighting this battle.
Pastor Lewis, There are many people out here in the United States, who are praying and seeking God, regarding the deception and lack of preaching holiness. We do speak out in various forms of media. I am thankful to read your blogs, and the research you put into the message---before releasing it. When I read your blogs, I think of John the Baptist, Jeremiah, and other prophets---continue to preach holiness, continue to preach the truth. Right continues to be right, no matter who tries to personify it as wrong. When Jesus returns-- you did what you could to warn. It is my prayer that people eyes, ears be open to see and hear the devilment they are allowing in their homes, churches, soul. I will be praying for your continued strength.
G craig lewis, I have followed u since 2007. and every since then, i have totally renounced hip-hop i cant stand it.... now i am a dj and producer,and i get flack from a lot of people saying this and saying that! (i dont care!) i wanna just do GOD'S WILL, and stand up 4 JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. G CRAIG LEWIS, I SUPPORT U IN EVERYTHING U DO. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS U AND UR FAMILY. GOD'S HOUSE IS GOD'S HOUSE! NO ROOM FOR SO CALLED HOLY HIP HOPPERS.....
I thank God for showing me the light on Bishop Jakes back in 97'. Manpower used to be a powerful aspect of men getting together and worshipping God then He saw the money he could make and started Pimping God and His people for profit1
Hi, G Craige Lewis, I do attend New Life Covenant Church however I have not worshipped there lately in the past month n a half. For the most part the pastor there is a good pastor... Unfortunately, there are somethings he may say that I do not agree with because I do listen to your(Ex- Ministries) dvd's and sometimes it just does not line up to that. There are topics that he really does not touch on, that I feel like he should. I am 21 years old and I do not want to be strayed away from God's true word. Russel Simmons did attend the New Life Covenant Church for an interview, but I did not attend. I have not looked at the footage of the interview either so I do not know what was said.When I heard that Russel was going to be a guest I was shocked and confused. I remember you had him in your dvd. Then I began to ask myself okay so is it okay for Russel to be interviewed at the church?....... I have alot more to say....But I have to get ready and go to class, so I will comment again later......
The information is great! My question is, what's the difference between holy hip hop and christian rap? Where in the bible does it show that rap ushered in the presence of God. Isn't this what its all about? Where is the anointing. In rapping? To me their both the same, just one has on a suit and tie and the other baby phat with a grill! We need to seek the old path a,d when we find it walk there in. There is a way that seemth right but the end of that thing is death. What's going on with the church? Somethings wrong! Love you all. What does God say about all of this?
Hi Pastor Lewis. I am a man from France and i want to encourage you by saying that several Pastors or Leaders are fighting for the truth like you are and even quote you in their teachings as how determined to stand for Christ we should be no matter what. Many (like me) have improved their English because of you and a friend of mine even translate your messages in French on youtube. Keep on serving the Lord Jesus-Christ by announcing the Truth and exposing the devil, illuminatis, false prophet agenda... and stay ferm my brother.
Brother Craig, Greetings and blessings from East NY in Brooklyn, NY! I want to say that your words resonate throughout our hearts because YOU SPEAK THE WORD of GOD!! We need more pastors like you to preach in our STREETS! The battle lines have been drawn. Our pastors out here have failed the people. They all drive in the cars to church on Sunday and arent seen the rest of the week outside the church building! Keep exposing evil brother and thanks for speaking the truth in love. We pray for your continual protection and may we see you in the NEW JERUSELEM! Hail King JESUS!!
the things that are going on in the church today are truly disgusting. the world laughs at the church because we have no true position. but God is raising up a people that will speak the truth of His Word, and not love the things of this world. deception is at an all time high, but pastors like Pastor Lewis let us know that all our not lost. this is not new to God, and it should not be new to us. God is calling for us to be sold out for Him. push all idols aside and give yourself to Him.
@DJ Driftwood-To answer the question you asked Craig Lewis, the answer is yes! I am one of them, I am a gospel rap artist who is spreading the truth about hip-hop in my area, Saginaw county in Michigan. And I understand it clearly as day. I don't (but I do) understand why it seems to be so unseen or misunderstood by everyone. Yeah I do, but inorder for change to take place the truth must first be embraced. I'm going to seek to please God no matter what, even if the majority don't agrre with me. If God is for me, than who? can be against me! Peace and love in Jesus name from bro. Corey Pritchett. Totally unashamed!
Are you kidding me.. What is KRS doing? G Craige, I am so thankful for you really digging in and educating us with what these people are doing and saying. This is a tragedy. TBHH6 was amazing and you know what, your truth is standing firm world-wide. The enemy is busy but like you said in TBHH6, you're here to bust it up. Amen~!! You are strong here in Florida and we are supporting you with everything your truth is standing for. I love you man, keep bringing truth because the truth will prevail. We are so blessed to have a true Pastor delivering the word everyday with your daily devotionals and with your videos and True Church Perspective. Readers, if you are not on the daily devotionals, this is food you need in conjunction with everyday reading of the Bible. Pastor give life changing experiences and God is really using Pastor Craige. Love you man, we need to stay away from all this Hollywish foolishness. Amen.. Blessings to you Pastor.
I am truly grateful to the Lord for the ministry of Minister Lewis. The exposure and uncovering time is here & the truth of the Word of the Lord will prevail above satan and his demonic kingdom. We have to stand & choose who's side we are on & walk there in. Bless you EX Ministries & the Lewis Family. Thank you for submitting to be a vessel in which truth flows.
I notice the conferences are all at the potters house - not the arenas now. mmmm something to think about! What happens if a person really want to be there a d have NO money? Do they get shift/shaft
PRAISE GOD! Bro.Craige I have learned alot from listening to you. it is somtimes scary because the more I learn I have to walk in it. but I thank GOD for sending ppl like you to get his WORD! across with BOLDNESS! I havent grew up in the church but I found my church home in 2007 and I go til this day. My pastor she teaches holiness as well. I will fight for my pastor,you, and many others who stand for CHRIST in this day. HALLIUJAH! "GLORY IN THE CHURCH"!
Wonderful article, I have been touched by the message, the truth behind hip hop. I tell all who would listen and show the dvd series to friends and family. I have witness people lives being saved with this messages. You have truley been a blessing in my home. I have listened and reseached like you said. Alot of people dont want to hear about you denoucncing thier idols, even in the church. I have found you to be a true and faithful man of God. Because of you I chose gospel artist I listen to very wisely by checking who is writing and producing their music before I buy. I thank God for the truth that sets you free. Amen!
Rev. craige I have all of your "truth behind hip hop" dvds and I TRULY believe there us an evil agenda behind the music we listen to!! I've deleted every worldly song in my phone and my spiritual life has been so much better and peaceful-I THANK GOD FOR U AND YOUR MESSAGE!!
and I believe the antichrist agenda can be destroyed if the body of christ comes together and take a stand against darkness in music and the pulpit!
Thank you once again for another eye opener. Often times I find myself praying for the same things, but it is very clear that there is so much more to pray for. That video was straight up foolish,but it upsets me as well to see how people are so blinded and are being lead by the darkness of this world.
I thank God for your commitment to true holiness and your strength to speak out against the spiritual/natural adulterers and adultresses of our day. James 4:4 lets us know that being friends with the world makes us the enemy of God! The devil is the god (small g) of the world's system and idealology and is masterful in blinding the minds of believers enticed by his carnal entrapments(II Cor.4:3,4). A little leaven truly leavens the whole lump, and when darkness and light are mixed, the light will invariably become defiled (I Cor. 15:33). Be encouraged my dear brother; you are truly highly regarded by any believer "Full of the HOLY GHOST". The least of all Elders, Gabriel
It is amazing how SO many pastors are defiling the temple of God! Scripture is TRUE~everything one does in the dark will be revealed by the light. I will join in every Tuesday and Thursday at 5am for God to move by bringing Satan's plan for the church to the light. I was sharing with family members not to long ago about the importance of "lay Christians" really examining their leaders within their church. Many lay Christians are "wandering sheep", only following because they do not know where to go and are "MAN-PLEASERS"! Let God continue to use you as His instrument in exposing the Truth behind Hip Hop~mixing the HOLY with the PROFANE. God Bless you:-)
Thank God for your Holy Boldness Pastor Lewis! I encourage you to continue to be a willing vessel to expose the enemy. He wants our youth so he can kill, steal, and destroy the future God has ordained for their lives. I will be praying for you and with you and your ministry every Tuesday and Thursday. May God continue to Bless you. Evangelist Regina
We need to find the old path and walk there in.... The devil uses his main tool which is deception and music to divert the truth from going forth. But people would rather it be that way these days. Let's bring back the old way and walk the walk!
Thanks for the truth, Pastor G. Craige. Personally, I've had it with "christian celebrity" and have been that way since about 2005. Somehow, it just stopped appealing to me. I used to buy the "latest and the greatest" in gospel music and videos and also the spoken word; but have limited my purchases and time to listening to and watching authentic and sound teaching and worship music; and that doesn't come around that much these days as far as I am concerned.
Keep on telling the truth in love and true conviction; I appreciate it and respect the Christ in your life.
I was trying to confront a pastor with TD Jakes' behaviour, but he immediately admonished me by asking me if I know how many people got saved through this so-called bishop. He didn't want to here anything negative about TDJakes. I pray that just as the Lord opened my eyes for the truth by using br Lewis, He will do the same for all the christians in Suriname who are still worshipping TD Jakes, because he's such an influential speaker. My eyes are opened wider now. Lord, help us to keep praying.......Jesus is coming soon. God bless your br. Lewis and Ex-Ministries. I plead the blood of Jesus over you, your family and your Ministry. From Cornelly/in Suriname/South America
The bible tells us, "the people perish because of the lack of knowledge". Lord I truly thank you for TRUTH! And how you raised up this man of God (Eld. Lewis)for such a time as these, to reveal truth with power and the anoiting. You continue to be in my prayers.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? I peter 4:17
I'm looking at the "fruit " these "Men of God" are producing and yet none of it are benefiting the kingdom instead their pockets. Its a sad day! Its time they all be exposed for as you would say "pimping God". Smh. Continue to Follow Christ as I follow your teachings and ministry. God bless and Keep 'em coming.
Hey! Thank you for being so BOLD! I appreciate that because it confirms to me that I need to be confident that what God tells me and what I know about the word is right and what others say doesn't matter. Lots of Christians think you are too deep but I totally respect and thank God for you...may God give you the strength to go on in Jesus name...
This man G Craig Lewis is a Prophet. There is no denying it.
The true test of a Prophet is: Did what he said, come to pass???
In G Craig Lewis Case it coming to pass 200%!!! even more than he even realised it.
I remember a friend of mine told me to watch the 1st DVD. The amount of opposition i received not to watch it made me to think that there must be real truth to what this man is saying.
Then i remembered the Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible and how he was opposed because he brought a message from God that the people did not want to here. I have watched DVD 1 to 5 and i have study the scripture's on this matter. G Craig lewis ministry is a ministry for this deceptive times we live in.
Keep on speaking the truth my Brother no matter how much some people do not want to hear it.
We live in an "itching ears generation" (2 Tim 4:3) People want to hear want makes them "feel Good" but that is not the Gospel of the Kingdom or "Sound Doctrine".
G Craig Lewis ministry is similar to the late "Edwin Louis Cole" who spoke on "Maximized Manhood", they hit you between the eyes but you are faced with a decision: Either Repent and allow Gods Grace to build Christ-likeness in you or Reject the truth and continue in you false sense of security.
Let us all remember that the "Word of God is Final Authority" !!!
G Craig Lewis God bless you for speaking the truth!
I knew once I came to Ex Ministries website, Minister Lewis would say what I was thinking. I recorded The Celebration of Gospel, and to my dismay, I couldn't get pass the first artist, Kirk Franklin of course! It was shameful. I deleted the rest. We are are in a world of trouble if the church continues with deaf ears.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRUE MESSAGE. My family have gone to several churches here in denton tx and we feel nothing no truth.When will you pass through denton area? It will be a blessing, I want my husband to get saved but who can i trust that is trully called, I trust that you can. I also have backslidden even though baptised twice,the second time when I understood as I grew in age. PLEASE SEND AND EMAIL.Tiahcia Govans
TD Jakes, I never trusted that man, something about him always seems fouled to me, when you watch this guy preach you dont learn nothing from him, all he preaches about is some emotional messages to get the people all wild up and hyped up
What is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul. This is where we are at, many imposters are out there proclaiming they are saved but living a double life. I believe the word says that God would rather you be cold or hot and not luke warm. This is the problem we have to many luke warm ministers today afraid to stand on the word of God. I have news for them, the word says that it is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye then for a rich man to enter into heaven. So, guess what you ministers that seek fame and riches you need to be careful, your not exempt from this passage!
First heard of you from, "I am so sick of hearing blacks call out the name of allah." Wonderful. What a relief to hear it this way.
In Arabic the word "abd", "abid" means both black and slave. Somebody tell this to Nation of Islam please.
The biggest genocide in the history of the mankind is still going on in this moment. There are 600,000 legally black slaves in Mauritania. After WWII Mauritania abolished slavery 3 times, which itself is a hypocrisy. Millions of black Christians and animists are being killed, pillaged, raped, mutilated NOW in Sudan; South Sudan, Darfur, East Sudan. The situation is the same throughout the "faultline" where Muslims and black Africa meet.
Btw, I am a white Albanian, and suffered literally the same exact fate (slavery, rape, castration, pillage) under bastard muslims for 5 centuries, legally ending in 1912, and in practice faltering sometime after WWII.
Muslims did the same as above to 80 million Hindus. Islam is the scourge of the human species.
Jesus is LORD! I know that most of you bretheren that post commenys here are american. I am all the way from Africa in a very small country called swaziland. I am a terstimony that GOD is at work through this ministry. I have been changed by the ministry but yet am so far and disconnected fron this ministry. If any of you want to help me spread this information here in southern Africa please email me on Jesus is Holy and I'm glad that G. Craige Lewis preaches that we ought to be the same.
Greetings in the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ex Ministries has truly blessed me. God is all over this one. About 7 years ago my god-mother, a prophet, spoke about TD Jakes. She said that at first he started out on the right path, but that he strayed away from it. Now and behold he is making ungodly movies and no longer has the anointing he once had. You cannot serve God and mammon. My god-mother also said, almost a decade ago that Michael Jackson would die of a drug overdose. I thank God or true people of his Word who walk in obedience. Remember, if you have a large following, you are in error. Most people like to believe lies. The fewer you following you, the more true you are. Most people don't like the truth. Wide and broad is the way for destruction and straight in the narrow is the path to life and FEW find it. God Bless You, your family, this ministry, and all the people reading this. May God pour his Spirit and reveal himself to those that truly seek and want him, wholeheartedly. Amen.
Hi G. Craige, One minor correction regarding: "Just like Kanye West, when he preached at Ebenezzar Baptist Church in Maryland." It was Ebenezer AME Church (Fort Washington, MD). I spoke with you on the phone when you called to talk to the pastors. Continue to be a watchman on the wall my brother. Christ's true church will hear the warnings. He that hath an ear let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Look up for our Redemption draweth nigh.
G Craige has devoted his life's work to exposing the plot of the enemy. When you know your enemy, the battle is that much easier to win. let's study the word together!Visit my blog.
Now this is what am talking about... we as christ like people tend to be blinded my the money. i remember when this man called "T. D.Jakes" Came to tobago, i mean, they had treated him good, he stayed at the best and eat the best but unfortunatlely, he wanted the $1000 wine and he and his antorage, operated like if they were in a fest... all they just needed was the dancing. any way. am glad that Pastor G. C. Lewis, is like a jerimiah who stands in his youth, and minister the TRUTH, and root up , crush, destroy, mash up and BOOM UP the enemies "wana be" thrown room. THIS IS GOOD. As a youth Leader,I want the youths that the Lord have under me to be strongly aware of this HIP HOP MENTALITY, because we as Trinidadians LOVE TO BE COPY CATS!!! SAD TO SAY. Continue my bro your sister is on your side as an intersessor. BLESS
Yes we will PRAY!! Our Pastor from the Island of Saipan is showing ur series of the truth behind hip hop and we "the youth groups" are getting together this may 1st 2011 to go out and out reach to our unsaved youth to invite them to watch "the truth behind hip hop-6" that our pastor got from our head leader in the island of Guam...this sat may 2nd we will be showing it for all may hear this to know it because the youths here are bound in hip hop and they dont know why they are the way they are...God bless you Pastor Craige Lewis!
AMEN! I thank you for always taking the time out to educate us because I really wouldn't have payed much attention to it. Sometimes Mr. Lewis, I get disheartened because it always seem to be negative news and it makes we want to just hide sometimes, but I know God has his reasons for what he does concerning his people. I am going to pray with you and others for the people of God.May Jesus keep us from changing into the likeness of this world.
AMEN! I thank you for always taking the time out to educate us because I really wouldn't have payed much attention to it. Sometimes Mr. Lewis, I get disheartened because it always seem to be negative news and it makes we want to just hide sometimes, but I know God has his reasons for what he does concerning his people. I am going to pray with you and others for the people of God.May Jesus keep us from changing into the likeness of this world.
Peter said: "I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: that you may be mindful of the words which have been spoken by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts (II Peter 3:1-3)." Scoffers in sheeps clothing, in church pulpits are helping satan to usher in a spiritual famine of the word of God in our day and time, right now. Satan is an expert at using a subtle approach to sneak his agenda into the hearts of Christians who are spiritually asleep. And he is using the church today by getting to the leaders in the body of Christ. (This is why all Christians must have a prayer life. Especially the leaders in the body of Christ. Satan is using the lust for the things of the world to get to the pastors in the church. Satan is using Hip Hop, and also the prosperity Gospel, which is another one of satan's biggest lures being using in the church to entice the body of Christ into a mindset of vanity (worthless), into thinking more like (the world) the unrighteous, and not into true righteousness. Another thing, is that the divorce rate is higher with Christians, than with the unsaved. (Now saints, that is a wake-up call, along with many other backward ways that are happening in the body of Christ). It’s happening because of the true Gospel not being preached in many churches, to prick the hearts of christians today, which will lead them into understanding the righteous actions and mindset (the character) of a real christian. (John 9:4)—and with it will come "a famine… of the hearing of the word of the LORD." (Amos 8:11) Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. ( A famine sent by God? Why would God do that? Could it be because the end is so near? And that God is testing the body of Christ to open their eyes, and we are to search our hearts to make sure that we are real and ready for his return. Unless one is awakened to the truth by the revelation of God's Word, as was given to the church at Ephesus to awaken them, the famine in the land of hearing the words of the Lord will continue. Is now not the time to spell out in black and white the evils that are attempting to outweigh the righteousness of mankind in the form of a perverted gospel? Is now not the time to take a stand for the truth of God's Word? Thank God, for Pastor G.Craige Lewis, and other true men of God who have never stopped doing this, and must never stop until they go home to be with lord, or until Christ returns. Only those who endure until the end will be saved. (sticking with the True Gospel of Jesus Christ). EX-MINISTRIES, GOD BLESS YOU & STAY STRONG – KEEP PUSHING THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.
This is well said!!! people should get convicted when they read this.. you do your thing pastor G.C.L!! This organisation is not alone, know that their are worriors that will stand in the gaps for this Truth filled org. Stay Bless
can't believe my eyes this is happening in the church.And we have some of these people as our mentors .when the devil wants to steal you away from the presence of God,he entices you exp.the youth with flashy things (outside) but poisonous (inside).Christianity today has taken two forms the (so call modern) style and (the ancient}style.back in the bible when leaders,prophets and the church pray for hours non-stop.but now we have forgone the old path which is the best.Intercession prayer is even missing in the church.Is about time Christians should know that we are not worshiping any modern God .the God we are serving is the ANCIENT GOD who knows best.Tnks for opening my eyes PS.Lewis.Blessed.Amen!!!
my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge."Because you have rejected knowledge, i also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, i also will ignore your children. the more the priests increased, the more they sinned against me; they exchanged their glory for something disgraceful.(Hosea 4:6-7)
Thank God for your words of truth, I agree with Ms. Landry, we the church of the Most High God Jesus Christ need to stand up against the lies of this world, which are being preached by carnal pastors and inforced by carnal saints. For the Word of God never changes, we have change. Minister Craig, Keeping preaching the Word of God regardless of who it falls on.
We must continue to pray and keep our children focussed on Jesus. I must admit though, it is extremely tough, everywhere you turn there is sexual content, lust and sin. We have to hide in the arms of Jesus so we can be sheltered and protected from these things.
Thank you Pastor Lewis for your eyes beginning open, your ears willing to hear and a heart ready to receive and say "Thus saith the Lord" through His powerful Word. As another writer said, "Thank God someone is teaching the truth" We see and hear the Word of God being taught but see things done contrary. What happen to Holiness, Righteousness, Godliness, purity? Yes! we must pray and keep on praying.
Keep speaking the truth....many will not like it but I would rather hear the truth than ear tickling preaching.I listened to TD Jakes in the past and as time progressed he began to preach less and motivate more. He was invited some years ago to a conference I attended, people were excited that he was coming to preach at this event in the UK but God stepped in...there was an unknown preacher also called to bring the word that weekend and God used this man for TD Jakes everyone I spoke to said what he said was OK but there was something missing they were expecting more to say he wont be invited back especially as he commands to be put in the most expensive hotels and has to cut a deal before he will consider leaving the US despite his millions for most of these preachers its all about money and fame..someone called it hollywood spirit well that spirit is well and trully rooted in the church world wide and its time we refused to tolerate it any longer.
Thank you for being obedient and publishing the truth about these lies our children are being fed...Keep preaching the truth, because it will set us free.
Every time i read this particular blog heart gets sick .I love Father God and The Lord Jesus with my whole heart .TD Jakes is a witch as they all are. Money is the name of his game and that is true for all of the so called pastors who call him their spiritual father instead of Jesus . It is what it is Pastor Lewis .Kirk Franklin is just as abominable as he can be and he knows exactly what he is doing .A true servant of Jehovah is to afraid of the Almighty God to mislead His children .We have already read Jeremiah 23 and we know Father God Jehovah means what He says .But these mega pastors have no heart because they have no soul. The reason why they do what they do is to serve satan who is their god.Its just that simple .But we as Christians have got to know that our God is in control and is allowing us to see the enemy very clearly for a reason . We are not the scum of the earth but the salt .We have been comfotable for far to long as Christians waiting on someone else to speak up for us . Jesus said that if we deny Him ...He will deny us . The day will come where we will be hunted like animals and killed for our faith in God .Open your eyes Body of Christ..those days come swiftly.
I think I am in love with brother pastor G Craig for some lovely reasons. This man knows what he is talking about and I am not alone :D I am glad that I can be around people right now.. But there is something that is still haunting me. I wish to talk to you. . Because I am spiritual, and I know that you have this special thing to understand the mother earth. Before I could hear whispers in my right ear... I could see my own strong energy floating around in the eye´s illusion. I have been with a friend, that I had no idea of that would ruin and change my life forever.. Before long ago before when I came down to earth, I met a man who would be on my side. I thank God for that. However, my karma is about giving. I just need to know how I am suppose to give them all the time, my energy, my words, my emotions etc. I just have to be friend with it. Everyday I am tired, I am sleeping alot. ALOT.. and more, because there is something that is invisible which is disturbing me. This girl must let her past go, and her friend.. I wish I could end peace with them, I wish they could understand why they have parents ya feel me? Man.. this world´s people.. I wish I never came here. G Craig I hope you read this because you are someone I need in my life too :) we need more people like these, hand in hand together.
Thanks 4 ur prayers Elder G.Craige. We r her n North Carolina, praying with u. This must stop n r churches...Jesus is coming soon and we must prepare the bride 4 his soon return! please continue 2 keep the body of Christ posted, on satin's agenda against the church. U truly r a modern day John the Baptist, who is preparing us 4 Christ return. Thank u 4 loving God's church
This hip hop story is becoming rampant here in Uganda, most of the full gospel churches and protestant churches have adopted that culture of cinemaplex in churches
Wonderful Article and we know we are literally watching the great falling away happening. It will only get worse and I pray that people will deny themselves and allow God to show them THE WAY!
Praise God for you and for your stand for the truth of God's word. It's time for the true church of God to stand up and take a stand against all of this foolishness. You will be in my prayers.
I thank God and thank you Pastor Lewis. It is sickening to see what's going on in the church. It is very hard to find a church where the truth of God is taught. They are out here, but very hard to find.
Keep preaching and teaching God's word. Somebody is getting it!
I was done with TD Jake's several years ago. When he was holding a conference and it was on the Word network and he told them this is not a church kind of thing so live your bibles and tambourines at home. SMH I am young and I am thankful that now my eyes are wide opened to the truth and I know my God is a forgiving God and that he sent Jesus Christ to us to die for my sins so I have to focus on today not yesterday not tomorrow and remember the enemy is always trying to catch someone slipping. Praise God for your obedience Minister Craig.
Lord, thank you for those that preach your truth and touch those that have strayed away from the path that they may return to that which is pure and true.
In Jesus' name,
Only the truth can overcome lies. only Light can dissipate darkness. the lord help is church..
Amen!!!! Thank God for people who are going to stand Jesus.Obviously black people think TD Jakes is God almost. No he or no one else can save you. Only the blood of Jesus. Hip hop has no place in God's house.
Are you saying that rap period is not acceptable in God's house or the culture of hip hop? I am a christian rapper and I understand how things can get misconstrude. I don't agree with a lot of stuff I see, like T.I. coming into a church and being announced as a man of God. I do believe that the music can be used as a platform for ministry. For me it is all about Christ and having a chance to minister the gospel. This is my gift and I know that God is pleased with how I am using it. But I can only speak for me. Wow, Common, Kanye, Russel Simmons, that is ridiculous.
amen, amen amen
Wow......I'm speechless about the video. I have not done much research on stuff on youtube in a while. It's been a long time since something has shocked me. Once!
i am very pleased to read this thanks
Thanks for exposing the error that has become the "church" The weapon we must use to fight this is Love...for God is Love. Amen
I truly thank the Lord for this article and for you true preacher of the Gospel continue the works for the Lord.
Blessings to you Minister Craige and your ministry. It is amazing how blinded folks are. Everything you speak about is so clear, yet no one sees it. Reminds me of Kirk Franklin announcing on the Steve Harvey show recently that he would be going on tour with Steve Harvey. He said don't expect alter calls or prayers, this is going to be all about my my music. This is just plain WRONG. Please Minister Lewis, please keeping bring the TRUTH...I am so in tune with your ministry.
Tonya B. New Jersey
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
These two scriptures are significant. They illustrate the fact that we are at this present moment witnessing apostate preachers who preach anything but the word of God and so-called Christians who refuse to accept the truth of God's word.
Unless preachers preach the word of God, found only in the scriptures (and I don't mean preach about it or give their interpretation of it - but preach IT), and Christians are willing to accept only that truth - they're all doomed.
Power is changing hands, and all the fake pastors will be exposed. AMEN
there will be a great falling away. i was a backslider & the Father has allowed me to come back not knowing if i was going to make it back. b/c he loves me so & he said i am married to you I must be obedient. i have been in this music industry for over 20 yrs & it is a sin & shame how people portray themselves as Holy, it is a spirit of entertainment it stinks in his nostril. the biggest fornicators, adulterers, liars, deceivers, the biggest whores. these gatherings make you sick to your stomach.but they strut & are bold to live unholy & unrighteous & call him Lord. He said in his word why call me Lord and don't do my commandments..I pray that the Holy Spirit sweep away with the whole entertainment in Gospel b/c the world is truly searching for Jesus but u have the people professing Christ standing in the way of the sinner that's tryin to get to Christ. the drag Queens the homosexual, it is so much when u go to these different so called Gospel affairs. and we are the biggest paying customer at hotels on we must be watchmen on the walls & warn the blessed Pastor Lewis even in your shortcomings u r making a stand against unrighteousness & unholiness
The KRS video has a curse word around 1:35.
I'm curious to know if there are any Christian musicians/artists that support your ministry or at least the fight Ex-Ministries makes to protect God's people from corruption. Does anyone know of any?
Ah haha~ Man you call a ace a ace and a spade a spade well it's the truth anyhow. I don't understand how TD can have non chrisitians in his movie. that really baffled me though! hahaha! Keep keeping it real please, the Body needs you because no one else with a platform is doing this!
I am glad someone is on this man! We are praying and have been praying and fasting especially for this church as led by the Holy Spirit. There are many who are false preacher and we are praying interceding that Yahweh will arise from His throne and shut these ministries down. We are praying that the Lord Almighty will open the eyes of the people by lifting off the cloud of deception from the eyes of people and delivering them from the hands of wolves in sheeps clothing into His truth so they can be free. The Lord is not happy at all for what these preachers are doing is using the people of Yahweh for personal gains and keeping people in bondage yet preach a false hype message telling them they are free. As the bible says we shall know them with their fruits. So if it was true every member at the potters house should be millionares by now for a true shephered produces fruits. it is so sad how many dont see the truth and deny the truth and continue to follow him and be led astray. So I am glad to hear that you are praying and together we will interceed and the power of the Lord Allpowerful will prevail and all we know that He is the only true living wise God to be worshipped!!
I'm a 39 year old woman born & raised in COGIC church. Accepted Christ in my life at a young age. I was called to the ministry & after 27 yrs of service God dealt with me about purpose. Without getting away from the purpose, the church has a responsibilty to draw those to salvation. Over the years, the church & leaders have decided what's acceptable or not. When Jesus instructed the disciples to compel those to come to the gospel he told them start with the gentile nation. These were the ones MAN felt was undeserving. We gotten so afraid of the nation because they look different than us, we cast them off. Jesus died for these people. So if the church won't go after them and the rappers or leaders who have embraced change will then so be it. God must raise up another generation and they are the ones who's getting us back to the purpose which is saving souls. The message has not changed but young people and old are dying in the church because the church is afraid to embrace change. To embrace a fresh anointing. You can't have a church on every corner and crack houses on the same block but yet the crack house is turning out more souls than the church. This is just my personal oppinion but, what some churches have tried and failed to reach let someone or something else that's more effective serve its purpose.
Wow, Bro Lewis I am working on a four part analysis of this upcoming conference by King Jakes for GCM Watch. And as I was reading you used a specific phrase that the Holy Spirit had given to me to write about. I will tell you that confirmation is of God.
Watchman, dont you dare come down off the wall! Cry aloud and spare not show this whorish church of America and her adulterous leaders their sins and transgressions.
it's been 5 years since i saw "exodus out of egypt" and i tried to warn (church)people about the affects of hip-hop.but almost nobody wanted to listen.sad thing is that the most resistence i experienced was from curch folks.
now i live in europe (netherlands) and it's so anoying to see (black) taking everything from usa church,and (gospel)music and think it's all good.they don't even check what's going on in the states.i wish g craig came to amsterdam and set things straight, cause i don't know how to.i just pray to God to have mercy on us
Thank you
Praise God for this post, it is totally on point. In these times the true church must step up and be bold to take on the evil works of the antichrist. We are truly at war. May God continue to bless Exministries.
wouaahh!!!what can I say?God is opening my eyes!God save your people!!save our hearts.We need you Jesus!
Bro. Craig Lewis.I,ve been following your amazing ministry for a while about the truth about hip hop.God has really given you some divine insight concerning hip hop.I listened to hip hop as a teenager and know the things you talk about has to be from God but at the time was blinded by the beats and sounds which draw you in and it really takes God to deliver you.You have a very special ministry and I will join you all in praying to bring the devils kingdom down concerning this music which is destroying our youth.
I'm not following Tonya. Are we supposed to embrace change by allowing change to transform us into something which we are not? We are born of an incorruptible seed of David and if that is true, why are we not influencing the world to be like us and rather have the us be like world. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.......error is error and must be exposed.
I was brought up in a black baptist church and then moved to a non-denominational church years later, also a black church. I have seen so much corruption and blatant sinfulness in the pulpit and behind the scenes that it has turned me off of the black church. I switched my family to a predominately white church, so we wouldn't have to deal with those distractions, but every church has issues. I was to the point to where I didn't want to go to church because worldly people seem more real at times! You are right, we need to pray and I pray especially that during this time that the youth are protected from these demonic spiritual influences and have a hunger for the truth of God's word and not just what comes from the lips of a superstar preacher.
I have been following your teachings for over 3 years now. you have always been right on point and have warned of things to come, that i can now say, have come to pass. Just as Gods word said it would. thank you for being obedient. Watching and listening to your teachings have made me go and check the word seeking for myself, THE TRUTH.. Thanks again for all you do for the people of God
Pastor, these people have replaced the Holy Spirit with the money spirit, the voice of God, with the voice of Ra the Egyptian sun god. And who is lurking in the shadows stuffing their belly with the funding of such nonsense, the banksters aka the devil and his followers. You hit it right on the head, these are foolish carnal let's find ways to fill our church building so we can get paid, idol worshipping adulterers, with lust in their hearts and the youth as their target with no prayer life and missing parental guidance. I refuse to believe anything less. The money changers see the Temple of God as a market and refused to turnaway!
I hear you Pastor and thank you for the eye opening and God bless you more so you can bless us more
We need more of the truth preach Pastor preach
God bless you Bro Lewis, I am yet praying for you and your ministry. Excellent post! We must pray...correction we must fast and pray for the leaders in the body of Christ.
You are so right Bro. Lewis is is NOT PLEASED!!! I AM PRAYING FOR GRACE AND MERCY!!
lESLEY from New Jersey
Finally some said it for all to hear. Thanks Pastor Lewis. I actually stopped going to church for this reason and more. I saw my Pastor gear towards things that made money and it seemed all the preachers were trying to out due eachother. With flock, buildings or radical so called praise. I'm still a believer in The Most High and I've chosen to follow Him and his son Yahoshua. I literally had to rid myself of most of this Christian garbage. To say it plainly it is full of paganism and catholism. There are some men that are called by the Most High Yah, but it doesn't seem to be the ones on Tv, Tbn. Gospel stations or in books. They could be holding a worship service or bible season in their garage. I'm so over big church business. Shalom to you for bringing some of this truth. And there is so much more...
These guys are strategical and cerebral in their approach to captivate us youth, especially in the church. I will stand against the wiles of the devil and the schemes of men. I won't take no part in this foolishness. I am on the offensive... on the front line fighting this battle.
Pastor Lewis, There are many people out here in the United States, who are praying and seeking God, regarding the deception and lack of preaching holiness. We do speak out in various forms of media. I am thankful to read your blogs, and the research you put into the message---before releasing it. When I read your blogs, I think of John the Baptist, Jeremiah, and other prophets---continue to preach holiness, continue to preach the truth. Right continues to be right, no matter who tries to personify it as wrong. When Jesus returns-- you did what you could to warn. It is my prayer that people eyes, ears be open to see and hear the devilment they are allowing in their homes, churches, soul.
I will be praying for your continued strength.
G craig lewis, I have followed u since 2007. and every since then, i have totally renounced hip-hop
i cant stand it.... now i am a dj
and producer,and i get flack from
a lot of people saying this and saying that! (i dont care!) i wanna
I thank God for showing me the light on Bishop Jakes back in 97'. Manpower used to be a powerful aspect of men getting together and worshipping God then He saw the money he could make and started Pimping God and His people for profit1
Hi, G Craige Lewis, I do attend New Life Covenant Church however I have not worshipped there lately in the past month n a half. For the most part the pastor there is a good pastor... Unfortunately, there are somethings he may say that I do not agree with because I do listen to your(Ex- Ministries) dvd's and sometimes it just does not line up to that. There are topics that he really does not touch on, that I feel like he should. I am 21 years old and I do not want to be strayed away from God's true word. Russel Simmons did attend the New Life Covenant Church for an interview, but I did not attend. I have not looked at the footage of the interview either so I do not know what was said.When I heard that Russel was going to be a guest I was shocked and confused. I remember you had him in your dvd. Then I began to ask myself okay so is it okay for Russel to be interviewed at the church?....... I have alot more to say....But I have to get ready and go to class, so I will comment again later......
The information is great! My question is, what's the difference between holy hip hop and christian rap? Where in the bible does it show that rap ushered in the presence of God. Isn't this what its all about? Where is the anointing. In rapping? To me their both the same, just one has on a suit and tie and the other baby phat with a grill! We need to seek the old path a,d when we find it walk there in. There is a way that seemth right but the end of that thing is death. What's going on with the church? Somethings wrong! Love you all. What does God say about all of this?
Hi Pastor Lewis. I am a man from France and i want to encourage you by saying that several Pastors or Leaders are fighting for the truth like you are and even quote you in their teachings as how determined to stand for Christ we should be no matter what. Many (like me) have improved their English because of you and a friend of mine even translate your messages in French on youtube. Keep on serving the Lord Jesus-Christ by announcing the Truth and exposing the devil, illuminatis, false prophet agenda... and stay ferm my brother.
Brother Craig,
Greetings and blessings from East NY in Brooklyn, NY! I want to say that your words resonate throughout our hearts because YOU SPEAK THE WORD of GOD!! We need more pastors like you to preach in our STREETS! The battle lines have been drawn. Our pastors out here have failed the people. They all drive in the cars to church on Sunday and arent seen the rest of the week outside the church building! Keep exposing evil brother and thanks for speaking the truth in love. We pray for your continual protection and may we see you in the NEW JERUSELEM! Hail King JESUS!!
Thank God for the truth being revealed, hip hop anything hurts my ears. Keep putting out the truth God is pleased!
the things that are going on in the church today are truly disgusting. the world laughs at the church because we have no true position. but God is raising up a people that will speak the truth of His Word, and not love the things of this world. deception is at an all time high, but pastors like Pastor Lewis let us know that all our not lost. this is not new to God, and it should not be new to us. God is calling for us to be sold out for Him. push all idols aside and give yourself to Him.
@DJ Driftwood-To answer the question you asked Craig Lewis, the answer is yes! I am one of them, I am a gospel rap artist who is spreading the truth about hip-hop in my area, Saginaw county in Michigan. And I understand it clearly as day. I don't (but I do) understand why it seems to be so unseen or misunderstood by everyone. Yeah I do, but inorder for change to take place the truth must first be embraced. I'm going to seek to please God no matter what, even if the majority don't agrre with me. If God is for me, than who? can be against me! Peace and love in Jesus name from bro. Corey Pritchett. Totally unashamed!
God Bless you man of God! May God continue to give you more insight and protect you and your family in Jesus name Amen.
Are you kidding me.. What is KRS doing? G Craige, I am so thankful for you really digging in and educating us with what these people are doing and saying. This is a tragedy. TBHH6 was amazing and you know what, your truth is standing firm world-wide. The enemy is busy but like you said in TBHH6, you're here to bust it up. Amen~!! You are strong here in Florida and we are supporting you with everything your truth is standing for. I love you man, keep bringing truth because the truth will prevail. We are so blessed to have a true Pastor delivering the word everyday with your daily devotionals and with your videos and True Church Perspective. Readers, if you are not on the daily devotionals, this is food you need in conjunction with everyday reading of the Bible. Pastor give life changing experiences and God is really using Pastor Craige. Love you man, we need to stay away from all this Hollywish foolishness. Amen.. Blessings to you Pastor.
I am truly grateful to the Lord for the ministry of Minister Lewis. The exposure and uncovering time is here & the truth of the Word of the Lord will prevail above satan and his demonic kingdom. We have to stand & choose who's side we are on & walk there in. Bless you EX Ministries & the Lewis Family. Thank you for submitting to be a vessel in which truth flows.
I notice the conferences are all at the potters house - not the arenas now. mmmm something to think about! What happens if a person really want to be there a d have NO money? Do they get shift/shaft
PRAISE GOD! Bro.Craige I have learned alot from listening to you. it is somtimes scary because the more I learn I have to walk in it. but I thank GOD for sending ppl like you to get his WORD! across with BOLDNESS! I havent grew up in the church but I found my church home in 2007 and I go til this day. My pastor she teaches holiness as well. I will fight for my pastor,you, and many others who stand for CHRIST in this day. HALLIUJAH! "GLORY IN THE CHURCH"!
Wonderful article, I have been touched by the message, the truth behind hip hop. I tell all who would listen and show the dvd series to friends and family. I have witness people lives being saved with this messages. You have truley been a blessing in my home. I have listened and reseached like you said. Alot of people dont want to hear about you denoucncing thier idols, even in the church. I have found you to be a true and faithful man of God. Because of you I chose gospel artist I listen to very wisely by checking who is writing and producing their music before I buy. I thank God for the truth that sets you free. Amen!
Rev. craige I have all of your "truth behind hip hop" dvds and I TRULY believe there us an evil agenda behind the music we listen to!! I've deleted every worldly song in my phone and my spiritual life has been so much better and peaceful-I THANK GOD FOR U AND YOUR MESSAGE!!
and I believe the antichrist agenda can be destroyed if the body of christ comes together and take a stand against darkness in music and the pulpit!
Thank you once again for another eye opener. Often times I find myself praying for the same things, but it is very clear that there is so much more to pray for. That video was straight up foolish,but it upsets me as well to see how people are so blinded and are being lead by the darkness of this world.
I thank God for your commitment to true holiness and your strength to speak out against the spiritual/natural adulterers and adultresses of our day. James 4:4 lets us know that being friends with the world makes us the enemy of God! The devil is the god (small g) of the world's system and idealology and is masterful in blinding the minds of believers enticed by his carnal entrapments(II Cor.4:3,4). A little leaven truly leavens the whole lump, and when darkness and light are mixed, the light will invariably become defiled (I Cor. 15:33). Be encouraged my dear brother; you are truly highly regarded by any believer "Full of the HOLY GHOST". The least of all Elders, Gabriel
Praise God Pastor Craig,
It is amazing how SO many pastors are defiling the temple of God! Scripture is TRUE~everything one does in the dark will be revealed by the light. I will join in every Tuesday and Thursday at 5am for God to move by bringing Satan's plan for the church to the light. I was sharing with family members not to long ago about the importance of "lay Christians" really examining their leaders within their church. Many lay Christians are "wandering sheep", only following because they do not know where to go and are "MAN-PLEASERS"! Let God continue to use you as His instrument in exposing the Truth behind Hip Hop~mixing the HOLY with the PROFANE.
God Bless you:-)
What's the connection to "Not Easily Broken"?
wonderful article and thankx G. that you make us alert of these things. May God keep and protect you.
I just read this and I am praying on the wall with the 5am prayer. Could it be Jakes is a mason?
Thank God for your Holy Boldness Pastor Lewis! I encourage you to continue to be a willing vessel to expose the enemy. He wants our youth so he can kill, steal, and destroy the future God has ordained for their lives. I will be praying for you and with you and your ministry every Tuesday and Thursday. May God continue to Bless you. Evangelist Regina
Hi, we here in Brazil love the true church perspective podcast.
I want to congratulate you for the corage to expose these pastors and bishops and to keep faithful to God's Word.
We need to find the old path and walk there in.... The devil uses his main tool which is deception and music to divert the truth from going forth. But people would rather it be that way these days. Let's bring back the old way and walk the walk!
Thanks for the truth, Pastor G. Craige. Personally, I've had it with "christian celebrity" and have been that way since about 2005. Somehow, it just stopped appealing to me. I used to buy the "latest and the greatest" in gospel music and videos and also the spoken word; but have limited my purchases and time to listening to and watching authentic and sound teaching and worship music; and that doesn't come around that much these days as far as I am concerned.
Keep on telling the truth in love and true conviction; I appreciate it and respect the Christ in your life.
I was trying to confront a pastor with TD Jakes' behaviour, but he immediately admonished me by asking me if I know how many people got saved through this so-called bishop. He didn't want to here anything negative about TDJakes. I pray that just as the Lord opened my eyes for the truth by using br Lewis, He will do the same for all the christians in Suriname who are still worshipping TD Jakes, because he's such an influential speaker. My eyes are opened wider now. Lord, help us to keep praying.......Jesus is coming soon. God bless your br. Lewis and Ex-Ministries. I plead the blood of Jesus over you, your family and your Ministry. From Cornelly/in Suriname/South America
The bible tells us, "the people perish because of the lack of knowledge". Lord I truly thank you for TRUTH! And how you raised up this man of God (Eld. Lewis)for such a time as these, to reveal truth with power and the anoiting. You continue to be in my prayers.
Jackie Sturgis,Boston Mass
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
I peter 4:17
thank you so much.can you please tell me about the three angels message,and when the true sabbath is?c.s.
I'm looking at the "fruit " these "Men of God" are producing and yet none of it are benefiting the kingdom instead their pockets. Its a sad day! Its time they all be exposed for as you would say "pimping God". Smh. Continue to Follow Christ as I follow your teachings and ministry. God bless and Keep 'em coming.
Hey! Thank you for being so BOLD! I appreciate that because it confirms to me that I need to be confident that what God tells me and what I know about the word is right and what others say doesn't matter. Lots of Christians think you are too deep but I totally respect and thank God for you...may God give you the strength to go on in Jesus name...
This man G Craig Lewis is a Prophet. There is no denying it.
The true test of a Prophet is: Did what he said, come to pass???
In G Craig Lewis Case it coming to pass 200%!!! even more than he
even realised it.
I remember a friend of mine told me to watch the 1st DVD.
The amount of opposition i received not to watch it made me to
think that there must be real truth to what this man is saying.
Then i remembered the Prophet Jeremiah in the Bible and how he was
opposed because he brought a message from God that the people
did not want to here. I have watched DVD 1 to 5 and i have
study the scripture's on this matter. G Craig lewis ministry
is a ministry for this deceptive times we live in.
Keep on speaking the truth my Brother no matter how much some people
do not want to hear it.
We live in an "itching ears generation" (2 Tim 4:3) People want to hear want makes them
"feel Good" but that is not the Gospel of the Kingdom or "Sound Doctrine".
G Craig Lewis ministry is similar to the late "Edwin Louis Cole"
who spoke on "Maximized Manhood", they hit you between the eyes but you are
faced with a decision: Either Repent and allow Gods Grace to build
Christ-likeness in you or Reject the truth and continue in you false
sense of security.
Let us all remember that the "Word of God is Final Authority" !!!
G Craig Lewis God bless you for speaking the truth!
I knew once I came to Ex Ministries website, Minister Lewis would say what I was thinking. I recorded The Celebration of Gospel, and to my dismay, I couldn't get pass the first artist, Kirk Franklin of course! It was shameful. I deleted the rest. We are are in a world of trouble if the church continues with deaf ears.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRUE MESSAGE. My family have gone to several churches here in denton tx and we feel nothing no truth.When will you pass through denton area? It will be a blessing, I want my husband to get saved but who can i trust that is trully called, I trust that you can. I also have backslidden even though baptised twice,the second time when I understood as I grew in age. PLEASE SEND AND EMAIL.Tiahcia Govans
Keep spreading the TRUTH! Praying!!
TD Jakes, I never trusted that man, something about him always seems fouled to me, when you watch this guy preach you dont learn nothing from him, all he preaches about is some emotional messages to get the people all wild up and hyped up
What is it to gain the whole world and lose your soul. This is where we are at, many imposters are out there proclaiming they are saved but living a double life. I believe the word says that God would rather you be cold or hot and not luke warm. This is the problem we have to many luke warm ministers today afraid to stand on the word of God. I have news for them, the word says that it is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye then for a rich man to enter into heaven. So, guess what you ministers that seek fame and riches you need to be careful, your not exempt from this passage!
Amen. Good word..
amen amen amen!
you shall know them by their fruits.
Matthew 7:20
Interesting article, praying for the church:)
Preach sir. In season and out of season.
thank god for u pastor sad 2 see this happening in churches,so called pastors letting it happen!so much prayers against this1
First heard of you from, "I am so sick of hearing blacks call out the name of allah." Wonderful. What a relief to hear it this way.
In Arabic the word "abd", "abid" means both black and slave. Somebody tell this to Nation of Islam please.
The biggest genocide in the history of the mankind is still going on in this moment. There are 600,000 legally black slaves in Mauritania. After WWII Mauritania abolished slavery 3 times, which itself is a hypocrisy. Millions of black Christians and animists are being killed, pillaged, raped, mutilated NOW in Sudan; South Sudan, Darfur, East Sudan. The situation is the same throughout the "faultline" where Muslims and black Africa meet.
Btw, I am a white Albanian, and suffered literally the same exact fate (slavery, rape, castration, pillage) under bastard muslims for 5 centuries, legally ending in 1912, and in practice faltering sometime after WWII.
Muslims did the same as above to 80 million Hindus. Islam is the scourge of the human species.
Jesus is LORD! I know that most of you bretheren that post commenys here are american. I am all the way from Africa in a very small country called swaziland. I am a terstimony that GOD is at work through this ministry. I have been changed by the ministry but yet am so far and disconnected fron this ministry. If any of you want to help me spread this information here in southern Africa please email me on Jesus is Holy and I'm glad that G. Craige Lewis preaches that we ought to be the same.
Greetings in the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ex Ministries has truly blessed me. God is all over this one. About 7 years ago my god-mother, a prophet, spoke about TD Jakes. She said that at first he started out on the right path, but that he strayed away from it. Now and behold he is making ungodly movies and no longer has the anointing he once had. You cannot serve God and mammon. My god-mother also said, almost a decade ago that Michael Jackson would die of a drug overdose. I thank God or true people of his Word who walk in obedience. Remember, if you have a large following, you are in error. Most people like to believe lies. The fewer you following you, the more true you are. Most people don't like the truth. Wide and broad is the way for destruction and straight in the narrow is the path to life and FEW find it. God Bless You, your family, this ministry, and all the people reading this. May God pour his Spirit and reveal himself to those that truly seek and want him, wholeheartedly. Amen.
Hi G. Craige,
One minor correction regarding:
"Just like Kanye West, when he preached at Ebenezzar Baptist Church in Maryland." It was Ebenezer AME Church (Fort Washington, MD). I spoke with you on the phone when you called to talk to the pastors. Continue to be a watchman on the wall my brother. Christ's true church will hear the warnings. He that hath an ear let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Look up for our Redemption draweth nigh.
G Craige has devoted his life's work to exposing the plot of the enemy. When you know your enemy, the battle is that much easier to win.
let's study the word together!Visit my blog.
Now this is what am talking about... we as christ like people tend to be blinded my the money. i remember when this man called "T. D.Jakes" Came to tobago, i mean, they had treated him good, he stayed at the best and eat the best but unfortunatlely, he wanted the $1000 wine and he and his antorage, operated like if they were in a fest... all they just needed was the dancing. any way. am glad that Pastor G. C. Lewis, is like a jerimiah who stands in his youth, and minister the TRUTH, and root up , crush, destroy, mash up and BOOM UP the enemies "wana be" thrown room. THIS IS GOOD. As a youth Leader,I want the youths that the Lord have under me to be strongly aware of this HIP HOP MENTALITY, because we as Trinidadians LOVE TO BE COPY CATS!!! SAD TO SAY. Continue my bro your sister is on your side as an intersessor. BLESS
Yes we will PRAY!!
Our Pastor from the Island of Saipan is showing ur series of the truth behind hip hop and we "the youth groups" are getting together this may 1st 2011 to go out and out reach to our unsaved youth to invite them to watch "the truth behind hip hop-6" that our pastor got from our head leader in the island of Guam...this sat may 2nd we will be showing it for all may hear this to know it because the youths here are bound in hip hop and they dont know why they are the way they are...God bless you Pastor Craige Lewis!
AMEN! I thank you for always taking the time out to educate us because I really wouldn't have payed much attention to it. Sometimes Mr. Lewis, I get disheartened because it always seem to be negative news and it makes we want to just hide sometimes, but I know God has his reasons for what he does concerning his people. I am going to pray with you and others for the people of God.May Jesus keep us from changing into the likeness of this world.
AMEN! I thank you for always taking the time out to educate us because I really wouldn't have payed much attention to it. Sometimes Mr. Lewis, I get disheartened because it always seem to be negative news and it makes we want to just hide sometimes, but I know God has his reasons for what he does concerning his people. I am going to pray with you and others for the people of God.May Jesus keep us from changing into the likeness of this world.
Peter said: "I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: that you may be mindful of the words which have been spoken by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts (II Peter 3:1-3)."
Scoffers in sheeps clothing, in church pulpits are helping satan to usher in a spiritual famine of the word of God in our day and time, right now.
Satan is an expert at using a subtle approach to sneak his agenda into the hearts of Christians who are spiritually asleep.
And he is using the church today by getting to the leaders in the body of Christ. (This is why all Christians must have a prayer life. Especially the leaders in the body of Christ.
Satan is using the lust for the things of the world to get to the pastors in the church. Satan is using Hip Hop, and also the prosperity Gospel, which is another one of satan's biggest lures being using in the church to entice the body of Christ into a mindset of vanity (worthless), into thinking more like (the world) the unrighteous, and not into true righteousness.
Another thing, is that the divorce rate is higher with Christians, than with the unsaved. (Now saints, that is a wake-up call, along with many other backward ways that are happening in the body of Christ).
It’s happening because of the true Gospel not being preached in many churches, to prick the hearts of christians today, which will lead them into understanding the righteous actions and mindset (the character) of a real christian.
(John 9:4)—and with it will come "a famine… of the hearing of the word of the LORD."
(Amos 8:11) Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. ( A famine sent by God? Why would God do that? Could it be because the end is so near? And that God is testing the body of Christ to open their eyes, and we are to search our hearts to make sure that we are real and ready for his return.
Unless one is awakened to the truth by the revelation of God's Word, as was given to the church at Ephesus to awaken them, the famine in the land of hearing the words of the Lord will continue.
Is now not the time to spell out in black and white the evils that are attempting to outweigh the righteousness of mankind in the form of a perverted gospel? Is now not the time to take a stand for the truth of God's Word?
Thank God, for Pastor G.Craige Lewis, and other true men of God who have never stopped doing this, and must never stop until they go home to be with lord, or until Christ returns.
Only those who endure until the end will be saved. (sticking with the True Gospel of Jesus Christ).
This is well said!!! people should get convicted when they read this.. you do your thing pastor G.C.L!! This organisation is not alone, know that their are worriors that will stand in the gaps for this Truth filled org. Stay Bless
can't believe my eyes this is happening in the church.And we have some of these people as our mentors .when the devil wants to steal you away from the presence of God,he entices you exp.the youth with flashy things (outside) but poisonous (inside).Christianity today has taken two forms the (so call modern) style and (the ancient}style.back in the bible when leaders,prophets and the church pray for hours non-stop.but now we have forgone the old path which is the best.Intercession prayer is even missing in the church.Is about time Christians should know that we are not worshiping any modern God .the God we are serving is the ANCIENT GOD who knows best.Tnks for opening my eyes PS.Lewis.Blessed.Amen!!!
my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge."Because you have rejected knowledge, i also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, i also will ignore your children. the more the priests increased, the more they sinned against me; they exchanged their glory for something disgraceful.(Hosea 4:6-7)
Thank God for your words of truth, I agree with Ms. Landry, we the church of the Most High God Jesus Christ need to stand up against the lies of this world, which are being preached by carnal pastors and inforced by carnal saints. For the Word of God never changes, we have change.
Minister Craig, Keeping preaching the Word of God regardless of who it falls on.
TD Jakes belives the Oneness Pentecostal doctrine which denies the Trinity. So after that heresy none of this other garbage is a surprise.
He is not a brother in the Lord.
We must continue to pray and keep our children focussed on Jesus. I must admit though, it is extremely tough, everywhere you turn there is sexual content, lust and sin. We have to hide in the arms of Jesus so we can be sheltered and protected from these things.
Thank you Pastor Lewis for your eyes beginning open, your ears willing to hear and a heart ready to receive and say "Thus saith the Lord" through His powerful Word. As another writer said, "Thank God someone is teaching the truth" We see and hear the Word of God being taught but see things done contrary. What happen to Holiness, Righteousness, Godliness, purity? Yes! we must pray and keep on praying.
Keep speaking the truth....many will not like it but I would rather hear the truth than ear tickling preaching.I listened to TD Jakes in the past and as time progressed he began to preach less and motivate more. He was invited some years ago to a conference I attended, people were excited that he was coming to preach at this event in the UK but God stepped in...there was an unknown preacher also called to bring the word that weekend and God used this man for TD Jakes everyone I spoke to said what he said was OK but there was something missing they were expecting more to say he wont be invited back especially as he commands to be put in the most expensive hotels and has to cut a deal before he will consider leaving the US despite his millions for most of these preachers its all about money and fame..someone called it hollywood spirit well that spirit is well and trully rooted in the church world wide and its time we refused to tolerate it any longer.
I thank God for your ministry.
Thank you for being obedient and publishing the truth about these lies our children are being fed...Keep preaching the truth, because it will set us free.
To God be the Glory!
Sacramento, CA
Thank you obedience Pastor G. Craig Lewis for standing for truth!!
To God be the Glory!
Every time i read this particular blog heart gets sick .I love Father God and The Lord Jesus with my whole heart .TD Jakes is a witch as they all are. Money is the name of his game and that is true for all of the so called pastors who call him their spiritual father instead of Jesus . It is what it is Pastor Lewis .Kirk Franklin is just as abominable as he can be and he knows exactly what he is doing .A true servant of Jehovah is to afraid of the Almighty God to mislead His children .We have already
read Jeremiah 23 and we know Father God Jehovah means what He says .But these mega pastors have no heart because they have no soul. The reason why they do what they do is to serve satan who is their god.Its just that simple .But we as Christians have got to know that our God is in control and is allowing us to see the enemy very clearly for a reason . We are not the scum of the earth but the salt .We have been comfotable for far to long as Christians waiting on someone else to speak up for us . Jesus said that if we deny Him ...He will deny us . The day will come where we will be hunted like animals and killed for our faith in God .Open your eyes Body of Christ..those days come swiftly.
I would like to share some of your blog posts...please enable sharing on other sites. Thanks and bless u.
I think I am in love with brother pastor G Craig for some lovely reasons. This man knows what he is talking about and I am not alone :D I am glad that I can be around people right now.. But there is something that is still haunting me. I wish to talk to you. . Because I am spiritual, and I know that you have this special thing to understand the mother earth. Before I could hear whispers in my right ear... I could see my own strong energy floating around in the eye´s illusion. I have been with a friend, that I had no idea of that would ruin and change my life forever.. Before long ago before when I came down to earth, I met a man who would be on my side. I thank God for that. However, my karma is about giving. I just need to know how I am suppose to give them all the time, my energy, my words, my emotions etc. I just have to be friend with it. Everyday I am tired, I am sleeping alot. ALOT.. and more, because there is something that is invisible which is disturbing me. This girl must let her past go, and her friend.. I wish I could end peace with them, I wish they could understand why they have parents ya feel me? Man.. this world´s people.. I wish I never came here. G Craig I hope you read this because you are someone I need in my life too :) we need more people like these, hand in hand together.
"Silence his effeminate lisp in your spirit!" Best line of the article LOL. But very well said. I agree with this 110%.
Thanks 4 ur prayers Elder G.Craige. We r her n North Carolina, praying with u. This must stop n r churches...Jesus is coming soon and we must prepare the bride 4 his soon return! please continue 2 keep the body of Christ posted, on satin's agenda against the church. U truly r a modern day John the Baptist, who is preparing us 4 Christ return. Thank u 4 loving God's church
This hip hop story is becoming rampant here in Uganda,
most of the full gospel churches and protestant churches
have adopted that culture of cinemaplex in churches
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