1 Thessolonians 4:1 Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.
We know by the change in the spiritual climate of America that our time here is growing short and the Lord's return is drawing near. So, why then are so many Sunday sermons more about Barack than THE ROCK? Why are preachers more concerned about the black cause than the sin clause? Well, it's the sign of the times people. Wake up and smell the coffee! The devil has planted selfish, compromising, wolves over the sheep in many of our churches and now, because we are in a time of financial crisis, their empires are threatened, so they must turn to tricks and gimmicks to keep the doors open. You see, when you build big monumental buildings based on attendance and not on God's plan, then when money gets tight, these churches have to conjure up ways to keep people coming and paying. Instead of our churches keeping things in God's perspective, they have followed the leading of men with selfish motives that led them to build when they should not have, and have so called "faith" that God would fill the buildings up. Well, church attendance is down all over the country and millions are now skipping church services because they are just not getting answers from the pulpit that they are seeking. Folks are tired of hearing from pastors that cannot control their own houses and children. Folks are tired of giving to a spiritual money pit that only prospers the leader. People are tired of hearing about Obama and giving so much so, that church attendance is down to it's lowest point in history! Sure there are many preachers still preaching the true Gospel of Jesus, but there are many that have become jokers in their own sanctuaries. Though Black America is excited to have a black president, to use his popularity to appease people and coax them into coming and giving to your services makes a mockery of God's power and Spirit. It's hard to even turn on a black preacher's television or radio broadcast without hearing them use the president as a tool for gain. What a shame!

You see, we can talk all day about salvation and what it means, but until we pull the plug on these gimmicks and Sunday morning schemes to get members and money, we will not experience God in our midst. Aren't you tired of wishy washy sermons about sex and money every weekend? Aren't you tired of preachers and pastors following the mood of the people instead of the voice of God? Barack Obama is our president, but he is not our savior. Jesus is and should be the focus of every service and every sermon! God is not pleased that we have made worldly politics and church politics our focus. We need to refocus! We cannot allow tough times to bring fear into our minds and hearts. And we definitely cannot allow the large buildings and high dollar payrolls of the mega churches to dictate what will be preached from the pulpit.

People of God, hear G. Craige Lewis right now! We must please God! We must not seek our own anymore. We must seek him in this last hour. Pastors, preachers, ministers, leaders, parents, it's time to make God happy! He is angry and this offering driven mentality is not making a difference. Stop preaching about Barack Obama and the miracle of him winning the election.

Like the prodigal son returned after his folly, so should we all, in this time, return to God on bended knees, asking for forgiveness, and turning from our wicked ways. Only then will we begin to see a difference. Let's get it right people of God. Leaders, let's lead with God's authority. Parents, let's strive to be examples and mentors to our children. Ministers, let's put our personal agendas away and do what needs to be done according to God's plan. Let's get it together before He returns and please him at all costs. We will then see the true heart of God and be blessed as a people.
Prov. 16:8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.
Rom. 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Gal. 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Heb. 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Until He returns,
G. Craige Lewis